Mentor to denizens young and old, an inspiring leader in her own right, and practicer of many peculiar abilities are only a few of the many roles she embraces.
But today, she accepts the role of teacher.
You find yourself before Sera, front-row inside an ornate and vast sanctuary known there as "The Hall of Ways".
Crepuscular rays of sunlight refract through stained glass windows of giant proportions and dazzling colors, tracing her outline and bathing the audience in warm golden light.
The hour of teaching and learning has come.
Before commencing, Sera pleasantly reflects with a smile at the events that had elevated her to this role.
Following her immensely successful performance of the mystical Rain Ritual on the Day of Storms, her favor in the eyes of Master SenZ grew profoundly, and word of her renown and charm spread rapidly across the lands.
In response, SenZ appointed Sera as the newest Teacher of Legends, Ways and Visions. Such select few individuals are entrusted with three duties: to purvey Legends gleaned from other worlds far and wide, to guide the Ways of the present, and to plan a Vision for the future of their dimension.
And so for this week's ceremony, the Master aptly selects Sera to deliver an old legend — one particularly personal to him.
Today's legend will originate from the far-flung planet Terra, otherwise known as Earth. A story known there as The Legend of Babel.
Thousands had now gathered and finish seating themselves inside the warmly lit, cavernous hall to witness Sera's sermon about that legend from Earth — a story not known in the Dimension SenZ other than to the Master himself and Sera — making it all the more captivating.
With formal wear and a slightly upward gaze behind her tinted glasses, Sera raises her arms and begins the story.
The large audience listens quietly with engagement and fascination as she delivers the legend from the elevated stage.
It is a legend never before heard in their realm, and containing a lesson to learn for many.