Renamon picks up the Pokeball, glares at the person who threw it, and says, "Let me explain the difference between Pokemon and Digimon. The most important thing is that Digimon speak actual words. Pokemon can only say their name. Since I'm speaking actual words, which do you think I am? Second, if you'll notice, the Pokeball didn't open. That means it doesn't recognize me as something to catch. Now. Please go pester a Pokemon and leave me alone."
Renamon picks up the Pokeball, glares at the person who threw it, and says, "Let me explain the diff
One might forgive if they threw a valuable ball tho As in - well you bonked me on the head... but that pokeball is very valuable, so at least you think I'm valuable : D
One might forgive if they threw a valuable ball tho As in - well you bonked me on the head... but th