Anthonitecus and Astraligor were adventuring in the forest about to go camping, they hiked across the woods and explored a lot. As the night was about to start, the fox boy started to feel bored, then the blue wolf had an idea, he grabbed his son and shouted "TICKLE WAAAAR!!!!" And started to tickle astraligor while he laughs a lot, the fox boy told his dad to stop "ahahahaha not fair dad, hahaha stop it dad" then he tickled him back. At night after eating noodles Anton told some campfire stories for his son to sleep, then after astraligor slept on his dad's lap,the blue wolf carried him inside the tent and they slept toguether while preparing themselves for the next day in the wild.
====================================== Anyway, here's Anthontecus and Astraligor doing tickle wars inside their tent, i hope you liked it. Also don't worry because there isn't anything inappropriate in this image, they're just tickling each other like dad and son, nothing more than that.