So this is an arachnarekos sling (basically a arachnarekos baby/child). These guys as babies are less venomous than the adults, and are about the size of a grapefruit upon emerging from their eggs. They are also flightless, as their wings have not yet grown to a level that can sustain their weight. they also molt like crazy, an adult molts every 3-6 months or so, the slings molt approximatley once every couple of weeks.
Slings also cannot produce intricate webs at this stage, they can only produce silk to deploy a parachute and fly away with the wind. which happens on masse from a nest where they fly all over the place in all different directions. An arachnarekos typically produces about 15-20 eggs at a time, but out of all of them due to their cannibalistic tendencies and predators that take advantage of their age, only about 3-5 or so of them make it out alive.
This one specifically is mei as a sling. They also lose their additional middle legs as they grow, their back legs become stronger and become able to support their weight. Their senses also become more sensitive as their "whiskers" and sensory hair grows out. Their wings of course grow with every molt and eventually they can start to fly. the ability to walk and ability to fly occur fairly close to each other and their ability to fly is an indication that they have become a post juvenile. In the wild at about the time arachnarekos are able to start flying, they will usually begin to start searching for a mate to begin the cycle anew.