I haven't really watched the Simpsons (except some of the early seasons a long time ago, 8th grade maybe?) and I don't remember this one.
8/8/8 was the date I first got online, and this artz was made in an attempt to secure FA post id "8888888" (7 8s) but I messed up and got 8888890 instead ;w;
Also, I found out in the past few years that "888" is considered "lucky" in Chinese numerology. I heard it means something like "Money/Money/Money" or "Luck/Luck/Luck" as they are interchangeable (luck/money) in Chinese culture. I'm not fully sure. I just notice that items with that id tend to go for more in China. Kind of cool that my lucky numbers are memes~!
I haven't really watched the Simpsons (except some of the early seasons a long time ago, 8th grade m