Perhaps having very little staff members of 3 moderators isn’t good for rule 34 paheal eh? (Also who even still uses rule 34 paheal other than 4chan incels or twitter/deviantart/youtube moralists using it as a weapon. That place is the bottom of the barrel of porn sites compared to rule 34 xxx and e621)
Wait, Paheal still exists? Man, how awful must that be? The XXX version is sketchy as fuck (but contains great things I need) but could there be something worse? The mind reels.
Wait, Paheal still exists? Man, how awful must that be? The XXX version is sketchy as fuck (but cont
Oh my god, this is why I don’t like my works fucking reuploaded to any rule34 website.
Once it’s on one r34 site, it’s often reuploaded to others like r34 us, etc. and you’ll need to share some personal information, etc to completely take it down if it’s even possible.
Oh my god, this is why I don’t like my works fucking reuploaded to any rule34 website. Once it’s on
I use Inkbunny to upload my artworks, since it has a feature to block guests which means my posts won’t be search indexed on google. I don’t want my works on any site that google search indexes my stuff. (Like rule34)
Many artists who don’t want their posts search indexed may not want to be associated with rule 34
I use Inkbunny to upload my artworks, since it has a feature to block guests which means my posts wo
Honestly screw rule Made by some anonymous idiots copying rule 34 xxx but being much shitter and idk who the fuck even uses that version and it’s almost impossible to get your art taken down on there unlike xxx
Honestly screw rule Made by some anonymous idiots copying rule 34 xxx but being much shitter a
In the original rule34, it is easier to take art down but not permanently (if it is reposted on more sites including r34us). You don’t need to send much info on the og. I got my art taken down there. For the us copy, you need to send your phone number, address, and more to get your art take down, or maybe it won’t get taken down… so infuriating. Two artworks of mine still remain on the r34us, tho taken down on the og site.
Rule34us is indeed worse, fuck R34us. In the original rule34, it is easier to take art down but not