This story is fictional and for entertainment purposes only; no money hath changed hands in the production of these works.
The characters Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, Miyu Lynx, Fay Spaniel, Fara Phoenix, Bill Grey, Katt Monroe, Krystal, Amanda Toad, Lucy Hare, ROB64, Andross, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar, Andrew Oikanny, Dash Bowman and General Pepper are all copyright to Nintendo 1993-2023. Please support the ORIGINAL release of all games, comics, manga and related material to the Star Fox franchise.
Leonidas Cuttridge, Rob Cuttridge, Judy Cuttridge, Lawrence Lynx, Patricia Lynx and Sid Chalmer is copyright myself, Leo Cuttridge (
The content written for this story arc will range from a PG rating all the way up to NC-17 and X-rating, therefore, this fanfic is recommended for adult reading only.
~Star Fox: Miyu's Love~
~Chapter 39: A Year On Venom: The Briefing~
--Corneria Air Force Base, Meeting Room 100, 09:58--
Everyone in the Star Fox team gathered in the mid-morning after a summoning from General Pepper the previous night. Many had received texts about reassignment in the near future, but many were lost in the dark as to what this sudden meeting would be all about. A large monitor on the wall behind the podium was playing the morning news, which announced they were waiting an important televised announcement from Venom any time. General Pepper arrived at the top of the hour and stood behind the podium, everyone in attendance standing and giving proper salute, Pepper returning it promptly. “Many thanks and apologies to everyone for your prompt attendance at last minute. We are waiting for a feed from Venom to come in, and then we will announce related assignments afterwards,” Pepper said briefly before turning towards the monitor, using the remote to turn the volume up on the televised news program. It wasn't more than a minute before the news feed then tuned into a video and audio feed from Venom, where everyone watched a short male simian walking in gently from one side of the room from a doorway towards a desk. The man looked very young, maybe his late 20s at oldest, a slim build and wearing a business suit. He then sat in a leather chair behind the desk which looked rather plain, a stack of letter-sized portfolios to his right and a small square shaped-box which looked like an urn off to his left side. Few in the room recognized the man, but most were unaware of who this man was. Everyone sat and stayed quiet as he began to speak. “Good morning, fellow citizens of Lylat. I know that any sort of news from Venom in the past was likely negative and depressing, but I wish to thank the Cornerian Media Council for allowing me to make this special broadcast, for I have much good news for everyone. For those unfamiliar to myself, my name is Dash Bowman, and as of one hour ago, the Venomian Supreme Council has unanimously voted me in to be the new Premiere. For most of the last three decades, the Lylat was exposed to the likes of the former Premiere, Dr Andross, a man who was a world-renowned brilliant scientist that was an expert in biology, chemistry, psychology, physics and even telekinesis. While his earliest works were of good nature and a benefit to society, his many experiments soon turned harmful to humanity, where many lives were lost in the pursuit of dangerous experimentation. He was rapidly banished from Corneria to live his life out as an exile here on Venom. While this may have seemed like a benefit at the time, he was soon able to discover a treasure trove of knowledge in which he built his tyrannical empire here to continue his experiments. We all know of the dangers this man has wrought onto the Lylat system, but I have come here to assure you that man...” his left hand went to remove the cover on the box-shaped urn and lifted a bag of ashes “ no more, and he and his violent ways will never plague this world anymore.” He then set the plastic bag of ashes back in the urn and replaced the lid to it. “Above all of these things that Andross was to the Lylat system, to me... he was my grandfather. But familial lineage is absolutely no reason to support anything as corrupt, abusive and violent that his policies and practices were, for I absolutely abhor a lot of the things my late grandfather wrought upon all of the lives of the Lylat. In the end, he was a greedy and monstrous overlord and tyrannical dictator with little compassion for anyone or anything, certainly not a person to be worthy of any position of leadership and power.” “As for myself, I was an active member of the Cornerian Air Force, and I took action in the war on many fronts against the forces of Andross, mostly on Corneria and on Titania. After about a month after Andross' ouster, I was contacted by the Venomian Supreme Council asking me to verify the body, as I was the only one alive that could be located to perform the task. I flew out to Venom to confirm it was my grandfather, and had his body cremated. It was then that everyone on the council begged and pleaded with me to become the new Premiere. I was shocked by the offer and was ready to turn it down, however, after listening to everyone tell me how they felt mentally trapped and controlled by Andross for many years and then suddenly coming to realization after his death made them realize what they were being forced to do, I felt sympathy for them. We then agreed to go on a pilgrimage across the Lylat to see all the devastation of the war that Andross and his forces had forced upon the worlds of our system. I knew of most of what had happened on Titania and Corneria, but after I had been to many more places, the tragedy only multiplied and enhanced in my mind as to the amount of devastation and destruction brought upon many worlds. The oceans of Aquas and Zoness, places once revered as a tranquil place of peace and serenity that teemed with an abundance of sea life, turned into deadly cesspools from the toxic waste dumping by Venomian forces during the war. The desert planets of Titania and Papetoon stripped for their resources of nuclear fuels to enhanced uranium and flaysium were mined in haste and secrecy to power many weapons and ships of war, turning the planets into globes of depression, desolation, poverty and incurable illness. Look... I could go on with the atrocities of what this man has exposed us all to, for we all live it day to day in our lives, so no reminders needed. I have come to you to talk about positivity.” “After circling the Lylat and seeing the destruction, I could not see my self to turning my back on a whole world and several planets of people hurt by the ambitions of a tyrannical madman, so I agreed to become Premiere. Once we had all returned to Venom, we all had a consort and took stock of everything that is here and elsewhere throughout the Lylat and discussed things that needed to be done to recover from this war,” he said as his right hand went to the stack of portfolios off to his right. “Here I have four laws and executive orders to take place immediately as I sign them before you now, the details of which I shall explain briefly to you here and can be read in full detail on the international court systems website on both Venom and Corneria. For those with interactive TV, you can also press the green button on your remote to download these very documents to read later at your discretion.” “The first of which, is an economic recovery bill. Upon our research, we discovered that Andross over his time on Venom eventually had nearly the entire Venomian economy in his pocket which he turned into a war chest, an account of all the citizens' money totaling several trillions of credits that he had no legal precedent or reason to have total discretion over. This bill will absolve any sole-ownership of such monies and bring it back to the people, as well as sending out bi-weekly stimulus payments to the citizens of all of Lylat in small amounts in an effort to boost the economies of all planets for the next 6 months. It is very important,” he said, opening the portfolio, grabbing an ink pen and signing his name to the document, then turned it to the camera to show the world his endorsement. He then went to the next portfolio and opened it up. “This next one will be an armistice and weapons disarmament package. Andross in his wealth and corruption was building many weapons of war in the form of battleships, nuclear weapons and ammunition to play out his battles across Lylat for many years. In our inspections, there was a trove of weapons sitting waiting to be used. This package is to encourage a complete inventory and inspection by military leaders from all over Lylat of all the weapons remaining to show good faith in prevention of war, and to hold discussions as to possibilities to reusing and/or disposing of such weapons to make sure they are never used for evil, and if at all possible, to be repurposed and used for good intentions,” he said, grabbing his pen and signing it and showing it to the camera for several seconds before going to the next portfolio. “The third will be related to a worldwide cleansing effort. When I was stationed on Titania, I got to witness a device Andross had created very early in his days as a leading scientist. This device was a strong purification device that has the ability to cleanse the air, soil and water of a great majority of a planet over time. That device was relocated to Venom over a month ago and has since been in operation. My lead team of scientists has brought me reports here,” he said, a generalized graph of toxicity levels on Venom slowly and gradually decreasing being displayed on the side of the television broadcast... “which shows that the device is working incredibly well. The air, soil and oceans of Venom have since become cleaner and healthier. While still at fairly toxic levels, continued use of this device has been estimated to give a warm, clean and inviting environment that will thrive as a paradise to all within 15-20 years. Honestly, I cannot wait for that to come to fruition. This bill will support the funding and creation of hundreds more of these devices to be sent to ALL planets of the Lylat to help cleanse and detoxify them as well. Everyone should have a safe, healthy and clean environment to live in, and this is the route to getting there, and my whole heart is in it,” he said happily, signing the paper and showing it to the camera for a few seconds. He then opened up the fourth and final portfolio. “And this last bill... is a restructuring plan. There are many buildings and properties built by Andross that were used as nuclear weapons sites, military training facilities, laboratories and other such large facilities that he used for his devices to continue on his war games. Those facilities that can be reused safely will be converted and brought back to the people in the form of useful services such as supermarkets, apartment complexes, utilities, hotels, city parks and other such necessities. The biggest of which is the Presidential Tower he built in the heart of Venoma City, which he only had a few people other than himself reside in. This place is a huge waste of space for the few who occupied it and it will be brought back to the people. I have already conscripted two firms from Corneria and Fortuna to take charge in converting this large structure into dozens of low-cost affordable apartments,” he said, signing the document. Leo, Krystal and Miyu sighed now knowing why Leo was dispatched to Venom for a year now, but they were all still not happy about the idea. Dash Bowman continued on the television. “For now, those are the bills and executive decisions that have been engaged by my administration, to be followed up by more when the time and need arrives for more. I want to finish by telling all of Lylat that Venom has for way too long acted as a fierce violent tyranny in the Lylat, but thanks to Dr Andross' defeat and my administration, I am eager to working with all of the leaderships of all planets in the Lylat in trying to get everyone and everything back into a mode of recovery. I know I can never bring back the lives taken by my late grandfather in his blind dictatorship, but I can only say that I want to try to make things better for everyone to the best of my ability. It's going to be a long road of recovery for all of us, but my whole heart is in it to take the initiative that Lylat succeed and prosper for all, and that Venom can become a good friendly supportive neighbor in these efforts,” Dash said, tears starting to streak down his cheeks as the camera started to slowly pan in on his face. “The time for depression and pessimism is past... it's time we started looking forward to the future to happiness and prosperity, and my administration and I are adamant to do whatever we can do to make it happen. These are just the first steps toward recovery, and in the future we will take more steps to continue progressing. For as always, when we fall, we get back up and we try again. It's in our nature. I want to thank everyone for watching and listening to this address, and I close in wishing everyone their very best. May our Creator bless us all.” Dash's face then disappeared with a test pattern for the TV network, the current show hosts of the news channel starting to talk again as Pepper muted the monitor on the wall and faced the crowd before him. “Well.... there you have it,” Pepper began. “While this seems to be a very positive turn of events in the Lylat, Corneria and the other planets are choosing to remain hopeful, yet on alert for anything. Therefore, everyone's duties assigned at the end of the year will remain the same, but with an increase of production by 20-25%. There are only two changes being made... Lieutenant Miyu Lynx...” Miyu then stood up, receiving an envelope of papers from Pepper. “...your duties will be to train incoming recruits in the Army. You'll be a Drill Sergeant thanks to your expert level in combat training. Our recruitment office has gone into full speed to grab as many as we can enroll just in case a war begins again.” Miyu nodded and then sat down hesitantly with a sigh. “And Captain Leo Cuttridge...” Leo then stood up and received a similar envelope with his instructions. General Pepper's voice then went a bit softer. “ you heard from the broadcast, you will be in charge of working with the Fortuna construction firm in redesigning many buildings in Venoma City. Information on your contact with the company is included as they are already there making preparations with Premiere Bowman. Included are a list of required attire and equipment along with certain procedures pertaining to pay and travel needed to be completed before you depart in one week.” Leo could only sigh and nod in affirmation before sitting down, his ears totally limp. Everyone else in the room felt sad as to this turn of events, and it even could be heard in Pepper's voice just then as well as on his face. “Understood, General,” Leo said softly and weakly. Miyu fidgeted the whole time she listened to Leo's reassignment in front of everybody, her paws gripping her knees to keep her from objecting in front of everyone, but... she couldn't hold back. She then quickly stood up as Leo sat down, everyone's eyes nervously on Miyu now. “General, I would like to request a reassignment,” Miyu said with a slight firmness in her voice. “Yes, what is it, Lieutenant?” Pepper asked. “I would like to request to take Captain Cuttridge's assignment to Venom as it is a more dangerous place to be at the moment,” Miyu said nervously, knowing Pepper would object, but she felt she had to try and fight for her bunny. “I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I need you here on Corneria training new recruits,” Pepper insisted softly. “Captain Cuttridge's expertise is perfect for the assignment on Venom and he will be going. I wish I could send you, but the situation does not call for that. I'm very sorry.” “But General!” Miyu continued, everyone's heart beating faster in nervousness as they sat quietly and listened, knowing this would go nowhere all while still feeling depressed at Leo's upcoming departure. Every couple reached for each other's hands in their laps softly, Fox for Fara's... Falco for Katt's... Peppy for Lucy's... Slippy for Amanda's... and Bill for Fay's. They felt lucky they were not going to be separated, but knew that couples being separated due to deployment was difficult, and at times inevitable... Fox, Peppy, Lucy, Slippy and Amanda most especially knew that all too well. “Lieutenant Lombardi has combat training skills and can be used in my place.” “Lombardi is already assigned to weapons and armament maintenance and reloading, he is already where he needs to be!” Pepper said, his voice getting more stern. “Believe me, Lieutenant Lynx, if there was another solution possible, I would happily make it happen, but this is the only option under this situation, and they WILL be performed that way. And THAT is an ORDER.” Miyu felt tears filling her eyes as she tried to remain adamant against Pepper's orders, but she then felt Leo gently tugging at her arm, forcing her to look down at him... and he shook his head as if to say 'don't do this,' his eyes filled with tears, that sad look from last night on his face once again. She then quietly whimpered and sat down again, the room silent for a few seconds more before General Pepper finished. “Those are our orders as of this moment. Any changes will be announced when necessary. Uhh... Captain Cuttridge, a word with you in private, please. Everyone else, dismissed,” he said, raising his arm in a salute, prompting everyone to stand and salute properly in return. The briefing left everyone in a disturbed and uncomfortable quietness as they all exited slowly, Leo getting up and walking towards General Pepper, trying to hold back the tears with great difficulty. “You umm... will have all you need in there to prepare for your deployment for setting up a passport, international banking, and some other things. Thankfully the exchange rate is very much on your side with Venom's economy in tatters,” he said, his voice a little shaky, his body language a bit nervous, too. “Dammit son, I really wish I didn't have to send you there... PLEASE... believe me when I say I wish it didn't end up this way and that I tried my damnedest to hope that it wouldn't.” Leo smiled as he watched and listened to General Pepper talking to him, feeling his intentions and feelings were genuine. He couldn't imagine ever being in a leadership position like what Pepper was in and had been in for quite some time. “While upsetting as it is to know I'll be away from all my loved ones for a year, I can certainly respect your decision, General. I grew up in a military family myself and have had several experiences living with just my mother when my father was deployed to many different locations,” Leo said, rubbing some tears away from his eyes with a handkerchief. Pepper smiled and nodded a bit. “I do remember when your father was deployed to Venom for a few months in your youth... you must've been only 2 or 3 years old at the time,” Pepper remarked. “That sounds about right,” Leo said with a smile. “I'm so grateful you're here, Leo,” Pepper said, softly patting the lapine's shoulder. “I was hoping you would've enrolled in the Academy, but nonetheless, I still value you very highly as you are,” Pepper said just a fraction of a second before he started to cough harshly into his paw. Leo gasped at the sudden change, quickly offering his handkerchief to the General, which he took quickly, several more seconds of hacking and harsh coughing going by before a liquid hacking sound finished it all off as Pepper put the cloth to his mouth and held it there for a few seconds... only to remove it to reveal a spot of bloody mucus on it. “General are you okay?” he asked in a worried tone. “I-I'm fine, Captain...” he started. “I must ask... that you tell... NO ONE... about that...” “I will happily consider that a strict order, General,” Leo immediately replied, nervous deep down. “But are you seeing somebody for that?” “I am... but there is little to be done...” Pepper said. “My time is almost up... which brings me to another thing I wish to talk to you about...”
--outside the meeting room, 5 minutes later--
Most had dispersed after the meeting, only Miyu, Krystal, Peppy and Lucy staying behind to wait for Leo to come out. When Leo exited the room, he first saw Lucy and gave her a tight hug and held her for many moments, nuzzling her cheek with his as his paws rubbed over her back lovingly, hers doing the same to him. When they looked into each other's eyes afterwards, she kissed his lips sweetly for several seconds, sharing smiles that were barely there. Leo then looked towards Peppy, and he could swear the elderly rabbit had a face that was equally as sad as his own... Leo thought he knew something... he only continued to look into his eyes, knowing that Peppy was a telepath, but not having the ability himself, he decided to imagine in his mind speaking certain words in the hope Peppy would read his mind... and Peppy responded with a nod, followed by his finger coming to his lips in a hush motion, to which Leo gave a firm nod in reply. He wasn't at all surprised in Preppy's response, knowing it was in the plans for him to replace Pepper in the future... he just didn't think that time was anywhere close... Peppy then walked away silently, Lucy witnessing the whole body language exchange in confusion then walked off silently, alone, leaving Leo, Miyu and Krystal alone. Leo then went to his lovely ladies and hugged them close, holding them for many moments silently, comforted by their closeness and their lovely scents, feeling calmer already. Several minutes of holding each other went by before Miyu's stomach grumbled, the sound making them quietly chuckle. “We should get something to eat,” Leo said. They had all left the house after sleeping in a little late and not getting breakfast yet, mostly sue to the sour mood from the mass text messages and uncertainty from the night before. “Totally agree,” Krystal said. Miyu only smiled weakly and nodded with confirmation at the suggestion, and all three walked slowly out of the building to Leo's car.
--Chalmer's Diner, Corneria City, 11:18--
Leo, Miyu and Krystal walked wearily into Chalmer's front door and was instantly greeted by Sid himself, giving each of them a silent hug for many moments. “Hello my dears... I'm almost afraid to ask how the meeting went?” “It went... as expected...” Miyu said softly. “No errors were made... I'm going to Venom for a year,” Leo said with limp ears. “Oh no... well... the General is really good at trying not to do things he doesn't intend to do...” Sid said cautiously. “True...” Krystal said. “Anyways, let's get seated and get some noms, okay?” Sid said, softly walking them down to the Star Fox table, his hands holding theirs softly as he held menus under his armpit, the motion making them all smile. Once they sat down he went off to get water and silverware and napkins for them to let them read the menus. “Okay, what're we all having?” he said in a semi-chipper mood, tablet and pencil in hands. “Just... biscuits and gravy...” they all said in a very depressed unison. “Aww... are you sure? That's a lot less then you all usually order...” Sid said in a sad and concerned tone. “Yeah... just the circumstances and everything...” Leo said, his ears still limp. Sid then got up and sat next to Leo and across from Miyu and Krystal, reaching out to hold their hands lovingly. “Now listen here to Uncle Sid,” he started off, the words already lifting the trio's spirits, making them truly feel like family members and not just customers. “I've been running this place for more than forty years, and in that time, I've seen many a couple in the military come in here and become separated during deployment for various reasons. You three are my first TRIO... EVER... and it always makes me so happy to see you all come in here and just say hi to me. It's like I was saying to you many months ago, Leo,” Sid said, turning to Leo and nudging his side... “...I dunno what the hell you're doing, but it is definitely something right to be with all these girls!” The words made them all chuckle happily, a feeling they hadn't felt since before the text messages were sent out. “So seriously, my advice to all of you.... is this...” he continued... “... just think... POSITIVELY... and look forward to the future... and being together THEN... because all good things come to those who wait... okay?” he said, looking at them all, smiles reappearing on their faces listening to Sid's optimism. “He's right,” Miyu said. “Yes he is,” Krystal said. “Definitely,” Leo replied. “When do you head out Leo?” Sid asked. “One week from today,” he replied. “Okay.... my best advice to you three... is think happy thoughts, be together, and make plans for things to do after Leo comes back... think you can all do that for me?” Sid said, his voice choking up a bit as tears came to his eyes as he continued to smile. “We promise, Uncle Sid,” they all said together with a smile. Sid smiled and nodded adamantly, getting off the chair to stand again, raising his order tablet again. “Soooo.... JUUUUUST biscuits and gravy....? You KNOW I don't charge for leftovers...” he said with a wink. It was SO HARD to NOT like Sid. “Chicken fried steak breakfast!” they all said in chipper unison. He then hopped up and down and clapped happily before giving two thumbs up. “That's the ticket!” He then waddled off happily to the kitchen to put in their orders. Leo then hopped over the table to sit between Miyu and Krystal, wrapping his arms around them and holding them close, not wanting to let them go ever, hoping that the next week went by painstakingly slow. It was then that they noticed Fox and Fara come in, Miyu waving them over to join them at the table. “Hey there, guys,” Fara said happily, sitting in to let Fox sit right next to her. “Hi other vixy,” Leo said softly with a bit of a smile. “How're you feeling, Leo?” Fox asked. “Mm... a bit better, I guess, but still...” Leo said with a sigh, but at least his ears were standing as he held onto his lovely ladies. “I totally understand that,” Fox said. “This is definitely not any usual mission, for sure.” “Do you guys know anything about this... Dash, was it?” Leo asked. “Yeah, he flew with us on Titania a couple years back during the campaign there,” Fox started. “Pretty smart kid. Really fancies Falco and I.” “Oh?” Miyu asked. “I've only heard of him. Never met or spoken with him.” “Yeah, he is a big admirer of Star Fox,” Fox replied. “He told me personally that he doesn't hold a grudge against me for Andross' death. Falco just thinks he is some dumb kid that should stay at home and play with his toys all day.” “I see,” Krystal said. “Does anyone think Dash's words are sincere and genuine?” “I really don't think we have anything to worry about,” Fox continued. “He really is very loyal to Corneria.” “What has your father said about this Fara?” Miyu asked curiously. “He hasn't said anything about this to me, sadly, so I'm as lost in the dark as everyone else,” Fara said. “But even if he did, I'd likely be unable to say anything about it on grounds of security and confidentiality.” “Good point,” Leo said. “I'm glad to know he is decent as far as we know and he at least appreciates people I associate with here, but... ugh...” “I honestly wouldn't worry about it, especially since he's a fan of mine,” Fox said. “And if he requested your services specifically, which it sounds like he did, once he knows you are with me, you should have no issues.” “Well, Leo's face was plastered all over Lylat from the results of the Grand Prix,” Krystal added. “That was a Lylat-wide event where he was seen with us all, so odds are high he knows of him already.” “Exactly,” Fox said. “As far as the other firm from Fortuna, I'm not sure who that could be.” “The only firm I worked with as a surveyor was brief right after I got out of university and I have no idea if it is either that one or another,” Miyu said. “And even so, it's likely to have different people working there now. Contractors change locations and business associations like people change socks.” “That's the truth,” Leo said. “Oh well... I guess only time will tell...” Fox reached for Fara's hand to hold lovingly between them as they sat together, thankful they were together again, even though they were also quietly reminiscing about the time they were apart for the first time after they were together. Knowing this lifestyle was difficult for military patrons and even they themselves as mercenaries for hire, they were all hoping for the best for Leo at that moment as he sat and looked on his phone at the news, taking long glances at Emperor Dash Bowman's face, his mind lost in thought if he was being sent to a loyal ally or a traitorous murderer...
Now begins a big chapter in Leo, Miyu and Krystal's lives where their very will and emotions will be tested to the most extreme. How do you persevere when your life is going so well only to be turned upside down in an instant?
If you like my writing, please fave, watch and comment and watch out weekly for new chapters~!
These stories have been largely influenced by my lifelong love for the Star Fox video game released in March 1993 as well as the Nintendo Power comic released in the February to December 1993 issues of the magazine as well as the development of the fan comic Star Fox: Alternative Training Methods by ladydino on FurAffinity. You can read her fan comic here: