Plush, plushie plushie plush plush, soft plush can't harm, can only hug :v
The sentient variety that is, I gotta make that clear right off the bat, no inanimate >.>
The idea of this event is plushification, turn a character of your choice into a living plushie, can be a character from an established franchise, an OC of yours, or even yourself :v
There isn't much in the way of variants, I guess just keep in mind the plushies can be animal or human, or pokemon, other species, yaddah yaddah, I've added some examples in this folder.
Details not in that folder such as button eyes are fine too, just keep in mind these plushies aren't inanimate, inanimate transformation is a category I don't draw since I consider it a horror scenario, but you can commission it on Halloween, or maybe commission a pic now and have the sequel drawn in Halloween if you really want the inanimate aspect of it.
As you can also see in this picture you can also do a plushification swap, as in, in the character is holding a plushie and they basically swap bodies. Whether or not that results in them shrinking is up to you.
To Commission
To claim a slot message me on Discord on Saturday, June the 29th, at 22:00 CEST, it makes things easier to chat through the instructions and send references.
Price The price will be 65 USD per character, meaning a before and after picture would cost 130 USD, prices can increase if the characters have a very complex design. You can read more commission pricing instructions by going here.