Character Sheet for Lucas
Character Description
Lucas is a friendly, slightly anxious vampire fruit bat. That means that Lucas gets his nutrition from fruits and vegetables, but while he can eat solid food most of his diet is liquid (think Bunnicula X3)
Lucas is short and a little awkward because his wings get in the way when he moves, but he's outgoing and likes making friends :3
Lucas is conflict averse and tends to freeze up in stressful situations. Despite that, he's outgoing and enjoys meeting new friends, and tends to make the first move during social situations to introduce himself.
Dandelions, games, meeting new friends, cuddling
Bugs, flying, conflict
Lucas is a short (<4 foot) anthro bat with wings that stretch from his arms to his stubby legs. He is brown with a light brown-yellow head and belly and has purple eyes. He has a short Mohawk that ends in a mess of hair at the front of his head.
Can be bare or wear accessories like hats or jackets (but mind the wings X3)