Previously on Oranges to Grapes...
In order to gain access to Area Zero (and possibly have her Academy enrollment reinstated), Rosita brokers a deal with Chairwoman Geeta to have the domes removed from Paldea. Before that, however, Geeta announces a surprise visit to the Academy...
And so, no words were said as the chairwoman, her secretary, and their four guests walked their way towards the Academy on foot since it was a short ways away. As they climbed the tall stairway to the school's front gate, Rosita remembered how the last time went and felt a little ashamed of herself.
Chairwoman Geeta took notice of that and cave the caracal a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Rosita. The important thing is that this time shall be different because you won't start an arguement, right?"
"Right," Rosita said, feeling a little better.
Just then, the group reached the top of the stairway and approached the main gate... but this time, Rosita was able to walk through it, taking her further into the Academy's school grounds than she did before. The anticipation alone made her tail twitch with contained excitement, which Rika took notice of. "Feeling nervous?" she asked.
"A little," Rosita admitted. "Didn't think I'd get this far before... well, you know."
"Well, you're doing great so far," Rika reassured, "but the trip's not over yet. We still got a ways to go inside the Academy." Just as that sentence was over, there they were at the front door. "Besides, you got your friends by your side to help."
Jessica, Eartha and Dina nodded at that, and the door was opened...
Meanwhile, inside the Academy, Camilla was walking out of her dorm room with her completed test packet, thankful that her room was on the ground floor of the building. "Whew," she breathed, "it's taken several hours, but I finally finished. Now all that's left to do is turn this in to the front desk, and await my prize in EXP Candy form."
"Don't forget us!" two male voices called out after her.
The bunny turned her head up and saw Pico and Balto coming down the stairs with their packets. "Were you waiting for me up there this whole time?" she asked when they were close enough.
"Of course not," Pico said. "When Director Clavell said that this was the Academy's biggest test, he wasn't whistling Dixie."
"We actually saw you walking up to the front desk while we were headed downstairs," Balto explained.
"Ah," Camilla supposed. "That sounds legit. But enough prattle, it's time to see how we did!" The three students then walked up to the front desk together and presented their packets. "Three FWR-PAPAR test packets, completed and ready to grade!"
"Very well done, kids! You must've been working hard to finish these!" the desk worker said as she accepted the packets. "Now, before I run these through the scanner, it is my obligation to inform you that a minimum of 42 out of 70 questions must be correct to pass. Do you understand?"
"Yes," all three of them said in unison.
"Alright, let's start with Camilla's results, shall we?" the desk worker said as she passed the bunny's packet through a metal box. It began beeping rapidly for three seconds before finishing with a single bell chime, then displayed on its screen... "55."
"Yes!" Camilla cheered with a hop. "I passed!"
"Next, Pico's." Now the lizard's packet was run through the box, making it beep for three more seconds, ding, and display on its screen... "48."
"Whew," Pico huffed in relief. "At least I got more than the minimum right."
"And last but not least, Balto's." At that, the husky watched the box intently with perked ears and focused eyes as his packet was run through the box. After the beeping and the ding though...
Right there on the screen was the number 69, a near-perfect score. "Well, I'll be darned."
"Oh, boy!" Balto said with his tail wagging. "That means we all pass!"
"Congatulations, all of you!" a voice said behind them, making the group do a double-take... and who else did they see but La Primera herself, Chairwoman Geeta... plus her secretary, Rika, and four miscellaneous others.
"Chairwoman Geeta!?" all three students exclaimed in surprise.
"Indeed so," Geeta confirmed, "but I did not come alone. My companions and I are actually here to speak with Director Clavell today."
As if on cue, the announcement chime rang, and... "Camilla Otore, Pico Hatsuki, and Balto Mijuumi, please report to the director's office. Again, Camilla, Pico and Balto, to the director's office, please."
"Well, what a coincidence," Rika said. "Looks like the man we need to have words with wants to have words with you three."
"Is that so," Chairwoman Geeta mused. "Then I have a plan... one that these three can help us with, after they accept their reward, that is."
Right now, everyone's mind was a tangle of unanswered questions, but they didn't doubt the insight of the chairwoman. So, after the EXP Candies earned were pocketed, the group went on their way to Clavell's office... together.
To be continued.