Confident in his breath holding ability, this whale challenges himself one day to swim all the way under the largest arctic ice sheet. With the biggest breath he can fit in him, he dives under to start swimming. The ice keeps on going and going... Eventually, he's been holding his breath over an hour, and the ice isn't letting up. He'd been so confident in himself that he didn't have any kind of plan for if he needed air partway through! Inevitably, his lungs give out and pull in the icy water, starting to drown the whale as he frantically searches for an opening in the ice.
10 minutes later, his face more blue than normal, the whale calms down as he starts feeling dizzy and sleepy. Not too long after, he's too weak to swim any more, his waterlogged body floating not far below the ice as he takes slow breaths of water, feeling his heart slowing down...