N: *Yoshi and Chikorita just finish the next world and are now entering the desert level*
Chikorita: So this is the desert level
L: "Not quite as hot as I expected, so at least we've got that going for us... Alright, let's get started on this."
N: Chikorita: I wonder what new challenge await us
L: Yoshi and Chikorita progress through the level together, until they come to a section with different-looking sand. "O-oh, that better not be what I think it is..."
N: Chikorita: Quicksand it seems, that's a new hazard
L: "A-alright, um... Let's try to just get through that quick, I'll doubt we'll be able to go around..."
N: Chikorita: Seems like it
*They try jumping their way across and keep jumping to stay above the quicksand, despite being escapable Yoshi is still scare from this*
L: Yoshi tries his best to stay as high up in the quicksand as possible, constantly hopping to keep from sinking even a little bit.
N: *Yoshi reach the other side of the quicksand*
L: He sighs in relief, then looks back at Chikorita. "Do you want some help getting the rest of the way? My tongue will probably work."
N: *Chikorita was at knee deep as he doesn't seem to make any more effect of jumping and escaping*
Chikorita: This quicksand, it feels softer then normal sand
L: "Well, glad you enjoy it, at least. I really don't like the idea of drowning in there..."
N: Chikorita: Maybe I can test it for you, I actually don't mind sinking in quicksand
L: "A-alright, um... You can tell me how it feels, I guess. I don't know how much it'll help me, though..." Yoshi sits down to watch.
N: Chikorita: I feel like I'm slowly being planted into the ground
L: "I suppose this does seem like the kind of thing a grass type Pokemon would be a fan of..."
N: Chikorita: Guess that's explains why I'm enjoy this feeling *Sinks to his waist*
L: "Sinking in that is faster than I expected... But I've never actually seen quicksand in person before, so I don't really know."
N: Chikorita: At least it wasn't like very fast one that swallow us in second
L: "Y-yeah, that would really freak me out... I bet you would still kinda like it, though."
N: Chikorita: I probably preferred a slow sink then a quick one, this one gives me time to enjoy the feeling *Sinks to his belly*
L: Yoshi seems to be getting a bit less nervous. "You... Do look like you're having a good time..."
N: Chikorita: I do, it's quite relaxing to be buried in all that soft sand
L: "Still not sure I'd be up for sinking entirely under, but... Maybe just up to my neck."
N: Chikorita: I wonder if we can blow bubbles under the quicksand *Sinks to his chest*
L: "I've heard that a lot of it is water, so it would make sense if it was possible."
N: Chikorita: I bet you'll enjoy watching me bubble under there, heard you like bubbles so much
L: Yoshi blushes and finally smiles. "I do really like bubbles... So, if you're planning on going fully under, I'd really like to see that."
N: Chikorita: Hehe, glad you understand why quicksand isn't so bad. Looks like I'm getting closer to submerge now *Sinks to his neck*
L: "Yeah, I'm starting to feel like just sinking is alright... But I'm still worried about the drowning part..."
N: Chikorita: I can give that a test too, I got plenty of lives to spare *Tilt his head*
L: "If you wouldn't mind, yeah, do... That, then tell me how it felt once you respawn."
N: Chikorita: Hope you enjoy the show *He slowly sinks under as his leaf poke out of the sand while his breath meter shows*
L: Yoshi watches Chikorita's leaf sink under, smiling again as he sees bubbles start to come up.
N: *Chikorita hums as he enjoying his time under the quicksand and continue blowing bubbles*
L: Every now and then, Yoshi glances at Chikorita's breath meter before going back to watching the bubbles.
N: *Chikorita feeling the strain as he continue sinking and bubbling*
L: Yoshi can see Chikorita doesn't have a whole lot of breath left at this point, and he wonders just how many bubbles they're going to let out once they start drowning.
N: *Chikorita holds it in as much as he can as his breath meter nearly drained*
L: Yoshi keeps on waiting for Chikorita's breath meter to run entirely out, trying to imagine what they might be doing down in the quicksand.
N: *Chikorita starting to lose health as he starts drowning blissfully as he cough out some bubbles*
L: Now certain that Chikorita is drowning, Yoshi feels a little bad for not doing anything, but he knows they almost certainly wouldn't want him to.
N: *Chikorita smile as he felt the soft sand filling up his lungs*
L: Yoshi waits some more, now wondering whether the drowning taking a long time would make it better or worse.
N: *Chikorita health nearly drained as his lungs is fully filled with soft sand*
L: Yoshi thinks to himself, "Shouldn't be much longer now... Hm... If he didn't like this, he would've surfaced by now..."
N: *Chikorita release one big bubble before he fully drowned under the quicksand*
L: Yoshi blushes as he sees the bubble, both loving the size of it and knowing that Chikorita just finished drowning.
N: *Chikorita respawn next to Yoshi*
Chikorita: Mmm, that felt good
L: "It looked good too, even from here... Especially that huge bubble at the end...~"
N: Chikorita: Hehe, glad you like it, care to give it a try. You look ready
L: "Yeah, I... I think I am." After a bit of hesitation, Yoshi steps into the quicksand, walking a bit of distance from the edge before stopping, making no attempt to keep himself from sinking.
N: Chikorita: How does it feel?
L: "It does feel kind of nice... Never really noticed until now, I was too scared before."
N: Chikorita: This isn't so bad now is it
L: "It's really not, yeah! I'm actually looking forward to going fully under!"
N: Chikorita: Looks like you got over that fear now
L: "I'm still, like... Slightly nervous about drowning... But you liked it, and I'm certainly agreeing with you so far, so I probably don't really have to worry."
N: Chikorita: Drowning isn't so bad when you get the feel to it, I bet you're wondering if your bubble is much bigger
L: "Yeah, I am...~ I'm bigger than you, it'd make sense if that last drowning bubble is bigger for me."
N: Chikorita: Getting deeper now
L: Yoshi happily runs his hands through the quicksand. "This is starting to feel even better!"
N: Chikorita: Quite relaxing does it
L: "It is! This probably isn't gonna end up being the only time I just let myself sink like this!"
N: Chikorita: Yeah, it feels so good to be in something so comfy
L: "Ha, maybe I've got a bit of grass type in me and that's why I like this so much?"
N: Chikorita: Glad you enjoying this just as much as I do
L: "I just hope actually drowning is gonna feel just as good..."
N: Chikorita: It will be, getting closer now
L: "Guess I'm gonna be finding out for sure pretty soon..."
N: Chikorita: Yes, you’re now reaching neck deep
L: Yoshi starts tilting his head back, more to still be able to talk than to keep breathing. "A-alright, almost there..."
N: Chikorita: You're looking more eager then nervous now
L: "Definitely still a little nervous, but yeah, I think I'm actually starting to look forward to this a little!"
N: Chikorita: Let me know how it feels
L: "Hope it's gonna feel as good for me as it did for you..." Yoshi starts taking some deep breaths to get ready.
N: Chikorita: Those bubble will be so worth it
L: "So glad we finally found something that'll let us make those~"
N: Chikorita: Indeed
L: "Alright, guess it's pretty much time to go under... See you when we respawn."
N: Chikorita: Good luck
L: After a few last gasps, Yoshi holds his breath as he sinks fully under the quicksand.
N: *Chikorita watch the breath meter that appear*
L: Yoshi smiles at the feeling of the quicksand all around him, enjoying himself even more than he'd been on the surface.
N: *Chikorita start seeing some bubbles*
L: Yoshi is happily blowing bubbles, fully willing to let himself drown once that ends up happening.
N: Chikorita: He seems to be bubbling calmly so far
L: Indeed, Yoshi is nearly perfectly calm now, and while there's still a slight worry about how drowning will feel, he's relaxed for now, enjoying the sand massaging his body.
N: *Chikorita keeps watching the bubble and air meter*
L: All the bubbling makes Yoshi's breath meter go down a bit faster than it normally would, but he doesn't seem to mind.
N: Chikorita: Blowing more bubbles without a care
L: Even as he's beginning to feel a need to breathe, Yoshi just blows more bubbles, still not really caring.
N: Chikorita: Air meter nearly drained now
L: As much as he's still enjoying himself, Yoshi instinctively struggles, but the slight worry of how drowning will feel isn't enough to convince him to surface.
N: Chikorita: Yoshi going to start drowning soon
L: Yoshi's constant stream of bubbles starts to falter, and when his breath meter finally completely empties, he heavily gasps, flooding his lungs with quicksand. It does hurt quite a bit, and he grabs his neck as he drowns, but it's not as bad as he'd been expecting...
N: *Chikorita watch his health meter start draining*
L: As Yoshi drowns, the bubbles slow and stop... And a smile forms on his face as drowning begins to actually feel GOOD! He still chokes, but he doesn't struggle quite as much, and he now willingly fills his lungs with as much sand as he can between coughs.
N: Chikorita: By the looks of it he is enjoying it just as much as I do
L: Perhaps even moreso, as Yoshi manages to gasp in sand and hold it for a few seconds before coughing it back out again. As much as he wishes this could keep going, he can still feel himself weakening.
N: Chikorita: It's almost time for the big one
L: Soon, Yoshi's health runs out, and just like with Chikorita, a pretty big bubble floats from Yoshi's mouth, a little bigger than what had come out for Chikorita. Yoshi weakly smiles at the bubble, then closes his eyes...
N: *Chikorita sees the big bubble*
Chikorita: Whoa, that's bigger then mine
L: A couple seconds later, Yoshi respawns next to Chikorita. "W-wow, you were right! Everything about that felt great!"
N: *Yoshi saw the big bubble just in time before it pops*
Chikorita: Indeed, it was relaxing
L: "Hey, I was right! My last bubble was bigger than yours! But yeah, really relaxing!"
N: Chikorita: This is so much fun, looking forward for more adventure await us
L: "I really doubt anything's gonna top sinking in quicksand, but you never know!"
N: *They continue their adventure*