Jack "Jalaquien" the Fire Dragon Hedgehog. Son of the Dragon King Leroy the Fire Dragon Hedgehog. Jack is a kind hearted sometimes he act a bit edgy when he's having a rough day. he acts like a normal person when he does his own thing for free time. but when it comes to battling, he take his fight serious moving aside his happy side into a pump up fighter. the name Jalaquien was giving from his Father Leroy which is the name of his father Jalaquien Fire Dragon.
Jack was a normal dragon hedgehog at first. until he possess a demon energy to save his little sister Lana. he doesn't want the demon power within him when he was bullied by there persons. his demon kick in as he begin violently kill them. he was scared when that happens. Jack will have to keep his demon energy inside him when he heard about the demon curse saying "if Jack or anyone remove his demon from him, the curse will activate" when that happens, his eyes will turn back with cracks on the side and a purple flame will appear on his chest as a timer. when the flame goes out, then Jack will die. though Jack isn't afraid of death when he been through a lot of death matches. Jack is really getting the hang of his new found Demon power. though a few enemies see how stronger Jack Demon power getting and they want to have it for themselves especially the few demon who targeted him.
a lot of people called him by his name Jack but some call him by his other name Jalaquien. including "Red" "Jacky" Jacky Boy" "Fire Boy" even "Fire Dragon" some of them are nicknames from others.
Jack learn a few skill and abilities from allies and enemies even from his mentors. but his most favorite skill is Dragon Punch and Dragon Kick .a.k.a. Dragon Smashes. he can even summoned his dragon weapons like "Dragon Blade(s)" "Dragon Blasters (Guns)" "Dragon Bluster (Big Sword like Asta's)" "Dragon Fangs (Daggers)" "Dragon Scythe" you name it.
Jack wants to get stronger and stronger to catch up to his rivalry older cousin Dragon Child the Devil Saiyan son of Asura. Jack only has one goal in his mind his father told him on the day when he was born and he don't want anyone to stop him from reaching that goal. to become the next Dragon King.
Jack's English Voice: Yuji Itadori or Ichigo Kurosaki (it depends)
Jack's Japanese Voice: Kyo Kusanagi
(sometimes i would voice act as him)
8 months ago
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