Happy Dragon Tales day everone! Not exactly official anywhere, buuuut, it did release today, so I figured I'd doodle a little pic for it~ Actually real happy with how this came out, hehehe ^^ Plus! Got to do a little pic to introduce my lil dragon tales character Berry!
Technically I'm still workin on the actual pic with his info and stuff on it which I'd usually post first, but didn't realize today was Dragon Tales day til a couple days ago sooooo :P
For now, he's basically Ord's adopted baby bro who mysteriously appeared in Dragon Land one day~ He's got a biiiig imagination, insisting he's not really a cute lil hatchy, but a big boy and a human one at that! A very silly little guy that gets fussy when you baby him, but all that blushing and huffing goes right away when you take him out for a flight~ Little guy absolutely loves soaring through the clouds, even if he needs to hold onto big bro Ord's paw just in case he falls. ^^
Also decided ta write a short lil blurb about the pic, hehe~
Also also, did a lil VHS edit for fun~ Bit scuffed since its been a hot minute since I made one :P
Being stuck as a hatchling is not fun. Mandatory bedtimes, bottle feedings, pacifiers, diapers, and constant babying, are just the tip of the iceberg of indignities Berry has had to suffer through ever since he picked up that dumb dragon scale. The human turned baby dragon regretted ever finding the thing and getting himself transformed and whisked away into this colorful world that seemed hell bent on treating him like a toddler.
It might’ve been bearable, he supposed, if they’d at least had things like tv or the internet to keep him occupied. Some kids shows were actually pretty good! But noooo, he had to be stuck with plushies and coloring books and building blocks, because of course he was. The universe couldn’t even have the decency to plop him into a world where he could be an ipad kid during his second babyhood. A lack of modern amenities was simply all the more reason for Berry to find a way to get back to normal.
‘Still… There are some parts of this awful situation that aren’t all bad…’ The hatchie thought to himself, a grin overtaking his previous huffy expression as his feet left the ground and stayed off it. He could feel his big brother’s Ord’s claw holding on firmly yet gently onto his, guiding him upwards as the pair of dragons ascended, propelled upwards more by magic than the teeny tiny wings on their backs.
Berry let out an elated giggle, the feeling of butterflies in his tummy growing in size as they breached the clouds. He didn’t often get to fly, as it was very tiring on his Young body. But the few times he was allowed to (With Ord holding his hand in case he lost a hold of his magic of course), he absolutely loved it. There was no way to describe how fun and freeing it was to jus… hop off the ground and not come down, just because you decided not to! Soaring through the skies, free as a bird (or rather a dragon) and flying through clouds to make funny shapes. It was exhilarating!
Yes, if there was one thing Berry would say was actually a positive besides having a new big brother about being stuck in this form, it was the ability to fly. A part of him hoped that once he figured out how to get home and big again, that he’d be able to come back(as a big dragon of course), if only to experience the feeling again. But until then, he supposed the occasional flight was a good enough trade off for him to bear all the babying he had to deal with.
He blushed a bright red as he felt Ord reach over while they hovered in the air, patting his padded tushie and very conspicuously checking the hatchlings diaper, declaring him to be ‘All dry!’ after a brief moment.
‘I could really do without the diapers…’
dragon tales
6 months, 1 week ago
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