Lo se, los retos eran dibujar ocs no personajes antiguos de la tv. Pero tenia un bloqueo desde a prinipos de año de como dibujar a estos tres personajes que me pidio hypercat-z en Furaffinity. Muchos lo conoceran por sus dibujos de bondage. No soy muy fanatico de ese fetiche de pero eh visto que la gente que dibuja eso son muy buenas personas y muy buenos amigos (quizas lo dibuje, pero unicamente en art trades)
Estos tres personajes son: Son Kitrina de Heman, Psudo za de Bonk's Adventure y Fairy Hare de Monster Rangers. Ni yo sabia que exixtian y eso que son de franquicias que me encantan. Aparte de dibujar personajes que ni yo sabia que existian, tambien me gusta cambierles la ropa como si fueran muñecas, es divertido. Saludos y participen en estos retos a voluntad propia. Porfavor.
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I know, the challenges were to draw OCs, not old TV characters. But I had a block since the beginning of the year on how to draw these three characters that hypercat-z asked me on Furaffinity. Many will know him from his bondage drawings. I'm not a big fan of that fetish, but I've seen that the people who draw that are very good people and very good friends (maybe I draw it, but only in art trades).
These three characters are: Son Kitrina from Heman, Psudo za from Bonk's Adventure and Fairy Hare from Monster Rangers. I didn't even know they existed and they are from franchises that I love. Apart from drawing characters that I didn't even know existed, I also like to change their clothes as if they were dolls, it's fun. Greetings and participate in these challenges at your own will. Please.