Ninja Lucky! I play GURPS (Generic Universal Role Play System) which is basically DnD but nerdier, and I play as ninja Lucky! He's fast and he throws bolas and he can't do damage worth crap! :D
I feel terrible for admitting this, but I often mix GURPS and Rifts together. I know one has a set world setting the others more "open and free" and one has a WTF tier "how armor works" rules vs something a bit more scalable.
But yeah, gurps has some pretty wild mechanics to it. Some of the most insane game ideas I've seen played under GURPS and BESM.
I feel terrible for admitting this, but I often mix GURPS and Rifts together. I know one has a set w
My first time was back in 2003, so I dunno what edition it was. Munchkin was kinda fun. But ultimately lost its luster to me as it was "yet another card game."
My first time was back in 2003, so I dunno what edition it was. Munchkin was kinda fun. But ultimat