Is this page necessary? I don't even know! Yeah, okay, it is. But execution could have been better. Eh, who'm I kidding, I just think panel two's all static.
ANYWAY. So, I'm gonna start turning IAT from a webcomic, to a WEB ANIMATED SERIES. Each episode/webisode is gonna be about the same length in terms of content as the strips, but they're gonna MOVE. As I am an animation and both want and need practice. Man, I'm typing forcefully. Like I'm trying to pound my keyboard into submission, or something. ANYWAY.
So, obviously, it won't be able to happen weekly. I have no idea how long animating these will take me. Basically, if I were doing this series to get WEB FAMOUS this would pretty much be the kiss of death. But IAT/Qui a Coupe le Fromage has always been a place for me to practice, and sometimes blow off steam. So, initially I was gonna do about two more comics before switching to animation but FUCK IT, I DON'T WANNA. So who knows when the next update will be, but I'll get on that. WHEEEEEE!
12 years, 2 months ago
20 Dec 2012 17:25 CET
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