Within three months time there were three weddings in the Kingdom of Caring: one for Loyal Heart and Defiant who wanted to get it out of the way quickly, the second for Love Heart and Confidence once Confidence had finished her dress to fit her current belly size, and the last for Birthday and Gift who made it the largest celebration among them.
The news of the Meridiana Care Bear Baby boom caused a few ripples in the Kingdom of Caring. Most of the Care Bears decided they weren’t ready to be parents yet and suddenly birth control became a huge fact of their lives. Some would eventually decide to have children when they were ready.
Setting up the Portal between Meridiana and the Kingdom of Caring was done much more quickly than the one to Readington both because Bright Heart already knew how to make it working but all the lost Care Bears on Earth made the process work much faster. Most of the Care Bears in Meridiana moved to the Kingdom of Caring save those who had things they didn’t want to leave behind and all received their tummy symbols. Merdiana was able to receive some much-needed aid now that the genetic freaks were gone and with them the local underworld had been severely crippled. Both human and Care Bear children were able to benefit from Care-a-Lot Escalator’s better education system. Principal No-Heart was only too delighted to lay down the law for the more unruly children from Meridiana.
Flash Heart and Oopsy/Dizzy moved to the Forest of Feelings and now spend most of their time in their “Bearwolf” forms, to the point that they now refer to themselves as Flash Heart Bearwolf and Dizzy Bearwolf. Their children inherited their shapechanging abilities and when on caring missions they help teach children that being “different” doesn’t mean being “wrong”, especially when helping stand up to bullies.
Tarot Heart continues to live with Lucas in Merdiana. Both were offered a place to live in the Kingdom of Caring but declined. Tarot might move there when he grows up but for now he’s happy to live with his adopted father.
Soul Heart’s remains, including her trench coat and glasses as CB6, were buried by the Panda’s home with a headstone that told everything.
After he and his twin sister gave birth, Perfect was able to receive his transition through a combination of magic and medicine to make it more stable and help him become physically who he was inside. Perfect still likes men and he and Polite end up sharing almost everything, including their taste in men; both have been coming on to Good Luck Bear even as they spend time helping raise the children they had with Marine Heart Otter. They admit they can’t recall which of their four children were birthed by whom so just act as collective parents to the four who are all considered siblings with three shared parents.
Confidence Heart gave birth to twins, a purple fennec fox girl with two tails and a red unicorn girl. She and Love Heart suspect this is because of all the magic in their parentage. They named fennec Miracle Heart Kitsune (or Mira for Short) and the unicorn Compassion Heart Unicorn (nicknamed Lily due to her love of that kind of flower). Confidence didn’t take long to get back on caring missions and Love Heart was only too willing to look after them, with both eventually sharing parenting duties and even introducing them to their grandparents.
Someday, Love Heart hopes to pass The Heart Book down to both of his daughters and that they can share them instead of one being a designated heir. Until then, Love Heart has also resumed his role as Independent Bear’s deputy in addition to caring missions and regularly lets the Heart Cards out to help everyone so they don’t feel trapped.