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Bound blue bubblers (+short story)
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by lolboy4
A dolphin dove down into a lake, an unchanging smile on his face as he went deeper and deeper, little bubbles trickling from his blowhole. Sitting on a rock at the bottom, he looked up at the surface... And removed his hood, revealing himself as a lizard wearing a snug rubber dolphin suit. He was always pretty shy, having difficulty talking to people, but wearing a suit like this tended to make him feel better. Since no one was around down in the lake, he felt okay to take the hood off for a little while, but he'd be quickly putting it back on at the first sign of not being alone.

lizard 24,171, suit 10,207, underwater 8,741, ambiguous gender 8,429, dolphin 3,666, rubber suit 868
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 5 months ago
Rating: General

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5 months ago
An aquatic fursuit! Or uhm.. skinsuit? xD
5 months ago
Yeah, hard to say when the thing it's copying doesn't have fur... But I've never really been one to use alternate names for furry stuff, like feathery and scaley and such.
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Did an RP based on this with squirtlerocks07, here's the log:

S: It's a sunny day out, perfect day for a swim...and this...anthro looking dolphin was wading into a lake to swim around, they seem to be pretty shy too... nearby this lizard was Emi the shiny squirtle, he was feeling pretty hot so he went to this same lake for a swim, a pair of goggles resting on his forehead, he hasn't noticed the anthro looking dolphin yet

L: The dolphin-appearing person gets a little axious as he sees the squirtle, and decides he'll try to keep his distance so they have a harder time figuring out what he really is. With a deep breath, he dives underwater, swimming away from them.

S: noticing this dolphin-appearing person was nervous, Emi decides to see what's going on, putting on his goggles and taking a deep breath before diving underwater too, slowly following them in a way that they cant see emi

L: As Emi gets closer, they can see a few things odd about the "dolphin" - bubbles are leaking from their blowhole that isn't quite closed, and the movements of their tail as they swim seem a bit awkward, as if they're not used to using their tail like that.

S: "Hmmm..." emi does notice that, it was a bit weird seeing that...but he continues to swims further, keeping an eye on the "dolphin" for now

L: The "dolphin" eventually sits down on a large rock to relax, their expression an unchanging smile as they sway their tail side to side.

S: emi stops swimming a few feet above the "dolphin" watching them for a bit longer, bubbles escaping his nose

L: They look around for a few seconds, happening to not look up enough to see Emi. Seemingly satisfied, they tug at their neck a little, revealing a seam Emi hadn't noticed... Before they pull the top of their head, removing what turns out to be a hood they're wearing, and revealing they're actually a lizard wearing a dolphin suit!

S: "Whblat the... HECBLK!?!" emi covers his mouth as he accidently spoke a bit too loud

L: The lizard freezes, before slowly looking up at Emi, an embarrassed blush covering his entire face... Then he quickly jumps off the rock, bolting for the surface with the suit's hood held in one hand.

S: "Hbley wait!" emi follows the lizard up, both of them surfacing side by side as emi gasps for air

L: Not saying anything, he quickly swims to shore and tries to hide, though Emi likely saw where he went.

S: emi quickly catches up to the lizard, stopping their tracks
"Whoa whoa easy there...it's ok! I'm not gonna hurt you!"

L: The lizard is crying a little as he keeps looking away from Emi. "P-please, just... G-go away... P-pretend I'm just a d-dolphin..."

S: "Hey hey hey... relax... I'll admit this is...unusual, but there's nothing to be afraid of..." emi places a reassuring hand on the lizard "It's ok..."

L: Before he continues, he quickly pulls the dolphin hood back on, which does seem to calm him down just a little. "N-not scared, just... H-hate when people see what I really am..."

S: "I understand, but you don't have to hide your true self like that... I've been in your footsteps before... I have something called Autism, and well I was embressed to tell people about it for a while, but eventually I got comfortable expressing who I really am, and I think you should too... I've never really seen this, well suit before"

L: "I-I get that, but... I-I really can't. I always just find it easier to pretend I'm something else instead..."

S: "Hmm..." emi comes closer to the lizard "Is there any reason why your afraid to show your real self?"

L: "...I-I've never felt quite right... L-like I was meant to be something else... B-but I can't figure out what..."

S: "I see... so you got this dolphin suit to help you hide your true self huh? I mean I gotta admit, it's kinda cool... does the suit feel comfortable at least?"

L: "It is... This is my favorite one, and it's the only one that works well in water..." Gradually, the lizard is calming down from talking to Emi.
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Oh? You have other suits? That's cool! Well look, I won't judge you for wanting to do this, but... if you ever wanna remove that hood again, your safe to do it next to me...I won't tell anyone else your secret...I promise"

L: "I-I'm gonna keep the hood on, in case someone else comes... But I'm glad you understand. Just wish I knew why I'm like this..."

S: "Well lemme tell you, I know this lake well and nobody really comes here, it's pretty private...I'm really the only one who knows about this lake, well...besides you I guess... and I wish I knew why as well but...maybe we will sometime"

L: "W-well, um... Maybe later I'll take it off. You're gonna be the only person I've ever done that for, if I do..."

S: "That's ok! I get it, shy people are like that, oh...I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Emi, I'm a shiny squirtle!"

L: "I can see that... I'm Chris. If anyone asks, I'm a dolphin." He tucks the bottom of the hood into the rest of his suit so it's almost seamless.

S: "Heh... alright alright...I won't tell them your actually a lizard, anyways... wanna go for a swim together? That rock you were sitting on looked pretty comfortable not gonna lie, heh"

L: "Sure, we can swim together. And yeah, that rock was pretty comfy by rock standards, but the suit kinda helps."

S: "Well that's good, how long can you hold your breath? I got roughly 15 minutes"

L: "I can do a little over 11. Pretending to be a dolphin has gotten me a lot of practice, heh..."

S: "Impressive for a...lizard ;)" emi giggles at that "Anyway, come on then" emi heads back into the water, waiting for Chris to follow

L: It's a little hard to tell, but Chris smiles under his hood as he follows Emi to the water, taking some deep breaths.

S: emi takes some deep breathes too, glad he's gotta Chris a little bit out of his shell...they head to the center of the lake where that rock was at the bottom

L: Soon, Chris holds his breath and dives under, swimming down toward the rock he'd been sitting on before he'd been caught.

S: emi holds his breath and dives under as well, swimming down side by side with Chris towards the rock

L: Returning to the bottom, Chris sits down on the rock, watching Emi follow him down.

S: seeing there's a little room left on the rock, emi smiles and sits down next to chris on the rock, looking up at them as tiny bubbles escape his nose

L: Chris' hood is bulging out in a couple places from his puffed cheeks as he looks down at Emi, wishing he could emote more clearly but not yet comfortable enough to take the hood off.

S: noticing Chris's puffed cheeks, emi smiles...his own cheeks puffing up...he then looks around, it's very quiet and peaceful...he tries to motion to chris to take his hood off and it's safe, he keeps his innocent smile going the whole time

L: Seeing that, Chris closes his eyes... And, slowly, he pulls the hood off again, blushing heavily but noticeably less than before as he gives Emi a nervous smile.

S: emi smiles back and nods, giving him a hug to congratulate them for doing this with another person with him, little bubbles escaping his nostrils on the process

L: Chris hugs Emi back, trying to relax but scanning around with his eyes to make sure he and Emi really are alone.

S: emi was definitely right, there's really no one around, apart from a few really small fish but those things hardly care about the two

"See? Noblbody is here bublt us"

L: "Ibl gubless yoblu're riblght... Itbl's niblce tblo tablke thblat hblood ofblf foblr abl whblile."

S: "Mmhm, I beblt you feblel prettbly hot in that sublit aftbler a whilble huh?"

L: "Yeblah, bublt Ibl'm cobld-blbloodbled, sblo thblat hbleat ibls acbltuablly niblce foblr thble moblst pablrt."

S: "Ah I seble..." emi happily sighs out a few bubbles "Its nicble to jublst relax undblerwater inblstead of havbling to stblress about drownbling in a competitivble game shoblw, heh heh..."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: "Whblat? Whblat kibld oblf gablme shblow wobluld hblave soblmetblhinblg whblere yoblu riblsk drblownbling?"

S: "Itbls callbled floobld or fact, it's a trivia shoblw...bublt it's supbler different, your putbl in glasbls tanks that are empblty and if yblou answbler a questblion wrong, the tank slblowly filblls like 1/8 full, drowniblng is actblully safble during the show bublt it's stblill stblressful... I wenblt on it twiblce beblfore...they givble amaziblng prizbles to whbloever wins it, and i havble yet to actblully win..."

L: "Thblat sublre dobles soblund stblresblsfubl... Ibl dobln't thblink Ibl'd evbler ble okblay wiblth dobling soblmetblhinblg liblke thblat."

S: "Wellbl the onbly goobld thinblg is you don't havble to worrbly aboublt dieing to drblowning, the wateblr in the tablnks is 100% safe, but stibll when you inhblale it, it feebls the samble, heh"

L: "Hbluh... Stblill, hblaviblng thblat mablny pebloplble wabltchbling mble, anbld prblobably sebleinblg mble wiblthoblut abl sublit obln... Ibl wobluldbln't wablnt thblat."

S: "Bublt...woubld you do it foblr the prizbles invovbled? Again thbley arble amazblibg! Probablbly the best prizebls you'll sblee for sublre! Hehe...""

L: "...Iblf thbley'd leblt mble weblar onble oblf mbly sublits, Ibl thblink Ibl miblght."

S: "I'm sublre thbley would, if youbl jublst camble in the lobby wiblth your sublit on, then everblyone woubld think yblour jblust an anthblro dolphblin competblting"

L: "Ibl meblan, Ibl feblel liblke itbl's fablirlbly coblnviblcinblg... Seblemebld liblke iblt toblok mble tablkinblg thble hblood ofblf foblr yoblu tblo tebll."

S: "Heh yeablh, hey if you evbler wannbla compete, my bloyfrieblnd is the hosblt of the shblow, I can sblee if hble can leblt yoblu in"

L: "Ibl'd apblpreblciablte thblat. Wobluld jublst hblave tblo hblope nblo onble fiblgurbles oublt Ibl'm reblallbly abl liblzarbld..."

S: "Ahbl ilbll be finble, if sombleone questionbls you I'll lably thblem off myself, I doblnt you to be embarrassbled..." with all the talking he's doing emi's face is slightly red, but he ignores that, just focusing on talking to chris

L: "Itbl'd deblfinblitebly ble niblce tblo hblave soblmeoblne hblelp wiblth coblnviblnciblng pebloplble... Mablybe wble cobluld tebll thblem I'vble goblt abl weblird deblforblmitbly oblr soblmetblhinblg, iblf thbley qublestblion anblythbling." Chris' face is a little red too, but he doesn't mind it.

S: "Thblats a prbletty goblod idblea" emi smiles at chris' suggestion and wags his tail "Yknblow your prebltty chill, I thinblk weblre gonnbla good frienblds!"

L: "Ibl thblink sblo toblo! Itbl's grbleat tblo fiblnalbly hblave soblmeoblne Ibl'm okblay wiblth tablkinblg mbly sublit's hblood ofblf arblounbld!"

S: "And I knblow in the fublture you'll be evblen morble comfortabble doing tblhat" emi smiles even more, hugging Chris again "Tblheres a cavble nearbly heblre that has a hbluge air pocblket spablce if yblou donblt wannbla swblim the wably bacblk up for ablir"

L: Chris hugs Emi back, his blush now only from his need to breathe. "Sublre, leblt's gblo chbleck oublt thblat cablve!"

S: "Perfeblct! Follow mble!" emi swims off the rock towards the cave, watching behind him to make sure Chris followed, his own face blushing a tad bit more from his need for air

L: Smiling, Chris hops off the rock to swim after Emi, making sure to keep hold of his suit's hood just in case.

S: emi nods and swims towards the cave, eventually reaching and getting inside it, the air pocket space right above them and he immediately swims up it and gasps in the shockingly fresh air
"Ahhh...much better"

L: Chris quickly follows, gasping as well. "Man, the air in here is just like outside!"

S: "Mmhm! This air is special, it stays fresh 24/7, plus it's a really good size too, perfect for multiple people!"

L: "Then I'll certainly be coming back here in the future, I can tell this'll be a nice place to relax!"
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Oh it is! I love coming to this lake! It's so peaceful and relaxing, sometimes I even try to see how long I can hold my breath because of how calm I am...I even sometimes slip into a meditative state! Haha"

L: "I've never tried meditating like that, maybe it'd help me hold my breath longer... Not all that sure how to do it though."

S: "Oh well, it's not all that complicated... all you need to do is find a cozy spot to sit and just close your eyes and clear your mind, try not to think about holding your breath and all that...I'm sure with me here I could help you with that, maybe we could we even use that to train underwater together, I still wanna improve myself after all...plus if you wanna be on flood or fact, you gotta be able to keep yourself calm"

L: "May as well give it a shot now, I guess. Maybe back on that rock would work? Just gonna want my hood on for that, in case someone comes by..."

S: "Dude, nobody is gonna come I told you already, this lake is private... its very unlikely somebody will come by....dont you trust me?"

L: "I-I do, yeah, but... A-alright, fine, I'll keep it off. You're more familiar with this lake than I am, I'll trust you."

S: "Alright! Thanks buddy! Now, get some deep breathes in, try to really calm yourself down, and then we will swim to the rock again ok?" emi proceeds in taking some deep breathes calmly

L: "Yep, and I'll try my best from there." Chris starts deeply breathing again as well.

S: "Don't worry I'll help you if you need it" emi smiles, adjusting his goggles as he takes a couple more deep breathes, then finally he holds his breath and dives back underwater, waiting for Chris to do the same

L: Chris holds his breath and dives and well, starting to swim back outside with Emi.

S: they both eventually get back to the rock, emi sitting down on it again, patting some space for Chris to join him

L: With a nod, Chris sits next to Emi. As he'd been instructed before, he closes his eyes and tries to relax as much as possible.

S: emi smiles, wrapping his little arm around Chris as he to closes his eyes, trying not to release too many bubbles and be very calm

L: Before too long, hardly any bubbles are leaving Chris either... And sure enough, he eventually goes into a sort of trance, successfully meditating!

S: eventually emi also slips into a trance, meditating as well! No bubbles being released from the two as they relax, emi's head resting against Chris to help further

L: The minutes tick by as the two sit together, unmoving and not feeling any need to breathe at all...

S: emi is super calm and relaxed, not even thinking about being underwater or air, just focusing on his body and keeping himself very calm as more minutes tick by

L: Even at the point where he'd normally be struggling, Chris only has a slight blush on his face, the meditation doing wonders for reducing his oxygen usage.

S: emi has no red face at all, super calm and relaxed with Chris, keeping his eyes gently closed

L: 10 minutes have already passed, with Chris now unknowingly closing in on his record as he almost seems to be asleep.

S: same goes for emi, he's so relaxed he could fall asleep easily, but remembering what could happen he tries to keep himself awake, doing the same with Chris, as now his face is only very slightly red as he looks like he's gonna beat his own record too

L: Over a few more minutes, Chris' blush is very slowly expanding across his face, but he still shows no strain whatsoever.

S: emi also doesn't feel any strain, but his own blush slowly expands too, not minding it in the slightest, but little do both of them know, emi forgot that Cirrus actually knows where this lake is, and I think pretty soon he was gonna come and check on emi

L: While the two divers stay unmoving, a mostly-green eastern dragon soon arrives at the lake, looking around as he floats a few feet off the ground. "He said he'd be here... Emi? Are you around?"
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: he doesn't hear anything, emi and Chris are so calm that no bubbles escape, and if they do it's super tiny, they've now been down for 16 minutes which is pasted emi's previous record

L: "Maybe he's underwater. May as well go for a swim while I'm here anyway." The dragon, Cirrus, takes a deep breath and glides into the water.

S: both emi and Chris didn't hear cirrus come down, continuing to meditate peacefully together as they approach the 20 minute mark, now a slight audible grunt escaping emi

L: Chris is grunting a little as well while his strain grows, though he still doesn't notice it yet.

Cirrus blows some bubbles as he swims around the lake, before noticing Emi and Chris. While he's a little confused about what Chris is wearing, he can tell the two are in the middle of something, so he settles onto the ground nearby to wait.

S: emi moves his arm up to pinch his nose, still wanting to keep going for as long as possible as bubbles escape his mouth, and his relaxation is starting to get a little bit harder to do

L: Chris is slowly beginning to have a little trouble meditating as well, but like Emi, he's not giving up just yet.

S: emi uses his other arm to sort of side hug Chris, trying his best to comfort him so they can get through this together, his cheeks puffing up a lot more now

L: Chris does the same, his face fully red and just barely beginning to tint blue from how long he's gone without air.

S: emi's own face is a tad bit blue too, but his face remains fully red for the most part, he's never gone this long without air

L: Eventually, Chris can't relax any more, and he finally opens his eyes as he loses a few bubbles. Not seeing Cirrus yet, he whines a little and looks at Emi.

S: emi opens his eyes too, not seeing cirrus and looking at Chris worringly, whining a little himself, he looks up at the distant surface wondering if they should get some air soon or if they wanna push it more

L: Chris nods, deciding enough is enough. He gets up and jumps for the surface, swimming toward it.

S: emi jumps off the rock and swims for the surface too, still not even noticing cirrus, they both get there really fast and gasp in the air heavily
"Hah...hah...hah, wow! I think we definitely have beaten our records! I was keeping time in my head..."

L: "M-man, that felt like such a short time, but it must have been so long... About how long were we under?"

S: as emi does the math, he gasps in pure shock
"O...m...g... you won't believe this but we were underwater for 28 minutes!!"

L: "Wait, what!? That's incredible! I had no idea I'd EVER be able to get a time like that!"

With the two having surfaced, Cirrus is starting to make his way up as well.

S: "Yeah me neither! We pretty much doubled our original time! Cirrus isn't gonna believe this!"

L: Cirrus: "What was that about doubling your time?" He's surfaced behind Emi and Chris, smiling at them.

Like earlier, Chris freezes up as he realizes someone's seen him without his suit's hood on, and he starts to cry a little again.

S: "Cirrus?" emi turns around and sees him "Oh hey buddy! I didn't see you there!" he gives cirrus a quick hug before turning around and seeing Chris crying again, he immediately gasps and rushes over to hug Chris instead
"Hey hey hey! Chris it's ok! It's just my boyfriend, I'm sorry I totally forgot that he knows about this lake too... you can trust him..." he continues to hug Chris so that he hopefully calms down

L: Cirrus: "O-oh, um... Is this not a good time?"

Chris: "T-twice in an hour... I-I can't keep going th-through this..."

S: "It's ok cirrus, he's just a little shy and embressed, I'll explain once he calms down" emi keeps hugging Chris soothingly "It's ok buddy... I'm sorry... you can trust cirrus I promise you"

L: Chris is at least calming down a bit faster than before, and doesn't run away this time, wordlessly hugging Emi back.
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Shhh... there you go..." wrapping an arm around Chris he turns to cirrus
"This is Chris, he's a new friend I met in this lake, the reason he's wearing this, well dolphin suit is that he doesn't like to show his real self which as you can see is a lizard, so he wears this to pretend to be someone else and he gets really upset when people find out his true identity...why is he like this? We both don't know"

L: Chris nods.

Cirrus: "...I understand. I've met a good few other people over my life that were the same way. If any of them figured out why they were like that, I don't know, but you're not the only one."

Chris looks over at Cirrus. "...R-really? I-it's not just me?"

Cirrus: "It's not."

S: "Well look at that, your not alone Chris, other people are sometimes like that I guess" emi smiles "Anyways, me and Chris were just relaxing underwater together and trying to improve our breath hold times, when I said we doubled our time I ment it, because we stayed down there for 28 minutes thanks to meditation"

L: Cirrus: "W-woah, that's incredible! That's more than half of even MY record!"

Chris: "I-it was a really big help, yeah..."

S: "Mmhm, me and Chris really enjoyed ourselfs down there, anyhoo um...what are you doing here cirrus?"

L: Cirrus: "I was coming here to see you, actually! It was just a lucky guess that you happened to be here. And by the way, Chris, nice to meet you! I'm Cirrus, like Emi said."

Chris: "N-nice to meet you too... A-and thanks for telling me I'm not the only person like this, that's made me feel a bit better about it."

S: "Aww well I'm happy to see you cirrus! Just make sure you keep chris' thing here a secret and all, heh...I even told him about flood or fact, he's thinking about entering it sometime, and since your the host of it I'm sure you could pull a few strings to get him onto it"

L: Cirrus: "I bet I could... And I'll see about letting you wear a suit like that for it as well, but I can't promise I'll be able to do that."

Chris: "As long as no one there knows what I really am, I'll be fine..."

S: "Yeah, whatever you can do to make Chris feel comfortable that'll be good" emi smiles at cirrus, hugging him again "Isn't there a show happening soon? I remember seeing it on your calender"

L: Cirrus: "Yeah, there's one in a bit over a week! Still plenty of time to get you signed on for it, Chris!"

Chris: "Guess I'll be on there pretty soon, then..."

S: "Cool! I bet that'll be a good time, and I'm already signed onto the next show so I'll get to see you when you eventually get signed on for it too!"

L: Chris: "Maybe it'll be fun... At least if no one realizes I'm wearing a suit, anyway."

Cirrus: "If you've got concerns about it not fully convincing people, I know someone that can modify that suit some to help if that's okay. They wouldn't have to actually see you, and I'd just say it's for a friend."

Chris: "...I guess that'd be fine, yeah."

S: "Ah, I think I know who your talking about cirrus, I'm sure that'll 100% help"

L: Chris: "It's in two parts, make sure they do the hood as well." He holds up the hood to show Cirrus.

Cirrus: "That should be fine, they're really good at making and modifying suits in general."

S: "Sounds perfect then, you've got nothing to worry about now Chris!" emi casually splashes around

L: Chris: "It's gonna be nice to have even less worry about people figuring out I'm wearing a suit... Thanks, guys." He's smiling again as he splashes some as well.

Cirrus: "No problem!"

S: "Hehe, anytime bud!" emi smiles and wags his little tail happily which causes some water to splash around "Well, should we go get your suit modified now, that would mean giving it up for a few moments or...would you rather just go for another dive perhaps? I'm cool either way"

L: Chris blushes as he thinks about his options. "...M-maybe we could do both? We could go down in that cave while it's being worked on, if it's not gonna take too long."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Cirrus: "I think it'll be fairly quick, maybe a few hours. So, that should work."

S: "Ah well, since nobody else knows about this lake besides the 3 of us, you shouldn't have any problem taking your dolphin suit off fully and exposing your true self to us, so yeah I think that should work!"

L: Chris: "Are you REALLY sure this time? I'm not sure I'll be able to handle being seen as a lizard for a third time so soon..."

Cirrus: "Yep, I'm certain no one else is going to be coming here."

S: emi gently takes Chris' hand in his "I promise you, nobody else is gonna come...your safe with us"

L: Chris: "Okay... N-never taken one of these off outside of home before..." He takes a deep breath and sinks underwater as he starts removing his dolphin suit.

Cirrus goes under with him to watch.

S: emi takes a deep breath too and sinks underwater to watch as well

L: After about half a minute, Chris has removed the suit entirely, all of his true lizard body now finally visible as he passes the suit and the hood to Cirrus.

Cirrus: "Yoblu twblo hblave fubln whblile Ibl'm goblne!"

S: emi looks at Chris's true lizard self, smiling and nodding to cirrus
"Wblow, you look grblreat chris!"

L: Chris' blush is back once again as he nervously smiles at Emi. He looks up at Cirrus as they leave the water before flying away... Then he gestures to the cave, starting to swim back toward it.

S: emi swims back to it as well, the two of them soon getting back to the cave

L: Chris swims into the air pocket again, lightly gasping. "S-so weird to not have a suit on so far from home..."

S: emi swims to the air pocket too and lightly gasps
"I bet, but don't worry...I'm sure you'll get used to it soon...besides...if I'm honest, I think you look a lot more cool as a lizard"

L: "Well, I'm glad YOU think that at least... C-Cirrus really can't get back with my suit soon enough..."

S: "Yeah I know... but it's ok, I do honestly really like your lizard self" emi smiles more at Chris

L: "Thanks... I'm really glad to have you and Cirrus as friends, I don't talk to many people because I always worry they'll find out I'm a lizard..."

S: "I get it... but yknow, I still can't piece together why your worried that people will find out your a lizard...there's lizard everywhere in this world... did like, something happen in your past childhood to make you feel like this?"

L: Chris sighs. "Maybe... When I was young, I went to a school where I happened to be the only reptile, and I kept getting bullied for being different. I tried to disguise myself a few times, which did work at first before people figured it out. I guess all that is probably why I'm like this..."

S: emi gasps
"Omg... I'm so sorry... that must have really hurt you... and... you know I was bullied too at school when I was little, I was the only shiny in the school, plus I was the only one to wear glasses, everyone was teasing me... there were a few times where I wouldn't even get out of bed to go to school because of how bad the bullying was... so I get how you feel..."

L: "You too? I guess it makes sense how we ended up friends, then... But yeah, I really wish I could just get over my fear of showing what I really am, I know most people won't care I'm a lizard, but I just can't help it..."

S: "Well I was able to express my true self...so, maybe with some practice like our breath holding, I could help you get more comfortable around people knowing who you really are"

L: "M-maybe... I-I'd really like that, as scary as it's gonna be for me to do that... W-we might be able to start with you just saying what I am."

S: "Yeah, then when your ready you can slowly reveal yourself, you don't have to rush this or anything, take your time doing it so you won't feel as scared"

L: "Y-yeah, I think that'll work... Thanks for helping me figure that out. Just gotta wait for Cirrus to get back..."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Hey, it's no problem buddy I'm just happy to help you... so, what do you wanna do in the meantime until cirrus gets back?"

L: "We could look around some more... Is there more to this cave, or is this it? Didn't see any other way to go."

S: "Well, this cave isn't necessarily very long, I've sort of explored it all, however the only think I haven't explored yet, is a strange door that I found at the end of the cave, I couldn't bring myself to go through it alone..."

L: "A door? Weird... I really want to see what that is, let's head there first." Chris starts taking deep breaths.

S: "Yeah I don't know what it is... it could be something bad for all I know but I hope that isn't the case" emi takes some deep breathes too

L: "I'm sure it'll be safe, whatever it is..." Chris takes and holds one more breath before diving under.

S: "Sure hope so" emi takes one last breath as well, holding it in before letting himself sink underwater with Chris, starting to swim towards the mysterious door

L: Chris follows Emi toward the door's direction, wondering if it might even look strange or just like a typical door.

S: the door definitely looks a bit off, it's multi colored...mostly of red, green and blue...the doorhandle is even multiple colors, emi looks at the door then back at Chris, a bit nervous to open the door

L: While he's hesitant, Chris swims up to the door. After a look back at Emi, he somewhat nervously grabs the handle and tries to turn it.

S: the door slowly opens to reveal a dark room, it's still flooded with water... after a lot of hesitation emi swims inside the room, hoping Chris comes along

L: Chris cautiously swims inside with Emi, looking around but staying close just in case something happens...

S: once they get inside, the door swings shut behind them on its own, locking them inside! And soon the whole room changes, the lights up to reveal what seems to be a dream that Chris had one time, a good dream to be exact, and even tho it looks like there's air around them from the where the dream took place, they are still underwater...emi looks around clearly confused on what's going on

L: "...Ibl...Ibl reblmembler thblis... Thblis wabls abl drbleam Ibl hblad onblce! Whblat's hblappbleniblng!?"

S: "Waiblt whablt?? Whatbl arble yblou talkbling about?"

L: "Ibl knblow thblat soblundbls weblird, bublt Ibl'm seblrioblus! Albl thblis hblere wabls ibln abl reblallbly niblce drbleam!"

S: "Whabla?? Webll this just goblt evblen weiblrder... whablt exactly is thblis dreblam you habld?" the room sort of shifts around magically so that they can actually swim around wherever this dream is located

L: "Ibl wabls ablt abl beblach, liblke wble arble noblw, anbld Ibl goblt tblo swblim wiblth abl bublnch oblf sebla crbleatblurebls Ibl reblallbly liblke. Soblme evblen tablked tblo mble!"

S: "Reblally?? Thblats sounblds awblesome! Mayble thiblsnt gonnbla be as babld as I thblought..." emi happily looks around at the beach the dream takes them too, it felt surreal that they weren't underwater here in the dreamland beach, but are still submerged in real life

L: "Mablybe thblis weblird plblace wibll giblve ubls bublblebls tblo brbleatblhe, toblo..." Chris swims along just above the beach toward the "water".

S: "Thablts possible... I coublld usble somble aiblr" emi's face is bright red, but soon when they swim along the beach, they find Chris's favorite sea creatures there waiting for him in the "water"

L: One of them, a dolphin, waves at the two. "Hi guys! Ready to go for a dive with us?"

Chris feels nervous for a moment, since he doesn't have his suit on... But, knowing this might not be real, he doesn't get that scared, and he nods to the dolphin.

S: "This is so weird..." emi thought to himself for a moment then nods his head to the dolphin too, trying to smile and get excited
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Dolphin: "Oh, you two look like you need air... Come with me, I know where you can find some bubbles." It starts swimming out into the water.

Chris swims into the water, finding it incredibly weird to be entering water while already underwater, and follows the dolphin.

S: emi does the same, feeling the same way as Chris, but tries to go along with it, pinching his nose shut to hopefully help keep his air in

L: Dolphin: "Hang in there a little longer, it's not far." They take a breath, clearly not being affected by the ambient real water keeping Chris and Emi from breathing, and they dive under.

Chris: "Ibl hblope sblo..." He holds his nose as well and dives, his chest heaving and face fully red.

S: "Me tbloo..." keeping his own nose pinched shut emi dives as well, now for the both of them there's double the water around them, hoping air bubbles are coming their way soon

L: Sure enough, before all that long, the two are led to a small stone structure on the seabed with an open top, from which a large bubble floats every few seconds.

Chris quickly swims to it and grabs a bubble, breathing it in.

S: emi grabs the next one a few seconds later and breathes that in too, their faces returning to normal
"Pheblw...much bettbler, thanks"

L: Dolphin: "No problem! Anything to help you guys have a good time!"

Chris: "Thblis ibls albl sblo coblol!"

S: "I knblow right?? Thibls is amablzing!" but little do they know, the next dream they will experience won't be as pleasant as this one...

L: Seeing that the other sea creatures have followed him and Emi, Chris goes to start playing with them all, already smiling.

S: emi also goes over and starts to play with them too, trying to ignore the fact that they are in this weird situation

L: As odd as all this is, Chris doesn't really care a whole lot any more, happily reliving the great dream he'd had and hardly worrying about a thing.

S: emi is starting to not care as much anymore either...this goes on for a while, until the dream seems to finally come to a close...

L: Everything starts to dim again, and Chris can already tell exactly what that means. "Ibl wiblsh thblis cobluldbl've goblne loblngeblr..."

Dolphin: "Yeah, me too... But I doubt this'll be the last time we meet. See you two next time!"

S: "Fun wblhile it lasblted! Bblye" emi waves goodbye to the dolphin as everything fades away to black, and the next dream comenses, they are now in the forest on a dark and stormy night, immediately emi's eyes widen as this was his nightmare he had a week ago
"Oh no...oh no! Pleblase no!"

L: "...Thblis wablsn't abl goblod drbleam, wabls iblt? Whblat's ablout tblo hblappblen?"

S: "Oh man oh mblan... thibls was a bad niblghtmablre I habld a weblek ago... if I remblember correcbltly, a giablnt ghblost is gonblna haunblt mebl and evenbltully chablse me!"

L: "Wbl-webll, yoblu cabln swblim fablst, mablybe webl'll ble fiblne..." Chris nervously looks around for the ghost...

S: "I donblt knblow... I'm reblally scablred! I donblt wannblt experiencble this agaibln!" emi does too, and soon he feels a chill going down his back, and immediately whimpers "I canbl alblready senblse thblem..."

L: "Ibl-itbl's goblnna ble okblay... Ibl-Ibl stblill dobln't knblow iblf thblis ibls evblen reblal..." Chris swims to Emi and hugs them.

S: continuing to whimper emi hugs Chris back tightly, looking at him with fearful eyes... soon emi feels something on his leg brush by, which spooks him so much he yelps out bubbles causing air to escape him

L: Chris quickly puts a hand over Emi's mouth so they don't lose more air, and he stays quiet to preserve his own.

S: emi is so scared his whole body starts to shake, he feels another chill down his back, and more things brushing past his legs, signaling the dream has begun and the ghost is starting to haunt emi, his whimpers are more quiet now that Chris put a hand over emi's mouth
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Though he doesn't feel anything himself, Chris tightens the hug a little, doing his best to keep Emi calm as he calls out to the ghost. "Gblo awblay! Yoblu've doblne thblis onblce alblreabldy, anbld evblen thblat's toblo mublch!"

S: "Ybleah! Leavnle me a-ablone!" finally something gets brushed pasted both chris' and emi's legs, and the terrifying ghost approaches slowly behind them, ready to scare them...

L: "MM!" Chris jumps a little as he finally feels what he assumes to be the ghost, and closes his eyes as he now tries to keep himself calm as well.

S: sensing something behind him emi slowly turns around, his eyes widening in pure fear
"U-uhhh..c-chribls??? Chris look behiblnd you..."

L: As much as he doesn't really want to, Chris whines and turns to look...

S: a big ghost that was haunting them earlier gives the most scary and frightening face ever to the duo, which causes emi to scream out his air in fear, hugging Chris even tighter

L: Chris screams out bubbles as well, and frantically tries to swim away from the ghost, entirely ignoring his need for air.

S: emi swims away frantically as well, the big ghost chasing behind them, quickly catching up

L: Having lost so much air in his scream, Chris' face is fully red already as he swims, but he's far from caring about breathing right now.

S: emi's face is also fully red and even a tiny bit blue as he continues to swim away... meanwhile the ghost catches up to them and grabs them, holding them tight so they can't squirm free
"Oblh no! He goblt us! And I thblink I knoblw whablts gonnbla happenbl next! Ahhhbl!!!"

L: Chris whimpers and just covers his eyes, too scared to even look as his face starts going blue too. "Pbl-plbleasble tebll mble yoblu woblke ublp ablt thblis poblint..."

S: "Noblt yeblt... bublt it will happblen soobln..." the ghost brings the two closer to their face and really scares them this time, somehow the ghost makes a extremely scary face at the two which was even worse then last time, emi once again screaming out air, hardly caring about his air supply for the moment... but thankfully the dream is fading again slowly, but neither of them notice because of how scared they are right now

L: Chris yelps as he hears Emi scream, even without knowing what's happening since he's covering his eyes. He's shaking from fear, constantly whining out bubbles.

S: emi shuts his eyes now as well after what he just saw, shaking with fear as constantly whining bubbles out too as the ghost keeps scaring them, hugging Chris tightly, pretty soon the dream finally ends and the two find themselves back in the dark room
"I-is itbl ovbler???"

L: "Ibl-Ibl thblink iblt miblght ble... Mm!" Chris covers his mouth as he realizes how badly he needs to breathe, and he quickly swims to try to open the door.

S: "Mmm!" emi realizes that too, covering his own mouth and swimming to try and open the door, thankfully the door opens and emi immediately rushes out towards the air pocket

L: Chris swims out as well, quickly swimming for the air pocket as he keeps his mouth covered with one hand, his face now entirely blue.

S: emi's own face is bluer then normal, soon enough the two get back into the air pocket, emi gasping heavily for air as his face slowly returns to normal, before breaking down in tears at what he had to suffer through again

L: Chris gasps a few times too, and once he realizes Emi is crying, he hugs them. "I-it's okay... W-whatever that was is over..."

S: "I-i-i can't believe I had to suffer through that nightmare again! That was the worst!!!" emi hugs Chris back tightly, continuing to cry

L: "Th-that was awful, I know..." Chris is crying a little as well, just continuing to hold Emi.

S: emi keeps on hugging Chris, tears following down his eyes, he moves his goggles up to his forehead to wipe away a few tears
"I hated that! I hope I don't have see that nightmare again! And I'm sorry you had to witness it too..."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: "We're lucky it let us out after that... I have no idea what any of that was..."

S: "Bad dreams are always unexplainable... it went from being awesome to be horrible in a matter of seconds!" emi tries to calm himself down, but it's pretty hard

L: "That just happens with dreams, yeah... But, we were awake, so how was any of that possible? ...We should talk to Cirrus about this when he gets back, he might know."

S: "Good idea..." emi looks down at the water fearfully "But after all that, I don't think I'm gonna have the courage to submerge underwater for a long time..."

L: "Same here... He should know where to find us, I think we can just wait here until then."

S: "Yeah, he already knew where we were so he shouldn't have any trouble finding us, we just gotta wait" continuing to hug Chris emi continues to whimper about the nightmare while waiting for cirrus to come back

L: It ends up taking another hour or so, but Cirrus does eventually return to the lake with Chris' newly modified dolphin suit. "Chris? Emi? I'm back! Oh, right, they said they'd be in the cave..." He dives underwater and heads for the cave.

S: emi and Chris has been in the air pocket the whole time, emi still being right about the air in there being completely fresh

L: Chris: "Wonder how the air stays fresh in here..."

Cirrus soon surfaces in the air pocket. "Hey guys! The suit's done!" He holds it out to Chris, who takes it.

Chris: "Thanks... Um... We need to ask you about something."

S: "Yeah, it was horrible!" emi tries to explain but can't, worried he might get too scared again "Um, you tell him Chris"

L: Chris: "There was, like... A weird door down there, and when we went in it repeated dreams we had. A good one of mine, and a nightmare of his. Do you have any idea what that was?"

Cirrus' eyes go wide. "Holy crap, you found a Dream Door! Those are INSANELY rare, there's only a handful that've been found!"

S: "A dream door? That's actually a real thing? W-wow..."

L: Cirrus: "Yeah, they let you relive dreams that stand out to you! But, no one knows how to control them, and nightmares are way worse when you're physically THERE for them..."

Chris: "I-it's really not worth the risk of it replaying a nightmare, yeah..."

S: "And I just had to experience one! I hate nightmares even more now!" emi continues to shake with fear

L: Chris: "S-same here... It was a little while ago now, but we're both still shaken from it..."

Cirrus: "I know how you feel... I tried one of those doors once, and got stuck in a nightmare. Couldn't sleep that night, even with it having been fairly early in the day when I went in."

S: "Ugh... now we've gotten so scared that we can't even submerge back underwater because of shooken up we are"

L: Cirrus: "It'll at least help if you two get back outside, a dark cave is no place to recover from fear like this."

Chris: "I-I guess that makes sense..."

S: "True, but I'm still scared to go underwater period...we've been trying to convince ourselfs to do it but we've failed alot"

L: Cirrus: "I'll let you guys ride me out. It'd only take a few seconds, maybe even less than 10."

Chris: "Even going under at all is the issue..."

S: "Exactly...I don't know if we could do it to be honest, it doesn't matter how long it takes, were gonna be too freaked out"

L: Cirrus sighs. "Well, you can't just stay here forever, even if the air isn't gonna run out. But, I'll be sticking around until you change your mind, however long that takes."

Chris: "Better than it just being the two of us, I guess."

S: "Yeah...I suppose but I still don't know... what do we do chris?"

L: Chris: "I'm gonna at least get my suit back on... Cirrus, can you hold me up so I don't go under?"

Cirrus: "Sure." He dives under and rises up under Chris to get them on his back, at which point Chris puts his suit on.

S: emi floats there and watches as Chris puts his suit back on
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Chris: "This does feel a bit different..."

Cirrus: "Most of the changes were in the hood. The face should move with your expressions now, but probably not quite to the same degree as if it was just your actual face."

Chris finishes putting the suit on, and gets the hood on as well to try it out. "How's it look?" The face on the hood has a similarly slightly nervous expression to what Chris himself did before putting it on.

S: "Now you actually look like a dolphin, so you should be good to go"

L: Chris smiles a little, and removes the hood again. "Thanks, Cirrus... I do feel a little better about going under now, at least."

Cirrus: "Glad I could help!"

S: "Y-you may have felt better, but I'm definitely not better at all!!" emi is still shaking with fear

L: Chris gets back into the water, and Cirrus gives Emi a hug. "We'll figure something out, this isn't my first time helping someone calm down."

Chris: "And I'll do what I can to help, too."

S: "Thanks Chris... I'm so acting like Glacier the glaceon right now... you think I'm scared of submerging right now? Man...Glacier is far worse then me..."

L: Chris: "Glacier?"

Cirrus: "He's practically got a phobia of water. But, he went on Flood or Fact - and actually won it - so it definitely doesn't entirely control him."

S: "Yeah, but when he gets scared...then he gets scared... but he's a cool guy, I really like him... haven't seen him in a while tho, wonder what he's up to..."

L: Cirrus: "Same here, it's been a fairly long time. Maybe he's gotten better with water?"

Chris: "It'd be cool if he did, I bet I'd like swimming with him."

S: "Yeah he's pretty chill, would like to see him again at some point tho" ironically Glacier the glaceon is actually on the surface of the lake, the last time we saw him was in the candy canyon where he met gummigoo, apparently he's managed to find a way back home and he's now sitting on the edge of the lake, kicking his feet around in the water as he senses nobody is around, I guess he too found this lake

L: Cirrus: "Well, that's not gonna happen if you just stay here... Come on, don't you want to see your other friends again?"

S: "...Yeah I guess so... i do have other friends..."

L: Chris: "Then let's get out of here so you'll get the chance to meet up with them at some point!"

Cirrus: "Yeah, exactly!"

S: "Ugh, your right..." emi takes a deep breath and let's it out slowly "Ok fine...I guess if we ride on cirrus he can get us out in a matter of seconds"

L: Cirrus: "Yep, you practically won't even have to hold your breath!"

Chris: "Never ridden a dragon before, I bet this'll be fun!"

S: "Cirrus is great for traveling, he can go so fast that sometimes I believe he can fly at the speed of light, heh... I've ridden on him before lots of times.... well...let's get this over with" lowering his goggles over his eyes again, emi hops onto cirrus

L: Cirrus: "Haha, not quite light speed, but with a good amount of effort I can break the sound barrier!"

Chris: "Woah, even THAT'S incredible! Better get my hood on so I don't end up getting water in my nose, if we're gonna be going super fast..." Clearly just making an excuse, Chris starts getting his suit's hood back on.

S: "Bruh, you could just pinch your nose shut, I think your just making excuses to put that hood back on...come on now!"

L: Chris stops. "...Y-yeah, I am. L-look, it's not that I don't trust you, but you were wrong about us being alone before, and I don't want to risk it this time."

Cirrus: "I mean, if it makes you more comfortable, I don't mind."

S: "I know we're trying to work on building your courage and all but...if you really wanna keep that hood on then fine...go ahead"

L: Chris gets the hood the rest of the way on. "Hey, if someone happens to be out there, then we can start working on helping me get used to showing what I really am. As much as I still kinda don't want to..."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Cirrus: "We'll get you used to it eventually, it'll just take time. Anyway, you two ready to dive?"

S: "Uhhh...." emi looks down at the water below, still scared
"I-i don't know...I think so...hopefully"

L: Chris: "Think I'll be fine too..."

Cirrus: "I'll take it a little slow at first, just to be sure. If neither of you go back up, then I'll get us all outside." Cirrus starts sinking underwater.

S: as the water creeps up to emi's body, he tries to calm down, but just at the point where he would have to hold his breath he jumps off of cirrus to stay on the surface, frightened

L: Cirrus quickly surfaces as he feels Emi get off, and he looks back at them. "Still too scared?"

Chris: "Come on, Emi, you can do this! Aren't squirtles water types?"

S: "Well yes we are water types...but I actually used to be scared of water before... but now that this nightmare happened I'm still too scared...I don't know what to do"

L: Chris: "It hardly even had anything to do with water, we just happened to be underwater for it..."

Cirrus: "If you're okay with talking about it, what was the nightmare actually like?"

S: "You mean the one we experienced? It was litteraly the same thing as the nightmare I had when I was asleep... all of it was scary accurate"

L: Chris: "It had a ghost that made really scary faces at us..."

Cirrus: "...That's all it did? Kinda sounds to me like it was trying too hard to be scary."

S: "Well then it chased us and grabbed us, that face was really scary! And I was worried it might have done something else to us if the dream hadn't ended there"

L: Cirrus: "Kinda want to go give that thing a piece of my mind... I don't want whatever that was to get away with messing with you."

Chris: "Emi's not gonna want to go back in there..."

S: "No way! It's not worth it cirrus trust me....just let it go... maybe if i don't think about it I'll go under..." emi slowly climbs back on cirrus

L: Cirrus: "Alright, fine... We could think about good times you've had underwater instead! Like, remember how much fun you had when we had your birthday party in that shipwreck?"

S: "Oh yeah! That was really fun! I won the breath holding contest we had too, that felt good" emi then suddenly blushes "and that was also the day where I told my true feelings about you..."

L: Cirrus: "Sure was... And I'm never gonna forget it!" He hugs Emi.

S: emi blushes more and hugs cirrus back "M-me neither! That was the best day of my life..."

L: Chris: "Kinda wish I could've been there, but it's not like we'd met..."

Cirrus: "Well, there's certainly gonna be next year!"

S: "Mmhm, I'm sure you'll get invited to my next party, heh...well, I guess now I feel better after talking about that..."

L: Cirrus: "I knew that'd help! Feel like it's finally time for our quick dive to get us out of here?"

Chris: "Definitely feels that way to me."

S: "Yes, a very quick dive indeed... I'm ready this time"

L: Cirrus: "Alright, both of you hold your breath and get a good grip on me, and we'll practically be out of here before you even know we're underwater!"

Chris: "Okay..." He takes a few breaths before holding one, tightly gripping one of Cirrus' spikes.

S: "Fine..." emi takes a couple of breaths as well, holding on in and pinching his nose shut, before also tightly gripping one of cirrus' spikes with the other arm

L: With both Chris and Emi ready, Cirrus dives down and practically rockets through the water toward the cave's entrance, getting back out into the lake proper in just seconds and quickly surfacing. "Told you it wouldn't be long!"

Chris exhales. "H-holy CRAP you're fast!"

S: emi exhales too, uncovering his nose
"Wow! Hehe I told you he's fast!"

meanwhile Glacier continues to kick his legs in the water while sitting on the edge of the lake, before finding cirrus in the distance, he sighs as he realizes he's not alone anymore but does smile a tad at seeing him, just continuing to mind his own business for now
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Cirrus starts moving along the lake's surface toward the shore, seeing Glacier as well. "Oh, hey Glacier! Cool to see you here!"

Chris manages to stay calm upon seeing the new person here since he has every part of his suit on, though he gives Emi a bit of a disappointed look for a moment, knowing they'd been wrong again.

S: "Ugh, I'm sorry Chris... I didn't see any of this coming, usually nobody comes here...USUALLY..."

Glacier - "Cirrus...nice to see you again, who's that on your back?"

L: Chris: "I'm Chris! It's nice to actually meet you, Emi and Cirrus have told me a good bit about you!"

Cirrus reaches the shore, floating just above it to let Chris and Emi off him. "Yep, we've been... Mostly having fun here."

S: emi gets off of him

Glacier - "An anthro dolphin huh? Haven't seen one of those in a while"

Emi - "Well, he's not exactly an anthro dolphin..." emi turns to chris and nods encouragingly at him to take his hood off

L: Chris hesitates for a moment, taking a deep breath... And takes off his hood, blushing while looking at Glacier. "I-I'm, a, um... L-lizard."

Cirrus: "He's not a fan of people knowing he's a lizard, but we're trying to help him feel better about it."

S: Glacier - "Oh...I see what's going on here...he's got on of those rubber suits on to help hide his true self, I was once like that, but only for a short time because I did an extremely embressing thing in front of people"

L: Chris: "Oh, really? I can't imagine you'd want to talk about whatever that thing was..."

Cirrus: "I definitely want to know, but if you don't want to talk about it that's fine."

S: "Oh its best if you dont know what happened, I'm worried you'll laugh at me... so I rather not say it"

Emi - "That's ok"

L: Cirrus: "Yeah, don't worry about it then. Maybe some other time."

Chris: "Man, this is the fastest I've gotten comfortable with someone knowing I'm a lizard..."

S: "Hehe! All thanks to my help!"

Glacier - "Anyway um, what were you guys doing?"

L: Chris: "We were talking in the cave down there in the lake. If you go down there and see a door, don't go in it."

Cirrus: "Yeah, he and Emi went in there, it did NOT go well."

S: Glacier - "A door? In a cave? That's certainly odd, why what's in it?"

Emi - "You don't wanna know..."

L: Cirrus: "He's gonna go in it if we don't tell him..."

Chris: "Yeah... Apparently it's something called a Dream Door. If you go in, you relive a dream that stood out to you, but that can also include nightmares. Like it did for Emi and I earlier."

S: Glacier - "Huh??? Whoa that's wild...and nightmares too? Yikes! Yeah I don't wanna relive my nightmares...so I'll make sure to stay away from that Dream Door then"

L: Chris: "Apparently it's not the only one, so keep this in mind: If you find a weird door in a weird place, and there's just darkness on the other side of it, don't go in."

Cirrus: "I know of a few, and they all look different, so just follow that rule."

S: "Alright well thanks for letting me know... that's certainly a way to start off me getting back home..."

Emi - "Huh?"

L: Cirrus: "Wait, what do you mean back home?"

Chris: "Did something happen?"

S: Glacier sighs and explains
Glacier - "So apparently I got randomly teleported to a far away place called Candy Canyon, and I was lost and didn't know where to go, but luckily I met a local there named gummigoo, we even swam around in soda, and lemme tell you it's way better the water! Anyways afterwards gummigoo took me to his buddies so they can help me get back home, managing it successfully, and now I've been home for about 4 days... I sure miss gummigoo tho... he's so cute..."

Emi - "Wow..."

L: Chris: "Huh... Well, if you got there once, there must be a way to go back there, right?"

Cirrus: "Even I don't know how you might go about that, though..."
4 months, 3 weeks ago
S: Glacier - "I doubt it honestly, I would have to find someone who knows how to teleport or something"

Emi - "Yeah maybe, but sounds like you've been through a lot huh?"

Glacier - "Yep..."

L: Cirrus: "Guess that's why none of us have heard from you in a while, huh?"

Chris: "At least you're back home now!"

S: "Yeah thankfully... I was heading back home when I found this lake, so I've just been sitting here, kicking my legs in the water to relax for a bit before I headed home"

Emi - "Well that's interesting... guess you just needed to soak your legs a bit a huh?"

Glacier - "Yeah, heh..."

L: Cirrus: "I can get you home if you want, it probably won't take all that long."

S: "Nah that's ok, my home isn't that far away anyways, I can just walk myself back" Glacier continues to idly kick his legs in the water "Besides, I'm too comfortable here to move right now"

L: Cirrus: "Fair enough." Mist briefly surrounds him as he changes to 10% size, and he then lays down.

Chris: "Woah, what? How'd you do that?"

Cirrus laughs. "It's a thing with me, I can change size."

S: Emi - "I thought that was the coolest thing ever when I first met him!" emi goes over and sits next to Glacier, putting his own feet in the water and kicking around lightly, putting his goggles over his forehead for now

Glacier - "Heh, yeah it is pretty cool"

L: Cirrus: "I can go even smaller too!" He floats up off the ground and mist obscures him again, now turning to 1% size. "These are the only 3 sizes I can be though, nothing between them."

Chris chuckles and holds out his hand for Cirrus to land on, which they do. "Man, you must get a lot of use out of this!"

S: Glacier - "Wow! I forgot how tiny he can go! Impressive!" he gently pets cirrus' tiny form, giggling

Emi - "It may be useful but it also has its downfalls too, especially around liquids"

L: Cirrus: "Not so much with liquids in general, but a pretty major limit this has is that I can't get bigger if there isn't room for my new size. I've gotten trapped while tiny a few times."

Chris: "Yikes, that must be awful..."

S: "Oh right, I forgot about that! Yeah that must have sucked"

Glacier - "Yeah..."

L: Cirrus: "So, I'm always really careful in tiny form, and I only use it around people I trust."

Chris: "I'd probably do the same."

S: Emi - "Yeah, and everytime I see cirrus in this tiny form I always get anxious about it, which is why I always preferred him to be in his 10% size"

L: Cirrus: "Oh, I can go back to that if you want. But trust me, I know what I'm doing, I've got centuries of experience."

Chris: "...Centuries?"

Cirrus: "Yep. I'm 537 years old."

S: Glacier - "Wait a minute, your 537 years old?!?!"

Emi - "....y-you never told me that cirrus!"

L: Cirrus shrugs. "It's never come up until now, but yeah. I've seen and done just about everything there is."

Chris: "Holy crap, I can't even imagine what that must be like..."

S: "Well I don't care, age doesn't matter to me...I'll still like you cirrus, a lot! Hehe! Now go back to your 10% size form for goodness sake!"

Glacier - "Heh, wow..."

L: Cirrus: "Haha, alright, calm down!" He floats out of Chris' hands as mist gathers before he changes to 10% size again. "There you go."

S: Emi - "Thank you!"

Glacier - "Well anyways, I assume you guys are gonna get going then? Don't worry about me ill be fine"

L: Chris: "Yeah, thinking about heading out now."

Cirrus: "Same here. It was cool to see you two again, and to meet Chris as well!"

S: Emi - "Yeah gonna head out too, hey chris...you mind if I come over to your place for a while? I don't really wanna leave you just yet"

L: Chris: "Sure, that'd be fine. Hey, Cirrus, if I give you directions, can you fly us there?"

Cirrus: "Totally! We'll get going whenever you two are ready!" He returns to full size, laying on the ground so Emi and Chris can easily get on.

S: "Awesome! Well we'll see you later glacier!" emi happily hops up onto cirrus

Glacier - "See ya guys!"
4 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Chris climbs onto Cirrus as well. "See you again sometime!"

Cirrus: "Later, Glacier!" He takes off with Chris and Emi, ready for Chris to guide him to their home.

S: emi waves goodbye as cirrus takes off
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