Hidden in the mountains, a special group of anthro deer, known as the Fireclaw Clan, specialize in fire-based magic for protection and forging. But there are some deer born with more powerful, arcane, dark connections. These Darkclaw Deer are able to summon fire said to be from the underworld, and are considered much more dangerous.
Moonspark took it upon himself to learn the full extent of Shadow Magic, becoming somewhat isolated from the Fireclaw Clan. However, he still comes to their aid in times of looming disaster.
This adopt came from Mr.Kaden ! It is based on the Incineram-Noct, but I decided to take a more unique approach to let him coexist with my other furries <3
Also, fun fact, he is actually fully emasculated, having had his junk removed to try and limit sexual fantasies and increase his connection to the magic forces.