Inerro (Read E-NEAR-ROW) pulled the glistening string of his bow as it lit up in the morning sun. Arrow in hand, and bow pulled taut, Inerro let the projectile fly. It whistled through the steamy fog of the forest and impacted with a *THUD* The target dummy's forehead was now adorned with an arrow, the protruding feather being the only evidence left. Inerro dropped his arms in satisfaction. Walking over to the crude target and retrieving the practice arrow, Inerro realized how beautiful the forest was. The forest grew out as a hand, reaching to the farthest stretches of the continent. The size was immense, and Inerro could almost feel the forest growing beside him. Animals scurried in and out of overgrown branches while fleeing from some unknown terrors. Flowers wore the early-morning dew with pride, and a small family of (deer? maybe weird animals for this one) strolled by without a care. Inerro took in the morning air, pondering the day's plan. He had been travelling a long week and the trip had taken its toll. He gazed down at his equipment to finish his inspection. Everything had passed, even the unruly sword he now possessed. Inerro glared at the shining blade with dislike, but was quickly nudged from behind. Fearing the worst, he drew his blade as he stumbled.Inerro spun on his heels only to be met with the friendly face of his trusty horse, Ira."μπάσταρδος!" Inerro said angrily, still sour from the surprise. Ira neighed with the slightest sense of micheif as the sun began to take on the sky. "Μπορούμε καλύτερα να κινείται." Inerro said hurriedly as he mounted the stead. He gazed down at the package he had lovingly carried the entire trip. Wrapped in a thick cloth, the corpse of Solus, Inerro's beloved soul mate. "Είμαστε σχεδόν εκεί, αγάπη μου." Inerro said under his breath. He directed his horse towards the horizon, and moved ever closer to the Foribidden Land.
To be continued