This episode of Loupy & friends is called "Piglet barn !"
At Krish's Sunny daycare, the owner has to keep the cubs entertained in addition to fed and change them (and gosh, there is a lot of diaper changes). So, the idea of making a playen of little piglet started when one kid came with an adorable little piglet sleeper. The poor jaguar and his helpers had to find a way to satisfy the desires of the others cubs to be little piglets too. So one day, a little barn was all set up for the volunteer little piglets and barn-themed diapers were ready. So here, we have from left to right Circles, Thomas, Snow, Jazzy and me. It's going to be a long day of fun, let's hope that the workers don't get annoying by the constant oinking (one thing is sure, there is a paddle in a corner and Snow already earned a turn with it, he is trying to look innocent now but he has a muddy past).