The tavner family, the end result of our on going D&D campaign. Our bard Alphonse and my secondary Character Loth will be merried one day and... thanks to them both being half-bloods... that makes somehow a child possible. (Thanks to our DM)
Rose(mary) Tavner is a very rare outcome (quarter Orc, Quarter Elf, and half human) and as surprising this child is... hey both love the little one! Looking forward to see her grow up... will she follow her fathers footsteps and become a great bard, will she become a member of the clan he origins from... will she be like her mother a seductress and famous courtesan?! Who knows.... we hope for a second campaigne as soon we finished the current one! *freaks out
Loth Anarore belongs to ME Alphonse and Rose(mary) Tavner belong to pitch-black-crow (FA/Twitter)
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