Re-uploading the stuff Rawr/Arin had done for me over the years. This will be a long ongoing process while l I upload other stuff in between. Done in between January and March 2013. This is one of the very few prototypes of the EricSkunk that would become my new (at the time) BaconSkunk version. EricSkunk v1.0 was around from 1997-march 2013.
“Stupid... Useless. paw things!" *grabs and flails to get his beloved can of Mountain Dew!*
Heh. Fun commission by Rawr of an old character I decided to recently dust off and bring back and update. I still got to figure out colors and stripe patterns and all that junk before I get him drawn again, but sooner than later that will happen. Needed to have a character that I didn't care about if what i wanted drawn would be in-character to Kendall or Kain or not. And because skunks.”