palestine is literally israel, "keev" is neo-beRLin
similar to how the BLM donations are actually to the DNC fundraising account (2/3rds to biden).... The scam is taking "either side" in any "2-sides issue" presented to you, for free, by any international media corporation or organization.
Also, the deathtoll should always be a factor of six. ;3
palestine is literally israel, "keev" is neo-beRLin similar to how the BLM donations are actually t
I don’t have an opinion about Donbass, so I won’t argue with you about that. About Palestine: I hate apalestinians. They are an evil nation that wants to destroy my nation. I hate Palestinians, because Palestinians always hated us. They were always the first to make barbaric and murderous attacks (October 7, Independence war of 1948, The intifadas, Amud Anan, Oferet Yetzukah, Shuvu Achim, Shomer Hachomot, etc…) I think there are no good or innocent Palestinians. I think the entity and the culture of Palestinians obligates them to be merciless, brutal, murderous, hateful and devilish. A good Palestinians is a dead one, or someone who denies and leaving their Palestinian legacy and converts religion to something else: christianity, judaism, buddha, anything else except Islam is just fine. About Donbass, all I can say is that I wish for them to find their path and to make their decisions by themselves, I won’t interfere or have an opinion unless they will ask me especially for some-kind of diplomatic assistance, but I am neither a diplomat or neither an embassor ^^
I don’t have an opinion about Donbass, so I won’t argue with you about that. About Palestine: I hate