Here's Knuckle Joe's widowed mother Marian, when she was his age.
She was a spunky and spry kid who's the youngest child of the expert martial artists that live in Knuckle Village, whose strong desire is to be the best fighter ever, which is why Marian went on a journey herself at 8 years old.
While she faced her rival Waiu *Back then was 9 years old, she would also make new friends with two Knuckelf children, 9 year old Dylan and 10 year old Jeri, who joined them on their journey, and having to encounter a foe, an Asian water monitor named Varanus, who intends on finding the ancient stone that would give him great power. Marian would eventually defeat Varanus and had to destroy the stone because it will bring nothing but destruction.
Marian bids farewell to Dylan and Jeri as she heads back home, hoping to see them one day. Her family was so proud of her for being as strong as them.
=== Young Marian's fighter outfit looks just like Knuckle Joe's outfit, like Joe, at 8-10 years old, Marian's outfit has long sleeves, but at 11-12 years old, it's sleeveless. Same goes to the eye style I headcanon Knuckle Joe's species *Called a Knuckelf* getting a unique eye shape change at age 11. === As for her voice in English, still Veronica Taylor, but she would sound like May during the 4Kids Dub of Pokemon except younger.