There was naught but moonlight within the Crystal Castle. Watery beams of silver light played over the crystalline floors and walls of the hallowed structure. Tapestries detailing the history of the venerable Crystal Empire lit up as they were struck by the beams.
The faint ringing of armored hooves on the floors echoed through the ornate but desolate hallways.
Buck me! I shouldn’t have had that fourth cup of coffee! the sole pony in the hallway thought. The faint clanking of his grey barding added to the noise of his footsteps. He continued on his assigned route, hoping that his bladder held out.
No such luck, as the hours passed, the urge to urinate grew ever stronger. The stallion clenched his jaw. “Just a few more hours!” he muttered. He looked down the desolate hallways — no bathrooms in sight. Not even a potted plant or vase he could relieve himself in.
He took his position at the door of Princess Cadence’s personal quarters and stood in place. His legs shuddered as he desperately tried to ignore his aching bladder.
A few minutes later, his full bladder forced him to act. The guard rapped on the door. “Your Highness!” he exclaimed as a few drops of urine escaped him and dripped on the floor.
No answer. The stallion crossed his hind legs together as more urine escaped him. “Please! Your Highness, please answer the door!”
Still silence. The guard trembled as he clenched all his sphincters as tightly as possible. “Princess!” he pleaded. “Please let me use your bathroom! I’m about to have an accident!”
The door opened with a click as a disheveled looking Alicorn appeared. “Yes, what is it?”
“Your Highness, I—” The stallion could say no more as his bladder gave way. He averted his eyes as he continued urinating. No sound, save the pitter-patter of warm urine striking the floor. His face burned as he wet himself in front of the Crystal Princess.
After a seeming eternity with warm urine pooling around his hooves, the guard looked up into Princess Cadence’s eyes. What met him was not a look of displeasure, but one of understanding and caring.
“Your Highness, please—”
“Shh, it’s all right.”
He opened his mouth to speak but the Alicorn silenced him with a hoof on the lips. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Her horn glowed as a nearby mop and bucket animated themselves and started cleaning up the guard’s puddle.
The guard blushed — partially because he peed himself in front of the princess and partially because he was tracking urine all over the floor.
Cadence’s horn flared to life as the doors to her bathroom opened and the lights activated. The guard gasped as he laid eyes on the lavishly decorated bathroom. Tiles of the finest gems glistened on the floors and walls. Gold fixtures adorned the sink and bathtub. Even the toilet — the plebian staple of any bathroom — was elegant. Its water-blue porcelain was sculpted in smooth lines evocative of rushing water. Exotic scents of faraway lands wafted into the air from the rare cosmetics and soaps befitting the ablutions of the Crystal Princess.
The Alicorn then turned to the gawking Pegasus. “Now don’t be shy, Silver Arrow, help yourself.”
Silver Arrow shook his head in disbelief. This whole scenario struck him as most improper. A common guard bathing in the royal chambers of the princess? Preposterous! “Y…Your Highness, I thank you for your generosity. However, I do not feel it is appropriate for me to bathe in your—”
The stallion soon found himself floating in the air as Cadence carefully removed his barding.
“I’m afraid that wasn’t a choice, Silver Arrow,” Cadence said with a smile as she drew a warm bath.
Silver Arrow gulped as he was gently immersed in the warm, soapy water. He looked up and saw Cadence with a sponge, a currycomb and other assorted grooming supplies in her blue telekinetic grasp. “Your Highness, I…I must protest! It is most improper for me to—”
“Hush now, little foal,” Cadence said as she began to soap up Silver Arrow’s dark grey mane.
The stallion made a strange face. “Little foal”!? He was a full-grown stallion! What was the Crystal Princess planning? He was interrupted from his thoughts when Cadence poured water over his mane to wash out the shampoo. He soon felt the pleasant touch of the rubber currycomb and soap over his barrel and haunches. Silver Arrow had to admit, despite how humiliating it was for a full-grown stallion like him being bathed like a foal, it was relaxing.
Before he knew it, water was dumped over him again and a soft, soapy sponge hovered under his belly.
He yelped as the sponge caressed his sheath. “Y…Your…Your Highness! This…is…this is most inappropriate! I—” A hot blush painted his cheeks.
“Now, now, I’m just making sure you’re all clean. After all, you just made pee-pee all over the floors!” Cadence booped his snout with a hoof.
Silver Arrow rubbed his snout with a soapy hoof. Why was Princess Cadence suddenly treating him like a foal? “Your Highness, is everything all right?”
Princess Cadence ignored him and cleaned his tail and dock. She then rinsed him off and began drying him with some freshly warmed towels.
The stallion opened his mouth to protest but the divine warmth and fluffiness of the towels erased the words from his brain. All he could do was close his eyes and embrace that cloud-like softness.
Silver Arrow was soon led from the bathroom and into Princess Cadence’s bedchambers where he was placed on the decadently soft bed. “Now let’s get you dressed for bed!” The Alicorn’s horn lit up as she retrieved a locked box from under her bed.
The stallion gulped. He had a feeling that things were going to take a weird turn.
And his feelings were confirmed when he heard a click and saw what came out of the box. A very, very girly pink diaper with heart designs on it, a baby blue pacifier and pastel pink footed sleeper.
Silver Arrow yelped as something cold and sticky was spread on his genitals and rump. “Your Highness…what is—” He coughed as foal powder was sprinkled over him. He suddenly felt his hindquarters lifted into the air. He gasped as he saw Princess Cadence sliding a diaper underneath him and bringing the front between his legs.
His mouth opened in shock. “P…Princess Cadence! W…What are you doing!?” The Crystal Princess paid no heed to her guard’s words as she did up all three tapes — including the one for the stallion’s tail.
Silver Arrow got back on to his feet the moment he was diapered. He hopped off the bed and trotted around the room a bit, feeling the odd bulk between his hind legs. He scowled. Sure, the diaper made it feel like he had a soft blanket wrapped around his rump but he was wearing a bucking diaper like some foal! “Your Highness, can I please have my uniform back and may I return to my quarters?”
In reply, he heard the locks on the door engage. “Nope. You know the regulations! Have an accident during patrol and you have to wear a diaper for the rest of your shift!” Cadence replied with a giggle. Her horn glowed as she levitated up the footed sleeper. “Now let momma dress you for bed!”
Momma!? Silver Arrow thought. This is getting creepy! He looked at the door, the heavy lock seated in place. He sighed. There was no way he was getting out of this. The guard trotted over to Cadence and offered no resistance as the Alicorn dressed him in his footed sleeper.
Cadence then climbed into bed and slid under the covers. She beckoned the guard to follow. When Silver arrow did so, the Crystal Princess snuggled up to him and cuddled him like she would a foal.
Silver Arrow blushed but he suddenly realized how warm and comforting Cadence was. Almost involuntarily, he snuggled closer and buried his snout into Cadence’s barrel. As he closed his eyes, his hoof found its way into his mouth as he began sucking on it.
The Alicorn smiled and levitated the pacifier into the stallion’s mouth. Silver Arrow began sucking on his paci, smiling as he drifted off to sleep. Unbeknownst to him, Cadence had charged the pacifier with some magic intended to temporarily weaken his bladder and bowels.
Cadence sighed as she watched her “foal” snooze away. In truth, she had purposefully designed the schedule of the night guards so that they’d wet themselves and end up diapered (the regulation was her doing as well). So far it has worked. She didn’t do this to be malicious. Instead, she did this just so she could baby the guards for a night or two — and of course, it was her way of helping them destress. To her surprise, a surprising number of them actually enjoyed the babying.
Her sensitive ears twitched as a gentle hissing sounded through the room. Silver Arrow twitched slightly as he wet his diaper. He smiled as the squishy warmth caressed his hindquarters.
Cadence closed her eyes as she cuddled with her “foal”, uncaring of his wet diaper. Images of her babying her entire contingent of guards filled her head as she drifted off to sleep.