It was another cheerful day at Dino Digs Daycare, the two iguanodon brothers Noel and Parkson were busy working together on building a large block tower. Although the two were born a year apart, they looked almost identical to each other, to they point where they were often mistaken for twins! Although they looked similar on the outside, they were different on the inside.
Noel was the older of the two, and smarter as well, at four years old, he was the one wearing a pair of shortalls over a red T-Shirt, he'd also recently been Potty Trained, and thus no longer needed diapers for the day, although he did wear pull-ups to sleep.
Parkson on the other hand, was a little slower at this whole 'Pottying' thing, and despite being only a year younger, was still in diapers full time, he didn't mind so much however, as he was the more creative and artistic of the two, and took full pride in that. In fact, he was the one who designed the block tower in the first place, and now, was nearing its completion!
"I jus' need that red triangle and it will be don'!" Parkson said.
"Alrighty" replied his brother as he place the red, triangular block at the top of the block tower, it took them a while but it was finally finished!
"Yay! It's done!" Parkson called out, clapping his hands.
"Woah, it is pretty tall, almost as tall as me!" Noel stated, admiring the tower. Before turning back to his little brother "So wha-"
Before he could finish, a large green tail swung and knocked down the large block tower, the two watched in shock as it collapsed to the ground in pieces. Parkson stared at the pieces on the ground, with an expression of shock, all that time spent on building the tower, and it was all gone... just like that, in a single swipe... it wasn't long before saddness took over and he began crying at the destroyed tower.
"Hey!" Noel yelled out, as he turned towards whomever knocked down their tower, "that wasn't-" before he could finish however, he very quickly realized that yelling out might have not been the best idea, considering who he was talking to, and stammered out his last words "very n-nice... of... y-you...?"
Right in front of him, was a Dinosaur, she was Huge. Massive. One of the most feared dinosaurs of all time, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and she was towering far over him, her red eyes, staring back with a devious toothy grin from her gigantic jaws lined with sharp, dagger-like teeth, as if she knew full well that he was terrified of her. She wore a gold painted plastic tiara which looked tiny, perched atop her humongous head, she also wore a large, frilly, and pink princess dress, with white silky gloves covering her sharp claws, and underneath all that, she wore a massive pink and white diaper, it was the biggest one he had ever seen! So big in fact, that he doubted if he would even fit in them!
"Gweetings, My's name is Princess Bwittany, and I wan' to make my own'd beautifeewl princesses castle! So I will be needings these blocks." The T-Rex Addressed herself in a rather pompus and uppity way, or at least the best she could, as she didn't seem very good with words.
"W-what was that for!?" Noel called out, trying his best to sound brave. "W-we worked really h-hard on that tower!"
"Yeah? so whats? I wannated build my owned castle too!! but you hads all the best pieces!" Brittany replied.
"B-but... there's a lot more pieces you can have back in the box! we barely took out half of them! Y-you could've just said please!" Noel stammered out.
"Uh dun cared!! All pieces are mine! I need all for my castle! mines is betterer than yours'd anywayed!!" She retorted.
Noel gulped and spoke once more. A little more careful with his words in fear that the Rex might genuinely hurt her.
"W-we can share... all three of us can play, and build the biggest castle together! I think that's a good idea, don't you think so?" he finally said...
There was a short moment of silence before the T-Rex spoke once more.
"NO!!" She roared in a booming voice, which caused Noel to fall back in fear and for his little brother to nearly jump out of his diaper!
"NO! it'sa MINE! IT ALL MINE! You see my crown? It means I'M in Charged! It means I'm princess of my castle!" she yelled out, throwing a giant tantrum in the process.
Parkson, having had enough, tugged on his older brother's shortalls and finally squeaked out.
"Lets jus' leave, I dun wanna play with a big bully anyways!"
Noel sighed, Parkson was right, she wasn't really worth the trouble, besides, there were lots of other games to play, and getting into a fight with such a big bully won't end well. They soon headed off as the spoiled T-Rex started working on her own castle hoarding all the blocks in the daycare, as the two searched to find other toys to play with. Noel looked back, fearing that they haven't seen the last of this big bully for the day.
Notes: The iguanodon twins names have been changed to fit their redesigns
multiple characters
multiple species
tyrannosaurus rex
dino daycare
brittany rex
spoiled brat
7 months, 3 weeks ago
23 Jul 2024 13:09 CEST
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