Sonic Christmas
It was Christmas time in Station Square. Kids were building snowmen and having snowball fights, families getting together, and there was snow everywhere. Sonic and his friends were celebrating Christmas as well. Even EGGMAN was celebrating Christmas, too. He may be a genius trying to take over the world with robots, but even he gets into the Christmas spirit.
(Sonic was running through the streets of Station Square)
Sonic: (singing): Simply having a wonderful Christmas time, simply having a wonderful Christmas time.
Sonic was carrying bags. He stops at his house and opens the door. He walks in and sets the bag down. He takes off his blue coat and green scarf.
Sonic: I’m home!
Tails was setting up decorations while Amy was cooking dinner.
Tails and Amy: Hey, Sonic!
Sonic: So, what’s been going on?
Tails: Well, Cream and Vanilla are at home, decorating their house and baking some Christmas cookies.
At Cream and Vanilla’s house, Vanilla was setting up a sign that said, “Merry Christmas” on it in red and green. Cream was inside the house taking out a tray of Christmas cookies.
Vanilla: How are the cookies, Cream?
Cream: They look great. Wait until the others try them.
Amy: Silver, Blaze, and Marine went out to do some carol singing.
Blaze was singing “Silent Night”. Silver was singing “Jingle Bells”. Marine was singing “Deck the Halls”.
Tails: Shadow went off to face his light side and his dark side.
Shadow meets in light and dark sides. Light Shadow had gold fur and angel wings. Dark Shadow had red fur and bat wings.
Shadow: Okay…
Sonic: What about Knuckles and Rouge?
Amy: They went out to get us a Christmas tree.
There was a knock on the door.
Sonic: That must be them now.
Sonic opens the door and in walk in Knuckles and Rouge, carrying a Christmas tree. They set the tree up and sat down.
Knuckles: We could have gone with the painless, artificial tree. But, no… we had to go natural instead. *takes off his green scarf*
Rouge: *takes off her violet scarf* Hey, the other one gave me allergies, okay?
Amy: Glad to see you guys are back.
Rouge: Thanks.
Sonic: *whistles*. You found a pretty good tree.
Knuckle: Glad you like it. We had to stop by three places to find this one.
Tails: All that for a tree.
Knuckles: We weren’t the only ones in need of a Christmas tree.
Tails: Good point.
Sonic and Tails went to decorate the tree. The doorbell rings.
Amy: I’ll get that.
Amy opens the door to see Cosmo and Shade.
Amy: Cosmo and Shade? What brings you here?
Cosmo: Knuckles and Tails told us you and Sonic were holding a Christmas party.
Shade: So, we came here to help you out.
Amy: Then, welcome to the Christmas party.
Rouge gets up and put her scarf back on.
Knuckles: Where you going?
Rouge: I’m going to the GUN Base. I’m taking my friend, Topaz, to the airport. She said she and the Commander are going on vacation for Christmas. I’ll see you guys soon.
Sonic: Later, Rouge.
(Rouge leaves)
Tails: I got to go, too, Sonic. I’m going to go pick up Cream and Ms. Vanilla. They’re bringing some Christmas sweets for the party.
Sonic: Alright, then. Amy and I will finish the house and meet you guys at the park.
Everyone leaves while Sonic and Amy got to work on the tree.
Amy: Sonic, do you think everyone will be there for the snowball fight?
Sonic: I hope so. What’s more fun in the snow on Christmas than a snowball fight?
(Sonic hears his cell phone)
Sonic: Hello?
ALEENA: Hello, Sonic.
Sonic: Mom? It’s great to hear from you. I haven’t seen or heard from you in a long time.
ALEENA: You, too. So, how’s it going?
Sonic: Well, Amy and I are getting the house ready.
ALEENA: Anything else?
Sonic: Well, we’re planning on having a snowball fight later in the park. Then, we’re throwing a Christmas party.
Sonic: Hey, would you, along with Sonia and Manic like to come over? Christmas is the one time of the year we spend with our friends and families.
ALEENA: Of course! We could use a little Christmas spirit.
Sonic: Great! See you then.
ALEENA: You, too.
(Sonic hangs up)
Amy: Who was it, Sonic?
Sonic: My mom. She’s going to come to the Christmas party, including Sonia and Manic.
Amy: Nice. It will be great to have some more people over.
Later that day, everyone arrived at the park for the snowball fight. Everyone had their scarves and jackets.
Sonic: Okay. We’ll all split up into two groups. Both groups will build fort of snow and prepare snowballs. Oh, and be sure to have fun.
Everyone agreed. They picked out their teammates and started building their snow forts. Soon, everyone made snowballs and they were ready to begin.
Sonic: Let the snowball battle begin!
Everyone started throwing snowballs. Some missed and some hit. A lot of people were having fun. In the end, the snowball fight came out as a tie. Everyone decides to head to the Christmas party. Sonic notices that Shadow was walking away.
Sonic: Hey, Shadow!
Shadow: Huh?
Sonic: Where are you going?
Shadow: I’m leaving.
Sonic: Want to come to the Christmas party?
Shadow: You want me to come with you to the Christmas party? And you’re sure it’s okay?
Sonic: Of course. It is Christmas, after all. No one should be alone for the holidays.
Shadow: Sonic… I don’t know what to say.
Sonic: If you want to come, feel free to.
Shadow: I’m in.
Everyone arrives at the house.
Amy: Sonic?
Sonic: Yes, Amy?
Amy: I see a van over there.
Sonic looked to see the van parked by the house.
Sonic: I know that van.
Amy: You’ve seen it?
Sonic: Yeah. It belongs to Sonia, Manic, and my mom.
Amy: Then, that means they came by the house while we were gone.
Sonic: Well, let’s get inside.
Everyone went inside the house. ALEENA and Sonia were preparing a Christmas dinner while Manic was setting up some Christmas movies.
Sonia Manic, and ALEENA: Hey, Sonic!
Sonic: Sonia! Manic! Mom! Glad to see you’re all here!
The hedgehogs hugged each other. The group couldn’t help but smile.
Sonia: We’ve been setting up a holiday dinner for you guys while you were.
Manic: We also brought some Christmas movies for a little entertainment.
Sonic: Sweet! Let’s get this Christmas party started!
Everyone sat at the table. There was lots of delicious food. “Jingle Bells” by Bass hunter plays and everyone was having a great time. Later everyone was in the living room. Sonic stood by the Christmas tree.
Sonic: Hey, guys. Thank you all for coming to my Christmas party. Now then, let’s all unwrap presents.
Everyone started opening presents.
Tails: A new toolbox!
Amy: A new red scarf, Sonic the Hedgehog plush doll and a Sonic T-shirt!
Rouge: Jewel printed underwear? I don’t know what to say.
Sonic: What else were Knuckles and Shadow going to give you? Besides, we know how much you like jewels.
Blaze: A spell book! Now I can practice my fire abilities more.
Silver: The entire Doctor Who series on DVD! Awesome!
Knuckles: Rocks? Are you just plain stupid?
Shadow: The entire weaponry of the Black Arms! How did you obtain these?
Sonic: I did some favors for G.U.N.
Omega: A crate full of ammo! I always wanted some extra firepower.
Cream: A CHAO plush doll and a flower crown!
Vanilla: A cook book full of Christmas recipes!
Vector: A bag of money!
CHARMY: Star Wars the Clone Wars on DVD!
ESPIO: The entire NARUTO collection!
Sally: An acorn necklace!
BUNNIE: A new hat! This I just what I needed.
Rotor: Sweet! A set of new tools! Now I can finish some repairs on my suit.
Antoine: A new sword!
Mina: A new microphone and a microphone necklace!
Julie-Su: Some new gear! Awesome!
ALEENA: A necklace of my children and albums of “The Beatles”!
Manic: The “Green Day” CD soundtrack!
Sonia: The “Big Time Rush” CD soundtrack!
Tikal: A CHAO plush doll!
Shade: Alright! A new suit of armor!
Cosmo: Wow! Flowers! That’s very sweet.
Marine: Cool! A captain’s hat!
Everyone gave Sonic presents as well. He got video games, music on CDs, and to top it all off, a photo of everyone together. Sonic smiles at the Christmas photo of him along with his family and friends.
Sonic: Merry Christmas, everyone.
All: Merry Christmas, Sonic the Hedgehog.