Thought I'd revisit and revampe my old Saiyan character. Got on a bit of a dbz kick after diging up some of my old vhs tapes of it. ^^ And because I'm feeling nerdy I'm doing a codex entry on this guy's group of Saiyans.
Saiyans are a humanoid species of unknown origin. Their claimed home world of Vegeta, previously named Plant, was not their world of origin. Said world remains unknown. Saiyans are typically a warrior people and genetically inclined to conflict and violence and to that end even retain their youthful state for a longer portion of their lives compared to humans. This pension for conflict had lead their species to become mercs conquering worlds for other races in exchange for profits. Not all Saiyans however agreed with this and believed their skill for combat should be used more wisely and that their minds should be developed as keenly as their bodies. Because of these ideological differences this group broke away from main line Saiyans several centuries ago. This action proved wise as their war like kin were all but wiped out with only a handful of survivors counting hybrids.
The Breakaway group eventually came to call itself the SaiyanLex or Wise Saiyan. Since breaking off they have made strides in science and technology as well as working a bit on their own genetic code. SaiyanLex for example have life spans averaging at 150 years compared to the the 80 or 100 of their savage kin. Though their genetic research they've also been able to increase the strength of their population. The average citizen can at least reach the first Super Saiyan state. Since the destruction of their kin and subsequent discovery of the few survivors on Earth they have opened up discrete relations with the world. Since examining some of Earth's hybrid Saiyans and looking at human DNA the SaiyanLex have come up with a tenious theory that Saiyans are branch of humanity. A close cousin species. But also to why it was roaming the stars long before Earth had any technology of the sort is unknown.
Hinshu is a young Saiyan of about 12 years old and today saw the lad taking a walk down a dirt path in the woods near his home. It was a warm day so he saw little reason for anything more than shoes. Hinshu was enjoying his stroll with his mind wondering to the plans ahead. His dad said that they may be moving to Earth in a few weeks and Hinshu was fascinated by this. He'd been to Earth several times and quite liked it. There were so many people and so different and it was teaming with life. Their own world while nice was more arid than Earth. It had fewer forest. Hinshu idly wondered if he'd have to prove himself on Earth too. He'd been teased and mocked about his diapers and his peers thought him weak and dumb because of it. Hinshu explained his medical condition and promptly challenged the lead bully to a fight and soundly beat the larger boy. Of course Hinshu remembered that most humans weren't nearly as strong as them so he'd have to hold back a lot if it came down to that. Still he looked forward to the experience. The exploring and making new friends.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
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