Character Sheet for Tyler Kline
Character Description
A six foot tall well built lion. Everything else is below ;3
Tyler is generaly a well rounded guy with a slight temper when dealing with anyone he considers a moron. He's known among his friends as being a good mechanic, able to help with any computer issues, and somone to go to that can always be relied on to keep secrets and listen to their probloms.
TY Likes heavy beers and drinking them, he enjoys the occasional cigar but wont smoke otherwise he detsests smoking.
He enjoys others company and small parties.
He loves raves, but doesnt go often.
TY was raised in the united states of keralith (effectivly the usa), on the east coast. He was a southern boy and always enjoyed being outside. His mother was a sweet woman and was always there for her family. The two of them were closer then most though, since his father was always away in the military, but when his father was home you would never find ahappier family.
One day it all horrible changed...
It all began with a simple knock, handing of a letter, and the colapse of his mother in tears. Tyler had just turned 17 that day.
That was the day he decided his life path. He would go in his fathers footsteps, carring his name through the ranks and make him proud.
Not soon after he joined however his mother fell ill with cancer. He sis what he could and was positive she would live, but after a year of strugling to make it through she passed, leaving him alone.... since hes worked in his career, always remembering his parents.
Father: srgt. Major kline -decesed-
Mother: rose kline -decesed-
The planet Tzrntai (zern-te), which is almost the same as earth but has a bit more technology.
TY has a slighly darkened tan coat covering his well toned body, blond hair that reaches his shoulders (usually kept in a ponytail), and dyes the end of his tail to look like it has flames insread of fur.
His left ear has a bite out of it from his camando days in the military and he has a scar on his chest from a plasma gun backfire. The scar is odly enough shaped like a 6 pointed star.
When not in military gear or his covert op setups, he generaly will wear jeans and a light shirt such as a tank top or sleveless shirt. Prefers to wear boots over other foitwear.
Has a spike peiercing in his right ear, dog-tags, and a holow-watch that also has a picture of his parents in it.