Character Sheet for Indigo
Character Description
Indigo, known to his friends as Indy, is a Delosian Bear who lives in the planet Boink much like the rest of his species. He leads a comfortable life as a model, mostly modeling underwear of all kinds. He doesn't make the most money but makes enough to have a fancy home and a very comfortable life. He shares his home with a Foozle named Leonce
In terms of personality, Indigo is very chill. He loves relaxing by the pool with a good drink, alone or with company, never gets into fights unless it's to protect his friends, avoids heated arguments and always tries to de-escalate situations instead of making them worse. He hates seeing people fight. When in social situations he's usually the life of the party, mostly because he's the one throwing the parties himself.
Indigo likes walking especially in nature, swimming, relaxing by the pool or the ocean with a good drink or good company, his room mate Leonce, throwing parties, hanging out with his friends from work or otherwise as he's a big social butterfly.
No known relatives or family.
Indigo has blue fur(hence his name) with patches of white around the muzzle and chest. He also has long white hair
His clothing varies a lot, mostly depending on the weather. In warm days he's mostly seen wearing shorts and a simple shirt
His accessories include a circlet with a bright yellow gem and arm bands