So, I'm opening commissions once again c':
Not so much because I'm thriving with free time (though things have been quite chill at work lately), but because I'm needing an extra push to make ends meet a little more comfy.
About illustrations: As stated in the image, the cost depends on the complexity of the scene (composition, amount of characters and elements on view, how difficult to draw a character is, etc). Now, backgrounds are still a weak point of mine, even if I have been studying and practicing them a lot, so if you want a complex/detailed background, It will take me more time to finish the piece and thus, I ask you patience if you want a good result c':
About Character Design: In one hand I'm offering not only to make a reference page, but to help in the process of creating a character from scratch. Scouting references, proposing a personality and background, iterating shapes and colors, etc. Of course the price will vary depending on the amount of work it requires.
On the other hand I can do front, side and back views of a character, maintaining proportions and detail positions so you only need to load them as references in you 3d modeling software of preference and start modeling.
About doodle pages: The cost it will always depend on how dense you want the page, but I'm quite flexible with it. It can be doodles of different characters, it's not necessary to keep it monotheme XD
If I like the character and/or the ideas, I might drop a couple of extra doodles out of my own inspiration as a bonus, but I'm not doing any promises.
About Comics: The cost of each page varies not only by the complexity but also on the solidity of the idea. If I have to plan and design every aspect of the page, it's going to cost more. I'm willing to give special prices if the story requires more than 10 pages. Finally, if you have an idea and want a script, I can do it as well.
About Stickers: These are pretty straight forward, prices will vary depending on the complexity of the character/characters and of course, I can make special prices for packs of more than five.
Si sos Argento y pinta comi, pero el precio en lechugas no suena tentador, mandame un MP y vemos de arreglar un numero mas apto en peronios. Lo arreglamos por mercadopago y de paso me ahorro el dolor de cabeza de tener que andar buscando formas de esquivar a la Afip cuando saco la guita de Paypal (?
4 months, 4 weeks ago
09 Oct 2024 22:23 CEST
Initial: 1fdc3889f75365d31dd829d050b2e762
Full Size: b1d349d3db34731deba0a0a1da0202d3
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2 favorites