"My day was not particularly good and my night was going even worse, I was having nightmares about the purge night at the castle, I woke up anxious and shaking, and as the loser I'am I went to the kitchen to vent my frustration by eating, for my surprise as I aproached the kitchen I smelled the delicious fragance of bacon being fried, Danadriel was awake preapring a "little" snack for herself, once she saw me she got eager to share her meal with me, and hungry as I was I didn't refused, she even opened a keg of beer for both of us, I normaly prefer candy when I'm sad, but well smoked meat and beer aint bad either.
After eating I felt a little better, but then I realized I ate more than Dananadriel...I literally ate more than a lycan, I felt like a pig, inevitably I began to compare myself with Danadriel again...to make matters worse the fireplace was dwindling, so she reawaken the fire with a spell she learned recently, I can barely do that with years of training while she just learned magic this month and can do that with a snap of her fingers, the alchol was filling my mind and I was not willing to stop drinking, eventually I felt confident to vent it to Danadriel.
- Dan...how much do you value our friendship?
- Alot I think! I mean I never had friends before the coven, and you are the best I ever had!
- I'm glad you appreciate my company...and I have to admit your friendship helped me alot in this last year...I was devastated by witnessing the death of my childhood friends in the purge, and you helped me to overcome this...I have so much to thank you.
- You don't need to thank me for anything Mabel, you are helping me so much in understanding the witch world...not to mention your belly rubs!
- Haha...but Dan, I hope it dont hurt our relation but I have something very bitter to confess....
- Oh!? now I'm worried, what is it?
- Listen...sometimes I feel your mere presence humiliates me...
- What!? what you mean!? I did something that hurt you!?
- No, its just that you are mightier than me, prettier than me, more skilled than me! You just arrived yet you outclass me on EVERYTHING!
- I didn't mean to...I....
- You are invincible beast larger than a truck! you so beautiful that people drool when they see you and to top all of it you have a block buster level magical power!...I feel like a worm near you! I trained and studied hard for years yet I cant even dream of being like you!
- Mabel...I...
- What is the point of me existing after all? I'm useless, worthless and pathetic!...to be honest, you should just eat me, maybe I worth something as food...
- Mabel stop! you are not worthless! you are just being cruel to yourself for no reason!
- Sorry! sorry!...by the gods I sound so bitter...I didn't mean to blame you...I just...I just...
- I'm worried about you Mabel...I feel you falling a spiral of obsession, I understand you have issues with your skills...but sometimes you speak like you want to carry this coven on your back....
- I want to be useful Dan...I want to be powerful enough to defend our sisters...if another hunter like Pietro attack us I want to crush him with my bare hands!
- You intentions are noble, but you are being unreasonable and torturing yourself Mabel...I had this mentality that I was invincible and I could single handely defeat all of our enemies, but hunters already defeated me twice! defending ourselves is a team effort, you should not take all this reponsability to yourself....
- Maybe you right...but even if I take this team mindset, where I fit in? my spells are weak and my necromancy still laughable, how do I help the others?
- You forgetting the numerous times you did the wards and protection runes in our vehicles and our house...you are the only one that has the concentration needed to make them work...
- Yeah...but my help is so indirect, I want to be flashy and destructive like you!
- Look...I love the magic and I'm happy to have these powers...but I dont need them, there is a way I can transfer my magic to you? I mean some sort of ritual or spell? if there is I give them to you
-...Would you be really willing to give your powers to me?
- Yes! I'm already a giant angry dog, I don't need to launch fireballs...can we do it?
- hahaha...I appreciate your will to help Dan, but magic does not reside on us, we are just conduits to it ,you can't transfer it...and even if you could transfer me your powers I would refuse...
- Refuse, why!?
- It's your gifts, the gods chose to give to you for a reason...if they decided you must be a lycan witch it means you need to be a lycan witch...its your fate and you should be proud of it.
- Alright...I just wish I could help you.
- You already help me alot...also, forgive me for being such envious bitch, please dont be shy from using your powers because of me, you have them because you deserve them...
- I will use them for the good of the coven, and to help you if I find a way...even if I have to overcome my squeamish ways to help you with the corpse stuff!
- You are such a cute bean Dan...I don't deserve you...
- Hey, the gods put me in your life, it means you deserve me!
- hahaha you silly little creature, I will have to play with your belly just because of that!
- YES!"
What? were you expecting me to draw attractive characters having sex or being seductive? fuck that! I want to draw them talking about their emotions and overcoming their traumas 8D
for those who don't know, Mabel is not pregnant, she is just chubby :U
6 months, 2 weeks ago
17 Aug 2024 01:45 CEST
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