Here is my Black doom is in the royal hive mind and Wind and roses ( Boscage maze ) aus and is mentioned in other aus ( however i did him more dragon like / hedgehog for the au )
Eclipse and the 4 black arms / wisps hybrids are in the royal hive mind au only to set up the differences in the au is added in!
Wind and roses ( Boscage maze :
Much like his counterpart in the games he is a ruler of his own colony of black arms he is ruthless, sadistic, manipulative, and power-hungry tyrant ( had to find his personality from his bio ) and is highly dangerous much in the past during shadow the hedgehog game event he manipulates shadow to join him to rule the world and enslave the humans ( more like eat them no joke ) but it backfires on him and was so postly killed ? by his own offspring Shadow.
Due to that some people sees shadow as evil creature that need to be killed on sight and have to be captured and put into state of a forever sleep but after he saved the world from the black arm invasion by using the comet to kill off his evil father
Tba soon to be added : ( ….… until the …. Events of sonic x shadow generation he somehow managed to return … )
Almost like the game black doom gives his egg to eggman’s grandpa to work on project shadow with his blood in order to make shadow. ( there no egg in the game of course i just added that in my aus xD )
Royal hive mind :
he the king of his colony and is higly repected and is more calmer unlike his game version ( but he is stric ) with his offspring ( yes he has many many offspring and shadow and esclipse is one of his many offspring. )
He can have eggs due to being a royal black arms blood mom / breeder ( that one is shows royalty think like ants and bees on gueen thing but with black arms aliens xD ) but unlike shadow and eclipse he only reproduce asexually which can explain why his offspring come in many different shapes and sizes even appearances ( yet some like venus and vasper are not related to him aside from living in the black comet )
shadow is the only one that didnt became like his sibblings due to being a hybrid and was bio engineer by eggman’s grandfather and black doom wanted a very stroung offspring that will take over the throne one day.
as for eclipse ( he a brood mom black arms a rare thing to know ) he trys to take the throne for himself but failed miserably by his elder brother shadow
Brood mom black arms are mostly female
Black arm males are breeders
( But yet it can be the opposite for them but its very rare and esclipse is one of them o: due to the fact he raised four hybrid babies himself. )
Both take care of the offspring but breeders are the ones that mostly look after the brood moms.
Royals on the other hand is always be a combination of both Black arms breeder and brood mom ( meaning they can get pregnant themselves and they can impregnate their partners at the same time! there a rare chance their mate can even lay a egg even if there not a egg laying animal! ( sonic managed to lay a egg due to getting stung by shadow! ) However black doom he gets offspring asexually he the only one that does it also there a rare chance that th) they wear jewelry to show off their rank and always seen wearing it. =D
( thing to know : however Vasper and Venus are not related in any shape of way but they are black arms speices they work for him )
Both aus : Black doom has a 3rd eye that is used for only observing and gives holograms images/ messages that eye isnt not for combat it is very very weak xD however it can produce illusions to trick foes and he does have his last boss form from shadow the hedgehog and in shadow generation ( but that’s tba for it for now )
Also all black arms can communicate by telepathy even hatchlings can communicate with their parents even if they don’t talk yet even when not hatched yet !
And thats that everyone =)
5 months, 1 week ago
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