This is Arsinoe Wanikami, Butch's dad, Sobek's uncle, and Suchos's younger brother. Arsinoe is a blue-collar krokodyle who loves watching football and working on vintage motorcycles.
Out of a random conversation, I decided to come up with a new kroko character. Decided to make him less chubbier than the other Wanikamis, with more of a muscular belly on him than usual. Arsinoe is the name of the center of worship for the ancient Egyptian crocodile god Sobek. It's also known by the name "Crocodilopolis". Knowing how my artwork typically tends to go with relatives of the Wanikami family, you'll probably be seeing more of him...and more of him, if you know what I mean. XD
...Gawd, I'm all kinds of messed up. >=3
12 years, 3 months ago
07 Dec 2012 02:41 CET
Initial: 68c8771f53f236fbec46eca36bd3a28e
Full Size: 5a62cf34edcb6ff088b36c8ade4bf947
Large: bad06733ad6f15a995a86139f51ce17a
Small: e1cab4e0fc2291cf6a5ada196ca9563a
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