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"Justice will be done"
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DainenDog's Gallery (361)

The Photoshoot - Spares

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Meet Terry the Giraffe - Part 1
Last in pool
The Photoshoot - Part 1
Last in pool
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The story you will see below was created and written by FuruitSmoothie. Do yourself a favor and go watch him right now!

The Photoshoot - Spares

As Kolle’s friends and peers made their way past him into the school changing rooms, the teenage cheetah waited patiently in the swimming pool lobby to speak with his teacher before class. Ms. Jetsam was a fairly stern otter around twice his age who had a reputation for tolerating no nonsense during her physical education lessons. In his years attending the school, Kolle had so far managed to avoid crossing her himself, but his fellow classmates were always telling tales about some cruel punishment she’d inflicted on an unfortunate student for misbehavior. As ever with these things, there was likely little truth to the whispers, as the stories always began “someone else told me.” Still, Kolle had kept his head down, but today his luck had run out.

It had been a very strange morning. He had been thinking about what happened all day, unable to focus on his classes. First his incident during the night, followed by strange and intense fantasies in the shower, and then the ultimate humiliation that came with his own mom discovering the sticky remnants of his wet dream that he’d forgotten to hide before leaving his bedroom.

Kolle had not said one word to her when he came downstairs afterwards. It was a school day, so hiding in his room wasn’t an option. He had even considered jumping out the window briefly. Instead, he dressed quickly, then waited to hear her bring the dirty laundry out to the garage before darting downstairs, grabbing a breakfast bar from the cupboard, then sprinting out the front door before she could intercept him. As he stepped out onto the street, he had heard her calling after him, wishing him a good day. Unfortunately, in his eagerness to avoid “the talk,” he had forgotten to pack his new swimming trunks that he’d gotten from the modeling agency at the weekend.

Kolle was very lucky to attend a school that had a pool constructed on the premises. Swimming lessons had been a regular fixture on his weekly schedule every year he’d attended. It was a grand old building that dated back almost a century. He’d heard that at least a few notable swimmers had been taught there, albeit many years ago. Nowadays the facilities were pretty old-fashioned, most evident in the wood paneling throughout the lobby, the cramped communal changing room, and the showers, which barely functioned. There was no money to build a new pool, but it still served its purpose for now.

The longer Kolle waited without sign of Ms. Jetsam, the more he began to fear the confrontation. The eery silence in the corridor he was standing in made him feel uncomfortable, so instead he decided to walk through the gallery door into the actual pool room and wait there. The minutes passed, and a few students began to emerge from the changing room to sit on the stone steps, waiting for the lesson to begin. Some of his friends were smirking up at him, understanding that there was only one reason why he would be still in his uniform.

A short time later, the otter sauntered through from the office area just as the last of the students were taking their places. She was wearing a one-piece suit, but with a loose-fitting top and shorts over the formfitting swimwear for the sake of propriety. The woman immediately clocked Kolle standing there fully clothed, and her face tightened into a scowl. The rest of the class turned to watch as she crossed her arms and stormed over. The cheetah gulped.

" “Kolle. Is there a problem? Why are you not dressed?” She asked curtly.
“Sorry, Ms. Jetsam, but I haven’t got my kit with me. I forgot to pack my trunks this morning.”

Kolle’s meek reply was like a rag to a bull. “And so were you planning to go swimming in your uniform, or did you think you could just sit this one out altogether?” A couple of the other students couldn’t help but chuckle at his misfortune. He swallowed hard again.

" “Umm… is there a spare I can use?”
“If it was your intention to borrow some clothes, why did you wait until the class had already begun to ask me instead of coming here earlier in the day?” Again, Kolle heard chuckles. He had no answer. The otter sighed exasperatedly. “Come with me; we’ll find something.” She took him by the arm and marched him back over to the offices. Turning to the class, she called out, “No one is to enter the pool until I return,” then the two of them disappeared from their view.

Kolle couldn’t help but look around with intrigue as he followed his teacher down the corridor normally restricted to staff use only. On the walls were a few plaques and even a small trophy. Around them were some newspaper clippings pinned to notice boards, celebrating some past success. Some of them were very old. His eyes caught a glimpse of a black-and-white picture that showed a row of boys lined up along the edge of what he presumed was his pool, sans any trunks. Kolle gave a silent prayer of thanks that he wasn’t attending school in those days. The communal changing room was bad enough with just other students his age.

He followed Ms. Jetsam into her office, coming to a halt in the doorway as she walked over to a corner and pulled out a box of old swimwear, accumulated over many years from items either abandoned or forgotten. She opened it and began sifting through the rather unpleasant-smelling clothes. “I don’t know if we’ve got anything your size, but you’ll just have to make do with whatever I give you today,” she said without turning to look at him. The first two pairs the otter withdrew were plainly far too large and far too small, so she kept searching.

Kolle’s heart stopped dead when she pulled out a girl’s swimsuit. Every fur on his body stood on end as he realized what was about to happen. All those rumors about Ms. Jetsam’s cruel punishments came flooding back to him. She was going to force him to go out in front of the whole class, crossdressing as a girl. He imagined himself standing before them in the tight black one-piece as they laughed uproariously at the sight. A sense of shame that had become distressingly common in Kolle’s recent life again descended on him. But then she opened another box of spares that he quickly realized contained only girls’s outfits. Without even glancing at him, she stuffed the garment inside before closing it up again. The cheetah let out a shaky breath.

" “Ah. These will do. Probably a bit too small for you, but they’ll stretch.” She withdrew her hand from the box and stood to hand the scrunched-up item to him. Kolle pinched a corner and shook them out, then his eyes went wide when he realized she’d given him a pair of speedos.
“W-what? I c-can’t wear these,” he pleaded.
“What’s the problem?” she asked impatiently.
“They’re... well, is there nothing else I can borrow instead?” He took a step towards the box, but the otter moved to block his path.
“I’m not going to stand here while you waste time going through every item in that box to find a color that you like. In the old days, they’d make you swim with nothing at all, if that’s what you’d prefer. That used to be the norm for all male students.”
“What? You can’t!” Kolle’s jaw dropped open.
“Can’t I? Maybe not today, but if you’re going to make forgetting you kit a regular occurrence, I might be tempted to write to your mother and ask for a special dispensation in your case.” Kolle looked back in horror, clutching the speedos to his crotch as if her words alone had just stripped him bare. “Now hurry up and put them on.” Reluctantly, he turned and walked towards the door. “Where do you think you’re going?”
He stopped and looked back over his shoulder. “Uh… to get changed.”
“We don’t have time for you to trudge all the way down to the changing room to try them on, only to find they’re too small. You are holding up the entire class with this nonsense. Put them on here.”

Kolle considered his options. The otter remained standing rigidly in place, giving no indication that she was about to leave for him to undress. The cheetah’s head sunk into his shoulders, withering under her gaze. He lifted the speedos up in front of him to take one last look at them, then let his arms drop back to his sides as he accepted his fate.

Keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the floor, Kolle began by loosening his school tie and then unbuttoning his shirt. He shrugged it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Even though under normal circumstances he would have walked around the pool in only his trunks without sparing a thought for his teacher seeing his chest, something about the two of them alone in this small office made him feel very uncomfortable about it. His belt came off next, then he undid the clasp around his tail and unzipped his fly. He let his school trousers fall to the floor and stepped out of them.

Now standing only in his underwear, he peered shyly up at Ms. Jetsam, who had not taken her eyes off him the whole time. She stared back expectantly. Summoning his courage, Kolle opened his mouth to speak, daring to hope that she would at least step out for this last part. The moment he said one word, she interrupted him, obviously well aware of how much her presence was troubling him.

" “I’m not leaving you alone in this office filled with confidential school files. Now come on. Strip.”

The boy almost choked on his embarrassment as he timidly turned his back to her and took hold of his boxers. Keeping his legs tightly locked together and his tail arrow straight down to the ground, Kolle shimmied his underwear down his skinny legs, sticking his butt out towards his teacher in the process. When they passed his knees, he cupped one paw around his privates, then reached down to untangle the shorts from around his feet.

After awkwardly fumbling with the speedos for a few seconds, he bent over to use both arms. His attempt to pull them on without lifting a leg resulted in him nearly losing his balance and falling forward. Kolle had to throw out his paws to brace against the wall in order to prevent himself from tumbling to the floor. He glanced back over his shoulder and caught her peeking between his legs, for the first time witnessing the vaguest hint of a smile cross her face. Reaching down again, he brought his foot up properly, momentarily giving his sports teacher a clearer view of his balls hanging beneath him. His other leg followed suit, and then he yanked the swimwear up to cover his groin.

They barely did. The speedos hugged him tightly, a sensation that felt very unusual to Kolle. He was used to looser fitting shorts that gave his bits more freedom to move. He slipped a paw into them to readjust himself, already dreading how the rest of his class would react to his new outfit. Mercifully, nothing was outlined too explicitly.

“Do they fit alright? Turn around; let’s have a look.” Like a piece of meat on a spit, he did as he was told, and in that same way, it looked almost as if she was salivating at the sight of him. He stood still as she went to one knee in front of him. Hooking a claw under the elastic, she pulled the waistband towards herself but let it snap back into place before completely exposing the boy. Satisfied, she pushed herself back up onto her feet. “They’ll do for today. Now come on, you’ve wasted enough time.” Despite her words, her voice was a little softer than before.

As the two of them walked back towards the pool, and what Kolle strongly suspected would be his social doom, Ms. Jetsam spoke again. “I was serious about what I said earlier, by the way. Forget again, and I won’t hesitate to write a letter to your home. Make a habit of it, and you’ll be in the pool naked unless your mother protests the disciplinary action. It wasn’t so long ago that the rules on appropriate clothing changed that perhaps she still remembers a time when boys would bathe without swimsuits, so she might not find the punishment objectionable. Think about that.”

Kolle did think about that. He pictured himself standing there with nothing on, both on his own and alongside those other boys he’d seen in the old photograph. For reasons he couldn’t quite pin down, while the prospect of being naked in front of his classmates filled him with fear, it also sent a shiver of excitement down his spine. Either way, he was immensely thankful that at that moment he was still wearing something when he stepped back into the pool room to a chorus of laughs.

See more images like this here:
Meet Kolle by DainenDog
The Photoshoot - Part 1 by DainenDog
The Photoshoot - Spares by DainenDog

Ramzus request by DainenDog
Detonatoofficial request by DainenDog
LupineLurker avatar by DainenDog
pool: Requests

male 1,162,878, cub 265,337, cute 158,563, solo 102,630, young 63,848, male/solo 34,232, bulge 29,758, looking at viewer 28,357, sfw 27,379, ai generated 17,437, cheetah 15,374, embarrassed 14,190, shy 14,096, blue eyes 13,957, standing 9,750, pool 6,839, speedo 5,404, brown hair 4,160, young boy 4,038, story in description 1,524, small bulge 51
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 days, 5 hrs ago
Rating: General

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2 days, 4 hrs ago
2 days, 4 hrs ago
So cute
2 days, 3 hrs ago
Hope you guys enjoy the story. It’s been a tough week for poor Kolle.

Thank you once again
for making these pics.
2 days, 3 hrs ago
Thank you for this collab with you \(≧▽≦)/

We know these are difficult days for poor Kolle, but we love seeing his involuntary reactions, which makes me want to hug this little cheetah boy even more (* ^ ω ^)
2 days, 2 hrs ago
Poor Kolle. He keeps ending up in some very embarrassing situations. I suppose his loss is our gain, though. :P

This story has been fantastic and has been complimented with the most perfect images. Looking forward to more!
1 day, 15 hrs ago
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Maybe in November I can write another chapter as I’ve plenty of ideas. Those speedos might end up being the last thing Kolle gets to wear for a while.
2 days, 2 hrs ago
Cute, embarrassed spotty kitty!
Nice package though!
1 day, 21 hrs ago
Cute! XP
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