After many years of procrastinating, Johara & Kyrell finally tied the knot and got married.
But other than that, not much has changed.
Mind you, they still let each other have fun with other people. Johara lets her BFFs/sisters, Rosa and Daysha, have sex with Kyrell. Kyrell lets Johara play with others.
As far as the wedding, both Johara & Kyrell chose to have a small private ceremony, with only their closest friends attending.
So yeah, now it's official. They are now a couple. But you can still have fun with them. Just know that those wedding rings are for real
Johara Mombasa & Kyrell Sulaiman are the intellectual property of GentlemanPlayer, and may not be used in any way, shape, or form without my expressed written consent.
The above picture is the combined intellectual property of myself and KittyDee, however, Dee retains the original copyrights. It may not be modified or redistributed without their expressed written consent.