Between Spikes knives, Bon-Bon and Peppermint's paddles, AJ's mallet and Pinkies spice bandolier and, well, I'll assume it's some sort of hand mounted frosting laser, it looks like they're off to some food themed battle tournament.
Between Spikes knives, Bon-Bon and Peppermint's paddles, AJ's mallet and Pinkies spice bandolier and
As a chef (with a degree and everything) and a pegasister, I must say this tickles me in the best way, I really love how you did this, the coats are superb, the toque on pinkie is just the right amount of poof, the tall toque on AJ has that paper look about it (most tall toques are paper/paper-like anyways so it's perfect) the bandanna's match that of the cooks/chefs that don't like the toque, BUT my all time favorite detail, is that you gave the chef pants their calling card, a line/checkered/plaid pattern :D that is what makes this my new all time favorite pony picture, BRAVO to you for putting that one detail in, you are amazing!!!
As a chef (with a degree and everything) and a pegasister, I must say this tickles me in the best wa