So uh was the plushie one of the guys or was it like a completely separate alive entity? Did the plushie or I guess the guy realized they were a plushie?
So uh was the plushie one of the guys or was it like a completely separate alive entity? Did the plu
Yeah, pg9 he says he realizes it's himself in the visions he's having. The realization causes a panic attack, then he progressively calms his panic attack over the next few pages by making observations about the world around him.
This has the side effect of forcing his mind to gain more awareness until his mind is no longer clouded. Having a clear mind lets him see what's really around him and makes his thoughts no longer censored. This also causes a physical change to his eyes on the plus body to reflect his new awareness.
This page flashes back to the very first time he and his companions visit The Eye (the bar) and lets him finally remember his own name - Tobias, or Tobi for short.
Yeah, pg9 he says he realizes it's himself in the visions he's having. The realization causes a pani
Ah, ok thanks for the clarification. This last page is what threw me off, thought somehow both things were happening at the same time and not just a memory. Is it safe to assume we'll get more? Cause I got a shit ton of questions raging from who did that to what about the other 2 and finally to were all those plushies also alive?
Ah, ok thanks for the clarification. This last page is what threw me off, thought somehow both thing