L: With Kyogre's respect for Groudon having grown since the latter overcame their fear of water, the two have become good friends, and they agreed to meet up at the ocean again today to hang out together.
S: *we then see groudon coming down the shore, a pair of goggles resting on his forehead, excited to hang out with kygore today*
L: Kyogre soon becomes visible to him, resting in a shallow section of water and smiling at him. "Glad you could make it, Groudon!"
S: "Kygore!!" *groudon happily runs over to kygore and smiles back* "Good to see you again buddy!"
L: "Good to see you too! I see you're all ready for swimming, with those goggles you've got!"
S: "Ah yes! Can't go swimming without these things, hehe..." *groudon blushes a tad*
L: "Well, we may as well get going, right? Plenty of stuff down in the water waiting for us!"
S: "Sounds good to me!" *groudon lowers his goggles over his eyes and wades into the water, floating peacefully next to kygore*
L: Kyogre starts swimming out into deeper water with Groudon, staying on the surface for now. "Let me know if something down there catches your eye... Or we can just head under anyway."
S: *groudon looks down and smiles* "Eh, let's just go under now... now that I'm not scared yknow, heh"
L: "Alright then! Get yourself ready, I'll head under whenever you do. Don't worry about giving me time to get ready, I can stay under long enough it won't matter."
S: "Alright!" *calming himself down groudon closes his eyes and takes some deep breathes*
L: Kyogre waits for Groudon to be ready, not feeling any need to really prepare himself.
S: *after a bit, groudon takes a final deep breath and holds it, pinching his nose as he plunges underwater, opening his eyes to look around thanks to his goggles*
L: Kyogre gets a breath through his blowhole and follows Groudon underwater. "You can hold onto me if you want." Being such a powerful water type, Kyogre can talk clearly underwater despite being an air breather.
S: *wanting to not waste energy, groudon nods and holds onto kygore*
L: Kyogre swims deeper at a casual pace, showing Groudon around this section of the ocean.
S: "Wblow...." *it was quite a beautiful sight for groudon, smiling happily as his cheeks puff up slightly*
L: "I see all this so often, but it really never gets old... I'm sure it won't for you either."
S: "Mmm mmm" *groudon shakes his head no and smiles more, clearly enjoying himself down here with his good friend*
L: Kyogre continues swimming with Groudon holding him. A few passing aquatic Pokemon give Groudon a confused look, but they clearly don't mind them being here.
S: *groudon gives some of the aquatic pokemon a friendly puffy smile and wave, letting some bubbles loose*
L: Kyogre smiles at them too. "This likely won't be the last you guys see of Groudon!"
S: "Hehe!" *groudon giggles some bubbles loose at what kygore said, looking at a few more aquatic pokemon...deciding to see their reaction on groudon being down here, he briefly swims off kygore and goes over to a specific aquatic pokemon, tapping on them while giggling to himself*
L: The dratini Groudon tapped on jumps a little when she sees him, clearly nervous. "U-um... Hi..."
S: *groudon smiles warmly at the dratini and gives them a wave, showing he was friendly*
L: Kyogre comes over as well. "Don't worry, he doesn't intend on hurting you."
That seems to work pretty well at helping the dratini calm down. "Okay, good... But, what's he doing down here, and with you? I thought he hated water..."
Kyogre: "He overcame that a while back!"
S: "Mmhm!" *groudon nods his head yes, smiling even more*
L: Dratini: "Oh! Well, that's cool! And I guess if Kyogre's cool with having you here, I should be too... So, welcome to the ocean!" She's fully calmed down by now, not afraid of Groudon any more.
S: "Tblhanks!" *groudon's little tail give a happy wag as he let's some bubbles loose, his face a little bit red*
L: Dratini laughs a little at Groudon's bubbled speech. "You sound so funny!"
S: *groudon looks away shyly, although he does bubbly giggle at his funny voice down here*
L: Kyogre: "No need to feel bad about bubbling like that while talking, I can actually do it too, jublst liblke thblis!" Partway through his sentence, bubbles start leaving Kyogre's mouth.
S: "Coobll!" *groudon smiles, feeling a bit better about his bubbly voice, he reaches out with his clawed finger and gently gives the draini a soft pet*
L: The dratini lets Groudon pet her and smiles, wrapping part of her body around his arm as well.
S: "Mmm..." *groudon sighs happily, not minding he just wasted some air...he's clearly enjoying himself down here, especially with kygore, which he secretly loves them now, he just hasn't found that moment to tell kygore*
L: Kyogre: "Let me know when you need air, I can make a bubble for you with some of my own."
S: *groudon nods, even tho his face is a bit red, he's doing ok on air for now*
L: The dratini unwraps from Groudon. "Well, I kind of have to get going now, so... Hope to see you again sometime!"
S: *groudon frowns and nods, then gives the dratini a gentle embrace*
L: The dratini nuzzles Groudon a little, then swims off once the hug is done.
Kyogre: "Don't worry, Groudon, there's always gonna be more folks to meet down here."
S: *groudon smiles at kygore, swimming over to give him a big hug...so happy to be with kygore down here*
L: Kyogre hugs Groudon back, happily puffing a few bubbles from his blowhole.
S: *after the hug, groudon gets on kygore again so they can keep exploring*
L: Once Groudon is on him again, Kyogre resumes swimming, looking for something Groudon might find interesting.
S: *they come across a coral reef, and groudon points to it wanting to get a closer look, bubbles escaping his mouth*
L: Kyogre smiles and swims to the reef so Groudon can get a better look at it.
S: *groudon looks around at the reef, amazed by it as he's never seen anything like this before*
L: "It's all as beautiful as ever... I'm really glad we're checking all this out together, it's been a long time since I wasn't alone for this sort of thing."
S: *groudon warmly smiles at kygore* "Imbl glblad too..." *groudon give a very soft grunt as his cheeks turn fully red now*
L: "Still doing okay? You're a lot more red than you normally are."
S: *even tho groudon was fully red, he gives an ok sign as he wanted to push himself a bit, giving a determined bubbly growl*
L: "Alright, guess you're pushing yourself. We'll just keep looking around in the meantime..."
S: *groudon nods and continues to look around the reef, hoping to find and meet some more interesting aquatic pokemon*
L: Soon enough, a finizen comes up to the two. "Hi Kyogre! And, um, Groudon... I guess if you're with Kyogre it must be fine, right?"
Kyogre: "Yep, I'm showing him around the ocean."
S: *groudon's eyes widen at the finizen, noticing how adorable they are, he happily grins at them and wags his tail in a friendly way, bubbles escaping his mouth to deal with his strain*
L: The finizen smiles back. "Well, it's definitely cool to see a fire type underwater, that's really rare!"
S: *groudon bubbly giggles at that, smiling more...his red face is pretty visible to the finizen tho*
L: Finizen: "...Your face is a lot more red than I expected..."
Kyogre: "He's been holding his breath a fairly long time, he wants to push himself."
S: *groudon grunts a bit but nods his head, pinching his nose again to try and relax*
L: Finizen: "Makes sense, I like doing that too! Pretty fun to see how long you can stay underwater, huh?"
S: "Mmhm mmhm!" *groudon happily agrees on that one, it's been like 20 minutes since groudon had air, and his face slowly turns a tint of blue now*
L: Finizen: "Oh wow, you're determined enough to start going blue? If you don't mind, I want to watch for a while."
S: *groudon nods as he's ok with this, swimming off of kygore to sit on a ledge nearby, closing his eyes as he's determined to last as long as possible*
L: Both the others follow him, Kyogre laying next to him while the finizen floats in front of him, starting to blush a little themselves as it seems they've been under for a while too.
S: *groudon notices kygore laying right next to him, so to get more comfy he lays his head down on them softly, enough so it doesn't hurt him in anyway, smiling as it seems to be helping him calm down*
L: Kyogre smiles at that, keeping an eye on them so he can be ready to give them a bubble right when they need one.
S: *his face turns bluer and bluer the more time that goes by, he whines and covers his mouth and nose, really determined here*
L: Kyogre and the finizen do start to worry for Groudon a little, but they don't interrupt, knowing Groudon wants to keep going.
S: *groudon whimpers loudly trying everything to keep his air in, his face now fully blue*
L: Kyogre: "Don't give up, Groudon!"
Finizen: "I bet you can get yourself going purple by the time you have to breathe!"
S: *groudon growls in determination, keeping his mouth and nose tightly shut and his eyes closed tight, slowly his face turns a little purple*
L: Finizen: "Yeah, there you go, nice!" By now, his face is almost fully red, but he keeps watching Groudon.
Kyogre: "Don't drown yourself, Groudon, be careful..."
S: *groudon keeps holding as much as he can, his face slowly growing fully purple, his tail slaps around as he whines super loudly, but he STILL keeps going!*
L: Finizen: "Woah, even I would've gone up at this point!"
Kyogre gets ready to blow out a bubble for Groudon...
S: *finally a few minutes later, it seems like groudon couldn't take the pressure of his lungs anymore, look up at kygore with a pleading expression, wanting to get air*
L: Kyogre immediately blows out a large bubble from their blowhole, the air moving slowly enough that Groudon will have an easy time catching it. "Here!"
S: *groudon immediately grasps the bubble, being careful not to pop it and inhales it quickly, the air fresh enough that his face slowly returns to normal...he gives a relived smile, wondering how long he did push himself back there*
L: Kyogre: "That has to have been close to half an hour... That's incredible for someone that's not aquatic!"
S: "Hehe yebls!!" *groudon does a little flip in celebration, which is also impressive considering his size and weight*
L: Kyogre: "Yeah, great job!"
Finizen: "C-could I get a bubble too?"
Kyogre: "Oh, yep, here." He blows another big bubble from his mouth and pushes it to the finizen, who inhales it.
S: *groudon goes over and gently hugs the finizen*
"Thblanks foblr yblour enblcorugeblment!"
L: The finizen does their best to hug him back despite the size difference between them. "No problem! I always like helping people practice holding their breath!"
S: "Thablts gblood, ibl shblould encblourge oblthers tbloo... mablybe iblll finbld sombleone whblos noblt a wablter tyblpe dblown herble, heh"
L: Finizen: "Hey, that'd be cool! I'm sure you and Kyogre would be great at that!"
Kyogre: "That does sound like fun... Groudon, how about we see if we can find someone to help?"
S: "Grbleat idblea buddbly! Leblts dobl thblat!"
L: Finizen: "Guess I'll be seeing you guys later, then!"
S: *groudon did feel sad about leaving the finizen but hopes to find them again soon and smiles warmly at them, hugging them one final time*
L: The finizen hugs him back. "It's a big ocean, but I'm sure we'll meet again at some point..."
S: "Hopeblfully..." *and with that, groudon swims back onto kygore and hopes to find someone to help with breath holding practice*
L: After a few minutes of searching, they do indeed find a non-water type: A flygon is swimming just above the seabed, facing away from the two and not having noticed them yet.
S: "Whobla loblok!" *groudon points to the flygon* "Thablts defblenfitly not abl wablter tyblpe"
L: The flygon hears Groudon's bubbletalking, and nearly gasps in surprise as they see him and Kyogre! "WOBLAH! Mmm!" They quickly cover their mouth to keep their air in.
Kyogre approaches the flygon. "Bet you didn't expect to be seeing any legendaries on your dive!"
The flygon shakes their head. "Mm-mm!"
S: *groudon bubbly giggles*
"Wblell hebly thblere!" *he climbs off kygore and stands next to flygon on the seafloor*
L: Slowly kicking to stay just off the seabed, the flygon looks Groudon up and down. "Gubless Ibl'm noblt thble onbly onble igblnorbling thbleir weblaknbless tblo wablter, hbluh?"
Kyogre: "Hey, anyone can enjoy a good dive, right?"
S: "Yoblu sablid iblt!" *groudon smiles and wags his tail*
L: Kyogre: "So, are you out here for breath holding practice, or are you just exploring?"
Flygon: "Ibl sublppoblse thblis cobluld tublrn inblto prblactblice... Ibl deblfinblitebly nebled soblme, mbly reblcorbld's onbly 7 miblnutbles..."
S: "7 miblnuntes hnluh? Wblell me anbld kyblgore cobloud hblelp yblou oblut, ablways wanblted tblo gblive soblme enblcorgement"
L: The flygon wags their tail at the prospect of being trained by legendaries. "Ybl-yeblah, oblf coblursble! Thblat'd ble grbleat!"
Kyogre: "Alright, let's head on up and get a fresh breath before we get started." He and the flygon start swimming for the surface.
S: "Gblood thblinking" *they all then surface and groudon gasps in the fresh air*
L: The flygon lightly gasps as well, while Kyogre just calmly exhales despite having been underwater over half an hour.
Flygon: "Hadn't been under all that long, but didn't really prepare since that dive was more for just relaxing."
Kyogre: "Take some time to get yourself ready for this coming one." The flygon starts taking deep breaths.
S: *groudon does too, closing his eyes to relax further*
"Don't worry, I think I have a good method for helping you relax flygon... trust me :)"
L: Flygon: "Hope whatever that is is going to work..." With one more deep breath, he dives underwater, starting to swim back toward the bottom. Kyogre quickly follows.
S: *groudon quickly gasp in a deep breath and dives underwater as well, his cheeks puffing up as they all swim to the bottom, getting there shortly after*
L: The flygon sits down on the bottom, with Kyogre laying next to them.
Kyogre: "Don't worry about surfacing, I can give you a bubble once you need one."
S: *groudon sits down right next to flygon and wraps his arm around them in a warm hug*
L: Flygon smiles and hugs Groudon back, closing his eyes and wagging his tail a little.
S: *groudon smiles and closes his eyes as he continues to hug flygon*
L: Just as Groudon had expected, the hug is helping Flygon relax and not use as much oxygen as the time ticks by...
S: *groudon smiles as he relaxes with flygon and kygore*
L: Kyogre: "I can tell this is definitely helping... Think it's been about 3 minutes, and you still seem fine."
Flygon nods to them, not wanting to use up any air on talking.
S: *groudon nods too, still relaxing and content to stay with flygon, even nuzzling the flygon to relax them further*
L: Flygon stays cuddling with Groudon, wondering how much longer than normal this new strategy will let him last.
S: *groudon smiles even more, so content to help this flygon hold their breath longer*
L: Hardly any bubbles leave Flygon's nostrils as he relaxes, his face still not having even a hint of strain on it.
S: *no bubbles have been escaped from the groudon in quite some time, he's that relaxed right now*
L: By now, with about 5 minutes having passed, Flygon would normally be struggling, but he's only now just starting to finally get a blush.
S: *groudon opens his eyes and sees flygon's red blush and he then hugs the flygon a bit tighter*
L: Flygon: "Mmm..." He's having a little trouble relaxing now, but he's still doing mostly alright.
S: "Iblts okbl... relblax..." *groudon rubs flygon's back a bit, really helping him relax*
L: Flygon smiles at Groudon, enjoying the backrub while a few bubbles leave him.
S: *groudon smiles back, continuing to rub flygon's back*
L: Over time, Flygon's blush gradually expands, and while he keeps trying to relax, it's getting harder for him to do so...
Kyogre: "You're doing great so far, I think you're past your record by now!" Flygon wags his tail at that.
S: "Gblreat jblob buddbly!" *groudon's tail wags too*
L: Flygon: "Mm...Mmmm..." He quickly goes back into the hug, hoping it'll still help him keep calm even now.
S: "Mmm..." *groudon smiles and hums soothingly at flygon*
L: Now 10 minutes in, Flygon's face is fully red, but he's still doing his best to keep going.
S: *groudon's face is now a little red himself but keeps hugging flygon and encouraging him*
L: After another couple minutes, Flygon starts occasionally letting out little grunts of strain, his chest now heaving sometimes as well.
S: *groudon rubs flygon's chest to help sooth his strain*
L: It does help a little, but it's a losing battle at this point, Flygon now pinching his nostrils shut to help keep his air in.
S: "Yblouve gblot thblis! Dblont giblve up!" *groudon pinches his nose alongside flygon, wrapping his other arm around flygon*
L: Flygon smiles at Groudon, though he can't relax any more. He whines a little as he keeps pushing himself to stay even longer.
S: "Keeblp gobling!" *groudon nuzzles flygon, his own face turning more red*
L: Flygon: "Tbl...Tbl-trblyinblg!" He's starting to get a slight blue blush at this point.
Kyogre: "I wonder if you can get to 20 minutes..."
S: *groudon hugs flygon tighter, giving him some silent encouragement, as his own face turns a bit more red*
L: As some bubbles leave his lips, Flygon now covers his mouth in addition to holding his nostrils, his lungs beginning to burn.
S: *groudon makes sure to keep a close eye on flygon to make sure he doesn't push it too far, and wanting to help...groudon pinches flygon's nose for him*
L: Flygon smiles a little at that, moving his free hand to his heaving chest as he keeps on fighting the urge to breathe.
S: *groudon's other hand still pinched his own nose, but he nuzzles flygon some more to keep helping him*
L: 17 minutes in, now, Flygon's face is just beginning to turn purple as he nervously nuzzles Groudon back.
S: *noticing the flygon is purple the groudon gets concerned deep down, but he still keeps his encouragement going*
L: Kyogre: "Don't go too far, alright?"
Flygon nods, squirming in discomfort as bubbles start leaking past his fingers despite covering his mouth.
S: *groudon looks into flygon's eyes, noticing how much he's struggling and wondering when the flygon will break*
L: As the 19th minute starts and his face is entirely purple, Flygon starts shivering a little from strain, whining almost contsantly...
Kyogre gets ready to make a bubble for them, able to tell that they're going farther than they should, but still wanting to see how far they can really go.
S: *groudon grunts some himself as his face is fully red, but knowing the time in his head flygon is 1 minute away from 20, so he continues to hug flygon, tho more gently*
L: The 20th minute approaches... But Flygon's struggles begin to slow, his eyes rolling back as his head droops... Kyogre quickly blows out a bubble and pushes it to him, the bubble sticking around Flygon's head as he finally gasps.
S: "Wblow! Gblreat jblob! Mmm... kyblorge...gblive me onble toblo"
L: Kyogre: "Yep, here you go." He blows a bubble for Groudon as well, then looks at Flygon. "You REALLY shouldn't push yourself like that, you almost drowned!"
Flygon is panting heavily, but nods. "Y-yeah... W-wanted to impress you..."
S: *groudon puts his bubble on his head too and gasps in for air*
"Hey you actually got 20 minutes tho! Very impressive! My hugs warm enough for ya? Hehe"
L: Flygon: "Th-they were! About as warm as I expected for a fire type..."
Kyogre: "I'm certainly impressed too, by the way! 20 minutes is incredible for a ground type!"
S: "You did amazing! You should be very proud of yourself flygon! Hehe"
L: Flygon: "Yeah, I am! I almost just tripled my record!"
Kyogre: "Having someone around to help certainly makes a pretty big difference!"
S: "A huge difference for sure! So good job flygon!" *groudon gives flygon a big hug, but that accidentally pops their head bubbles without getting a chance to breathe*
L: Flygon: "Thanks, Grbloud- Mm!" He's surprised at suddenly needing to hold his breath again, but he doesn't really mind.
Kyogre: "Haha, careful, those are a bit delicate when they're on your head!"
S: "Dblanhlg blit! Soblrry..." *groudon laughs a bit nervously, covering his mouth to keep his air in*
L: Flygon: "Dobln't woblrry ablout iblt!" He starts swimming up toward the surface.
Kyogre: "Yes, I imagine you two will be wanting fresh air again, instead of more bubbles from me." He follows Flygon.
S: *groudon follows them up too, all 3 of them getting up there and groudon gasps in the fresh air*
L: Flygon gasps as well, with Kyogre again just calmly exhaling.
Flygon: "That was a lot of fun, I almost can't believe how well it worked having you guys with me!"
Kyogre: "Sometimes all you really need is someone to encourage you!"
S: "Exactly! And my warm hugs! It felt really nice to hug and help you hold your breath longer flygon!"
L: Flygon: "Yeah, thanks for that! You guys are really good at helping with that!"
Kyogre: "No problem! I've had a LONG time to get experience with it."
S: "Hehe of course, glad you enjoyed yourself! Least I hope you did"
L: Flygon: "I definitely did! But, Kyogre's right, I went farther than I should have."
Kyogre: "Glad you recognize that."
S: "Hey, earlier I pushed myself pretty hard...so I respect you trying at least, hehe"
L: Kyogre: "Keep up your practice, I can tell you've got a lot of potential!"
Flygon: "I will, yeah!"
S: "I'll make sure to keep practicing myself, we may have a proper breath holding contest soon ;)" *groudon giggles*
L: Flygon: "That'd be fun! I'll definitely need a lot of practice to be able to beat you, though..."
Kyogre: "I'm always down to watch a breath holding contest, looking forward to when we do that!"
S: "Hehehe!!! Alright, well I'm sure you want some rest now flygon... I wanna talk to kygore for a bit...privately" *groudon blushes a little*
L: Flygon: "Yeah, I'm gonna head to shore, pretty tired after going to my limit like that. See you guys again sometime!" With a bit of difficulty leaving the water, he starts flying.
Kyogre: "Yep, see you!" He waves to them.
S: "Bye!!" *groudon waves goodnye too then turns to face kygore* "Kygore.... there's something I wanna tell you that I've been holding back for a while ever since we became good friends..."
L: Kyogre: "There's something I kind of wanted to talk to you about, as well... But, you first."
S: "Ok..." *groudon takes a deep breath and let's it out slowly* "I honestly didn't think this was possible...but, I'm starting to really really like you...like...maybe more then a friend..." *groudon turns away shyly*
L: Kyogre blushes heavily. "...Th-that's what I was gonna say! D-didn't know what you'd think, since we're basically opposites..."
S: "Really? Omg... kygore...i-i... really....l-love you...so much!!" *groudon'a voice was very hesitant as he spoke*
L: "I-I love you too!" Kyogre swims over to Groudon to give them a kiss.
S: *groudon blushes heavily and kisses kygore back gently*
L: After the kiss, Kyogre smiles at Groudon, not blushing quite as much as before. "W-who would've thought a water type and a fire type could ever be in love..."
S: "I know right...this is awesome" *groudon hugs kygore tightly and kisses him on the lips this time*
L: Kyogre closes his eyes and hugs Groudon back, returning the kiss.
S: "I love you sooo much kygore, I wanna be your new lover...."
L: "Same here! I've never actually been in love with anyone before, this is great!"
S: "Me neither, I can't believe this!! Hehehe!!!"
L: "So, should we head back to shore for now so we can really relax together? Or do you still want to stay out here?"
S: "Up to you really, I don't mind... as long as I get to be with you..."
L: "You know what? How about we go back to the bottom, I make a bubble to put around your head, and we just cuddle down there for a while?"
S: "And accidently pop it again? Nah I don't wanna risk that, I'm fine with holding with my breath honestly, heh but that is a good idea"
L: "Yeah, fair. I'll just make bubbles whenever you start getting uncomfortable, then. Don't worry about running me out of air, you won't."
S: "Well, alright then..." *groudon holds onto kygore again and takes some deep breathes to prepare*
L: Kyogre waits for Groudon to be ready, once again not bothering to actually prepare at all.
S: *eventually groudon taps on kygore that he's ready to go under as he takes a final breath and holds it*
L: Kyogre takes a breath before diving under with Groudon, pretty quickly swimming to the seabed and floating just above it.
S: *groudon smiles and moves off kygore and sits down on the seabed, opening his arms invitingly to kygore*
L: With a smile of his own, Kyogre swims to Groudon and hugs them again, happily puffing some bubbles form his blowhole.
S: *groudon happily hugs kygore back, kissing his lips a bit more passionately*
L: Kyogre returns the kiss once more, happy to be in the depths with his lover.
S: *groudon's tail happily wags, nuzzling into kygore slowly as he's enjoying his new lover*