Before I talk about this version of Mia, I have to give a massive shoutout to TheArmadilloFan for creating her. Thank you, man. Check out his account
Now, onto the plushie version of Mia. This Mia is from a different timeline where the sorceress accidentally used a plushie instead of a pool toy to create her. When this Mia came into existence, she hugged her mom, turning her into an adorable plushie, which became her favourite toy ever.
You might be wondering why Mia didn't eat her mom. It's because she's a plushie, and her stomach is already stuffed.
This version of Mia has the same abilities as the original, except she isn't as hungry—instead, she craves tight hugs that will make you fall asleep in about 10 seconds. Also, the ability to be immune to magic uses her as the laws of magic work differently in her Universe.
Thanks to these different laws, she can use transformation magic on herself, allowing her to turn into a big pillow for people to snuggle against her and fall asleep. It's also fair to point out that form is one of her favourites.
Personality-wise, Mia prefers transformation magic and turning people into different toys to play with and keeping them for who knows how long. However, she doesn't keep them forever unless you become her favourite. Even then, it was just her family and best friends who befriended her.
After she grows tired of her toys, who aren't family or besties to her, she will return them to normal without memory of her or their time as a toy, with Mia occasionally meeting up with them later in life returns in their memories and turning them back to a toy. If this happens like, I don't know, four or five times, she will begin to believe you are her best friend, so you're staying as a toy for her for good.
The only difference I could say between the pool toy and the plushie is their choice of home. While the pool toy prefers a water-filled pocket dimension, this version of Mia has a pocket dimension that resembles a nursery or a child's bedroom, except every floor and wall is a big cushioned surface.