Te presento a Maily! Una simpática chica que le encanta leer libros de magia y posiciones, Maily no pone en práctica lo que aprende de estos libros, solamente los lee por curiosidad. Su pasatiempo favorito es ir a bibliotecas en busca de libros extraños y hablar de los temas mencionados anteriormente, aunque Maily es consiente de que no a muchos les gusta lo mismo, por lo que solamente si le preguntas o haces mencion del tema, ella hablara y compartirá lo que sabe. Maily no me quería decir este dato, pero aquí esta este dato que me dio, su especie de Maily es felino híbrido, Maily no quiso hablar mas sobre el tema. La flor que lleva en su cabeza es un obsequio que le regaló su mejor amiga Gema y de la cual tiene un gran valor sentimental para Maily.
También puedes ver su forma salvaje, algo que la hace ver mas linda.
Dato extra: Maily mencionó que esta investigando algo relacionado al lunar (marca) que tiene en sus glúteos, ya que tiene curiosidad por su árbol genealógico, pues un familiar le menciono que se trata de algo importante, sobre todo porque ningun otra familia lo tiene.
Meet Maily! A nice girl who loves to read books on magic and positions, Maily does not put into practice what she learns from these books, she only reads them out of curiosity. His favorite pastime is going to libraries in search of strange books and talking about the topics mentioned above, although Maily is aware that not many people like the same thing, so only if you ask her or mention the topic, She will talk and share what she knows. Maily did not want to tell me this information, but here is this information that she gave me, her species of Maily is a hybrid feline, Maily did not want to talk more about the subject. The flower she wears on her head is a gift that her best friend Gema gave her and which has great sentimental value for Maily.
You can also see its wild shape, something that makes it look cuter.
Extra fact: Maily mentioned that she is investigating something related to the mole (mark) that she has on her legs, Since he is curious about his family tree, a relative mentioned to him that it is something important, especially because no other family has it.