The last of 3 Christmas CGs I was working on throughout November and December. This one featuring Sarina Phantom. And this one has a bit of history behind it.
You see this was originally started last year (December 22, 2011). And it was for a pinup contest on one of the groups I joined. But I was only able to finish setting up the support lines/frame. As I barely got one of the 2011 Christmas CGs ( ) ( ) out on time. And by that point the last day for uploads was only two days away. In the end, I ended up droping it entirely.
Until November 23, 2012 when I took the Support lines and frames for it and basicly made an almost entirely new pic. However because of my skill level at the time, Sarina's breast are round like they use to be. Due to me using old support lines that I made in 2011. Still It turned out better then expected end. Not perfect but hey I'm not an artist anyway so... yeah.