My name doesn't matter, but you can call me Midnight, a 4-meter or 12 ft werewolf.
I have super agility, strength, and endurance.
Serious, not very talkative, somewhat grumpy and not very sociable.
i no use t-shirt or no shoes, only long pants.
another werewolf wounded me and that's why I became a werewolf.
I can control my transformation and transform whenever I want, not only on a full moon night but also during the day.
It is a gift but also a curse because when I transform I have a great appetite, that I can control my digestion, so if you enter my stomach it will not be a death sentence for you, if you stay my hunger disappears and will not return until I take you out if I digest you my hunger will also disappear but will return, so I use my stomach for various things, I only digest bad people.
In addition to this ability to control my digestion, I can also modify my size, although my clothes do not grow with me
10 months, 2 weeks ago
10 May 2024 21:34 CEST
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