Tiler: hey bas!.
Bastion: hey sweetie what’s up?
Tiler: cool, everything is just fine over here, gets cold sometimes but, is not a bad place to live. What’s up with you bastion? I feel you uneasy.
Bastion: Naaathing I’m just, tired, being you, well, taking your place is not an easy task, you left quite a mess and I’m tired.. that’s all.
Tiler: *looks down and gulps* I’m sorry, I was scared, and hurt, and... I still am.
Bastion: is not really a problem I can’t fix, I just need a break, to relax and cool down some feelings.
Tiler: i…didn’t created you to suffer,… I created you to help me hang on and at the end, I made you be my beast of burden and I’m deeply sorry about that…
Tiler:Say… what do you say I take the role back, for a while so you can relax and rest… get some R&R and come back better than ever.
Just.. let me drive for a while.take some rest. I promise everything will be okay, I’m what I am after all, and you are fragile, and need help to keep going.
12 years, 2 months ago
04 Dec 2012 05:03 CET
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