Session Three
After a night’s rest, the group of unlikely allies found themselves changed for their experiences, inside and out. With new skills and equipment, the task before them seemed downright possible. A meeting with the tall and fiery-haired Foreman Jade explained their mission in more detail: They must find what has been disappearing the town’s miners, seal away whatever area it’s come from, and most direly, never reveal what they see at the bottom of the mine.
Their confidence turned to caution as they felt eyes on them just a few rooms into the cave. Foreman Jade bade a hasty farewell, and they soldiered on. With a bit of caution, they spotted the source of the trouble: Grimlocks. Being a gnome and more familiar with denizens of the Underdark, Jollywick explained that they were eyeless, ogreish brutes who feasted on intelligent creatures and made tools out of their bones. A plan of action was almost hatched, but for a pair of grimlocks that appeared out of the rock and ambush the group, alerting the others!
Noting their eyeless enemies, Nivalis used Prestidigitation to render their opponents nose-blind, Prescot set them ablaze, and Tai Min busied them, dodging their attacks so that Wretch and Bites could finish them off in a one-two bludgeoning combo attack. In stark contrast to the group’s desperate struggle against the Blindheims the day previous, they handily trounced the grimlocks. It was in the next chamber that they noticed a clay pit where an unlikely variety of gemstones were emerging from the ground and cave walls around them. They were nearly ambushed again if not for Bites’ keen eyes, and once more the adventurers walloped the sightless man-eaters, this time with even more brutality than before. Fire and ice, club and hammer, flesh and blood.
The mystery of the sheer variety of gems was answered when they traveled deeper downward: Before them, 100 stories down, sat a giant turtle with a shell made of obsidian. It drank from a pool of magma in which it roosted, taking the liquid rock into its body and expelling gemstones from it into the cave walls. This impossibly ancient creature which nobody could explain was the secret the villagers were so eager be kept.
But more importantly, it was here that they found at last a crevice; looking inside revealed a passage into the Underdark, and dozens if not hundreds of grimlocks crawling around inside. Filled with urgency, Jollywick and Nivalis detonated the opening, blasting the rock downward and leaving it a shut-tight pile of rubble. They had succeeded– the grimlocks would trouble the miners no longer.
8 months ago
13 Jul 2024 16:25 CEST
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