Art by Brygaht on FurAffinity
Gift from Anonymous, with the story also written by them with some additions by myself
"GAAAH...!" Flint cried out as his programed disguise shattered off, revealing his true identity beneath as the heterochromia fennec fox of Rogues' Gallery, one of their cyber ninjas that Narche was hunting down in this virtual space. Flint's eyes beamed in shock at the blade protruding out of his chest as he lifted his hands to see his virtual flesh to start derezzing around his wireframe model, his hands, legs and tail slowly breaking apart towards his central wound as he was being forced out of cyberspace. Knowing there was not much time to catch the other off guard like this one, Narche violently pushed her blade a little bit further into Flint, causing his body to jerk and the derezzing to accelerate. She then swiftly put a foot on his back, kicking him off the blade as she pulled it out of his body before walking away towards her next targets, leaving Flint to his demise. Falling hard to the ground, Flint knew he didn't have much time, his body was now mostly wireframe besides his head and parts of his torso but the wireframe was also now starting to fade into the cyber abyss as he also could feel his consciousness fading away too, as he was disconnecting. "I... to... wa..rn... them..... Io... Ion..... Zep...phyr.........." Flint muttered to no avail as he stretched his fading wireframe arm in the direction where Ion and Zephyr went, the direction Narche headed off to. But his derezzing fully encompassed him as the last bits of his virtual flesh shattered off as his wireframe model faded into virtual dust in the wind, he was fully disconnected from the virtual world with no hope of re-entering for quite a bit of time, leaving his friends to face the threat in the mean time without him.
Back at a central control point in the waking world, far away from where the bodies of Rogues' Gallery were plugged into their virtual mission, Matias the technical wiz of the Gallery was keeping an eye on the status of the members on the mission and providing aid where he could, hacking in various items or identifying enemy positions as needed as he was doping for one such member when out of the corner of his eye on an adjacent monitor caught a disturbance. Looking over he could see the status cards of Ion, Zephyr and Flint with Flint's colour changed to show he was in combat but his HP bar suddenly hit 0 before turning red and breaking away a few moments latter. "Meeka, I got to go for a second, have your group shelter in place and keep on guard until I get back" Matias said over his comms as he moved the group of cards for Meeka, Kyara and Lorelei over to the side screen and pulling over the group of cards for Ion, Flint and Zephyr though again Flint's was now missing. Matias then clicked on Ion's card and a comms link opened up between the two, "Ion, I think Flint may have been killed..." "Wait! What?" Ion answered back, "sorry, I was busy with Meeka's group before I noticed he had entered combat, but his HP instantly went to 0 I will try to reach out to his terminal as soon as he wakes up and comes online to see what happened but for now you and Zephyr shelter in place and keep up your guard" Matias explained. "Ok, but you have to pass the message over to Zephyr" Ion answered back, "What? Why?" Matias asked, "We had to separate a little while back, comms were not going through to you to give a heads up as you might of been busy with Meeka, Kyara and Lorelei at the time, but he is own his own" Ion exclaimed. "Ok just give me a second and..." Matias started saying before he witnessed Zephyr's card turn red and break away a moment latter, his HP also down to 0, "um Ion... looks like Zephyr was also killed....."
fennec fox
virtual reality
11 months, 1 week ago
20 Apr 2024 16:57 CEST
Initial: 0ecee17a8b444515983fc173cad0756e
Full Size: 1faf3b64afd581880ecaead8779a7146
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