"Some days ago I was running in the forest to stretch out my muscles, and during my run I smelled some easy prey nearby, it was a hunter with a bag full of dead rabbits, once he saw me he dropped the rabbits, his rifle and ran wildly...thats the worse thing he could do, I love a chase! took me few seconds to catch him up, I tripped him and stood upon he, he was crying and begging for his life, I was enjoying that, I'm not sadistic but I began to enjoy the control I have over my prey, when they are in my paws I'm the arbiter of their lives, I decide if they live or die...I was holding him against the ground, I began to play with his body by applying some pressure with my fingers, I could feel his bones, how easily I could snap them, in my little play I accidentaly snapped his leg, he cried loudly in pain,I considered eating him but I promised to Pietro I would not eat innocents anymore,so when I heard the voices of other people approaching so I ran away without thinking much of the situation.
Three days later master Diane out of nowhere charged me with an important mission, buy artisanal beer from the nearby village, she was planning a small celebration and it requires some kegs of this delicious drink, so me and Pietro took some money, and we drove the truck down the road until the trading post in the village, since it was meant to be easy only I entered the building while he guarded the truck, the woman doing the trade today was an adorable bovine with a massive pregnant belly, I could barely pay atention to the maths while apreciating her curves, while we did business a man came from a door in the back, it was the hunter from the other day! when he saw me his eyes startled and he came back to the same door , minutes later he return with a elephant gun in his hand.
He was absolutely freaking out, he pointed that gun to me and said I was a beast,a werewolf! he recognized because of my yellow eyes! this was a massive mistake on my part, I got too close to him, I had no idea a previous victim would reconize me for such small detail, I had no idea how to defuse that situation, Pietro was out there and could not hear the comotion, I had no way to run and he was too far to try a disarm, and a gun of such large calliber could surely kill me in my normal form, he continued spouting acusations while I tried to desperately think of plan, I could try to transform but then my disguise would be over! I would force the entire coven to move again.
My salvation came from a unexpected place, the lovely bovine who was doing business with me stood between us and miraculously calmed down the mad hunter, turns out she was his wife, once he left the room she apologized and explained to me that he had a traumatic experience with a beast in the forest, I asked her if they knew more of this beast, they knew it was a werewolf, they had issues with one in the past,she was very grateful he survived, otherwise she would had to raise their litter alone...I felt awful in that moment, I hurt that man for nothing and almost destroyed a family...
Once business was done and the truck loaded with the kegs we hit the road back home,Pietro noticed my down mood and asked what happened, I told everything to him, he was not happy I hurt an innocent but he was grateful I didnt killed the man, I asked him what I could do to repair the damage I done, he looked at me and said "I also ask myself the same question everyday" ...yes I was carrying guilt but nowhere near his guilt...I tried to drown my anguish by drinking but it helped very little, but in my drunk ravings I ended up confessing to Mabel what I done, she was very comprehensive and gave me some confort.
In the following morning I was still feeling bad for what I done with the hunter and was thinking in a way to repay him for the broken leg, then an idea occurred in my head, I went back to the place I attacked him and with the help of my superb smelling skills I was able to find his lost rifle in a bush, I took the gun back home and cleaned it to the best of my hability, once it was done I went to the trading post once again, and Barry the hunter was taking care of the bar, he was not happy to see me, but I was quick to show I came in peace, when I showed him the rifle his eyes brighten like a child receiving a gift, he got curious how I found it, I told him I found while gathering mushrooms, he was beyond happy, that rifle was a gift he received from his dad decades ago and he was really upset for loosing it, more than getting his leg broken.
I ended up sitting on the bar a bit and drunk two mugs of beer while talking to barry, he told me a lot about the village and how they dealt with the werewolf they met in the past, it was valuable knowlege for me, once I was done with my beer I paid and was ready to leave, the hunter smiled to me and said "listen girl, I know very well you are the beast that jumped me in the woods...but you dont strike me as monster entirely, so I will not tell anyone, just stay away from our people and we stay away from you, the forest is big and bountiful for both of us, alright?"that got me by surprise, but I agreed with him and said goodbye, in the following night I went for a night stroll in the forest, and ended up getting distracted watching the village from afar,this was the first time my identity was discovered by a normal person...and the only one that I let said person live after, a cold and calculating monster would go there and snuff the hunter, but I dont want to, I like to be a beast but I dont need to become an immoral killing machine...I dont wanna end up like Pietro...but the question is, do I have a choice? or in the end I will inevitably become so numb to deaths that no one will matter anymore...?" (Danadriel)
something cute as a palate cleanser. :U
big belly
7 months ago
07 Aug 2024 22:15 CEST
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