Character Sheet for Yasashi
Tanuki/Vaporon/Human hybrid
Character Description
As a child, she's mischievous and spunky, but as an adult, she's pretty mellow (in public anyway).
She inherits both her parent's abilities, including all pokemon abilities that come with being a vaporeon, as well as her father's dragoon powers, making her extremely dangerous when provoked. (her father's strength also allows her to support such huge tits with no problem at all)
Child: If told not to do something, she takes it as an opportunity to explore and learn. Besides from being a bit disobedient, she can be pretty affectionate towards friends, and loves meeting new people.
Adult: Very laid back and relaxed, tending to take everything in stride and now worry about the little things. She's very kind and doesn't mind using her assets to help her friends relax or feel better.
Dislikes: Those who judge her without knowing her, closed minded people, area's void of water
Likes: Open minded people, SWIMMING!
She was raised in her father's home dimension until she was 12, a world filled with overpowered teenagers and absolutely any creature outside of a protected town or city tries to relentlessly kill you for absolutely no reason.
Needless to say she can take care of herself.
Very adaptive, can be just about anywhere in any setting and assimilate.
She has much lighter skin than her father, but still human skin none the less. Her tail is that of a vaporeon's, but her ears are furry like a tanuki's. She has her mother's nose but father's eyes, her hair being an icy blue to compliment it all.
She really doesn't wear much clothing, always wearing her incredibly skimpy and skin tight aquatic friendly attire, she's 100% ready to take a dip in a lake or pool at any moment.
As a child she has a magical bracelet that allows her to switch between her ages, though the effects only last for an hour per day.